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Posts posted by plasticpig

  1. Ok, I've been going through this whole thread now and I don't think the issue is neither whether marijuana should be considered a drug or not, nor whether the letter writer is a whiny pussy. I wouldn't even say that it's a question or morals - it's simply a matter of what punishment is reasonable for a given crime.

    In my opinion, the Thai laws on drug use / dealing are pretty insane and I wish that people should work on changing them. But as a farang I don't think it's my call to decide what should be wrong or right in Thailand - it's the native people of Thailand's.

    Same same for pretty much every other country in the world. Don't see too many of the citizens of those countries clamouring for a reduction in punishments. Thailand may not be as lenient as some (Western) countries, but is no where as strict as others either. The minimum sentence in Dubai, for being in possession of even the smallest quantities of (any illegal drug), is 4 years in prison !

    The bottom lines is, like it or not, if someone chooses to do something in a country were it is illegal, they should be prepared for what ever happens if they get caught. Whining about how unfair the punishment(s) may be is immaterial. Trying to justify how safe and harmless a substance may be won't likely sway the police or the courts. Trying to compare punishments in one's home country to the country in question is a waste of time and effort.

    Until the local populace, through their elected officials, demand a change in the laws, they are what they are. Anyone who travels here and thinks they should be allowed to do the same things they can get away with at home are deluded. Anyone who does something that is illegal and then thinks they should be punished as they might be in their home country is "Whistling Dixie" as they say (wasting their time on a losing proposition).

    Crying and whining about the unfairness of it all isn't going to change a thing. We can argue the pros/cons of it here (on TV) until our fingers bleed and eyes go crossed, and it won't change a thing.

    If you come to Thailand and get caught with (whatever), tough luck. You'll get the punishment the Thai justice system thinks is deserved, and that is not likely to change anytime in the near future.

    I totally agree- if caught and convicted and sent to jail ( highly unlikely here, but I,ll come to that later) a person should not whine, as many do about how unfair it is, how stupid the law is, how things are back home. It was there choice.

    It does,nt apply in this arguemnet.

    This is thailand however - and so, luckliy all of that is highly unlikely to ever happen with a small bit of personal, and if it does..

    one just honours one of thailand proudest traditions and pays someone off..its really as simple as that

    that is the main reason I say its is safe to do what one wants here, not the issues of the stupid laws, what happens at homes, etc,etc

    and until someone gets their act togther I cannot see that ever happening in the near future- can anyone?

    So, you see you should stop eqauting getting caught with going to jail here , I have met and known of many who have been caught here with things, even the hard stuff ( which i do not like)

    know how many went to jail? None

    Just remember this o wise one.

    If someone along the chain is not as corrupt as you hint at, guess what will happen. :o

    Fools in Thailand, loads of them. :D:D:D

  2. Perhaps an experienced former Special Team Member that is assisting with Training???? or one of the US Special Forces Drug Interdiction guys down from the 'Golden Triangle" or a former Farang Cop helping with training . OR a former nobody pretending he was somebody & still is ........who cares ??



  3. name='basjke' date='2008-10-31 22:11:28' post='2305598']

    I agree completely with you.At foodland the checkouts are fast and efficient but if you look at the speed of checkout in the bigger supermarkets its a cry.It's like they all sleepwalking.

    Never shoped enough in Foodland to say good or bad, so will take peoples word on that.

    Friendship is good :o

    But Big C, Tesco, and Carrefour, are the worst for the speed of the checkouts.

    also tripping over stuff and staff restocking the place, is one more issue with the above outlets. :D

  4. Hmmm. There are so many TV posters telling us every day that the bars are full and business is flowing????

    Who should we believe? I guess the real estate and bar owners are so bored that they are posting on TV with a bunch of B/S about how many tourists are in Pattaya and spending money in the bars????

    Hey, if Euro and Russian ladies can work in bars, then it would only be fair to allow farang ladies the same opportunities.

    Very true.

    very few real posters left. this section should be renamed

    Pattaya Business section Tips, tricks, and con's.


  5. Hay man

    140 people have looked at this thread, and only two people have

    Respond to it, me and you. And it was you to criticize me about what i said about the op.

    Funny that. :D

    Please mate read my first post again, it could help you.

    wind your neck in, please. :D

    Please check again, I think the op is lacking in real information apart from location and cost.

    funny that.

    But again just for you jingthing, thank you op for the info. :o

    have a nice day.

  6. A bit off topic. but years ago i loved Swan Black (Alan bond) sad when that all went.

    only oz beer i liked, did try a new one think it was called Blonde it was one of the less sugar type beers.

    not bad.

    Only having a bit of fun with skippy and his mates. :o

    have a nice day

  7. funny thing is, in Australia, it's impossible to find fosters anywhere... it's an aussie beer... in every country except australia... (yeah i'm an aussie)...

    Was waiting for that one. been told that before, any other australians can you conferm this?

    Think the real reason is its to strong for the oz market so its export only :o

  8. Au contraire. Great first post. The poster didn't tell, he urged. ELISA? Google is your friend.
    Finally - I realize how selfish this city is but ask even if you do not care about your own health, please wear a condom and get checked for the sake of the rest of the world.

    And thats not telling people what to do :o

    Think you need to go and get your nails cut down a bit mate. :D

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