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Everything posted by rwilem

  1. Sure sounded fake to my ears, manufactured tears. Maybe she had some sliced-up onions nearby to juice the eyes? Rita at Sky News does a bang-up job with her 'Lefties Losing It' segments!
  2. You hit the red 'X' to cancel your pending submission. OK, you say you submitted it day early? Then go ahead, hit the 'X', cancel, and immediately do another submission. Then wait it out, and monitor the result at the site. Good luck!
  3. Yep. And it doesn't really matter about reports saying what ALWAYS and NEVER happens, re these immigration issues. Interpretations and enforcement of rules and guidelines vary not just around the kingdom's immigration offices, they can even vary how they are handled within the same office.
  4. That's the issue. Since the introduction of online 90 day reporting the time from for submitting the report was restricted to the period from 15 days to 7 days prior to the due date. Then at some point, around two years ago or more maybe, they extended the time frame deadline till up to the due date itself. And then once again at some point within the last year or so, they reverted back to the '15-7' window. Even though some info still appears on the web and in posters in various places showing online can be submitted 'up till the due date'. Befuddling, yep. Best move, if you want to do it online, is to think of it as a '75 day report', i.e. submit it 15 days before the due date. Gives you time to 're-submit' and maybe catch an approval on a second try if you get rejected on the first one. Don't rely on email reminders, take charge of the time frames yourself. This is for CW in Bangkok.
  5. It was 'the earmarks of Russian information involvement', in the interest of accuracy.
  6. One of the best comments in any of these soapbox threads.
  7. No. He got one of the copies of the laptop in August 2020.
  8. No. John Paul Mac Isaac gave a copy of the hard drive to Robert Costello, an attorney who had Giuliani as a client, in August of 2020. That's how he acquired it.
  9. No. Actually one of them was interviewed yesterday. Playing word games he smugly insisted the '51 spies' only said the laptop story had 'the hallmarks of Russian disinformation'. That their statement didn't say the laptop story was false, and if people assumed so, that was their fault. Cute. But they knew what they were doing.
  10. From the normally left-leaning The Hill. Even they have to finally admit it. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/5096041-biden-pardons-family-corruption/
  11. bump, re the Biden Crime Family.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 50 seconds  
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 62 seconds  
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 50 seconds  
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 149 seconds  
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 204 seconds  
  17. I had thought about doing that. Had gotten the new passport about seven months ahead of the next extension time. Was thinking to just use the old passport number for the two online 90-day reports (which in practice have become '75-day reports') ahead of the time I'd do the next extension. But thought better of it, just play it straight. Yeah, I knew what would happen with that. Online submission with new PP number rejected, come on in, please. Since one with a new passport will have to do a 90-day report in person, at some point and I believe even after immigration has 'officially' recognized the new PP number from an extension, I just decided to do it first, before the extension. Which worked out OK, as I also got the stamps transferred to the new PP that day. And then next online 90-day report (75-76 days later) before extension time, using the new number, sailed through.
  18. I think for everything one does at it immigration they want a copy of the front page, and copy of the current extension.
  19. And were apparent to anyone following the 2020 campaign. The eventual commander-in-chief' was a 'gaffe-in-waiting', thus the remote, work-from-home (basement Biden) campaign, limited appearances, interviews, etc. Now it's becoming clear the lengths to which WH aides, Doc Jill and others went to conceal Biden's ever-declining capabilities from the public at large. But they all knew all along, Joe was gone. https://nypost.com/2024/12/19/us-news/white-house-aides-hid-bidens-apparent-mental-decline-from-day-1-of-his-presidency-explosive-report-reveals/
  20. Absolutely. There is a lefty-oriented echo chamber already on X, a remnant of the Dorsey-run site. Still relevant, active, free to do it's thing. Musk liberated X, allowing for alternate views by lifting the censorship. Result? Real competition of ideas in the marketplace expressed on a major social media platform. Who would want to be against that? Lefties had so enjoyed the heavy-handed censorship of the earlier twitter, leading them to a false belief they were right, and owned the market with their views on political and other issues. Not so fast, it turned out. At least since Musk acquired it, that is. And now with the '24 election/rejection of the dims and Harris in the books, and their utter shock of Trump's victory, one of their scapegoats to explain it is X. Just another moment of the "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!" So now lefties doing what they do best. Flee in the face of truth and reality. Gotta get to a 'safe space'. It does provide a chuckle or two when reading all the "I am/I will be leaving X because.....". If bluesky didn't exist, you'd have to invent it.
  21. Excuse the duplicate posts, some issues with that. Can add, from a GOP staffer, “It’s silly to pretend this is just a skinny CR,” one GOP staffer told said. “It’s a three-month spending bill with ornaments hanging all over it.”
  22. Still burdening others with her 'unburdening'. Kamala's goin' for CA guv'ner, book it!
  23. Acrobat is good, yes, but about a year ago the app required some user permissions. I guess that's so you can edit files? I tend not to use apps, if it can be helped, that require those permissions. To just read and save pdf files, pdf viewer is a basic, no frills option. No permissions requested. Free version does the job. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pspdfkit.viewer
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