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Posts posted by plasticpig

  1. name='billdo2000' date='2008-12-19 20:00:02' post='2417305']

    Simple idea: Generally speaking, most condos bought/sold in Pattaya are aimed at foreigners (us/me). It could even be Thais buying condos with the intention of eventually selling (or renting) to a foreigner.

    If the real estate bubble has burst and westerners aren't bringing money over, exports are down and Thai businesses are losing money and banks will not loan the money, then where does the real estate investment money come from? The normal economics of thailand will not justify these prices for condos and homes.

    Thats right, but they do Bullshit so much.

    Then when it gets a bit hard, they stick the heads in the sand.

    Thailand is going for a dive, its only a matter of time.

    TIT :o

  2. Nothing is for free in LOS :D

    Are you suggesting things are free in other places. Any chance of guiding me to one of these free meccas? :D

    Certainly Sir, it's called the UK.

    Free Money. every week.

    Free Food

    Free House.

    Free Car.

    Free Health care.

    Free legal advice.

    Free schooling for the whole family.

    Free help to find work. Not many use this service.

    This offer is only open to Asylum Seekers

    Come to the uk, you know it makes sense. :o:D:D

  3. wai.gif

    So, the question is:

    Where do YOU say is Pattaya's BEST BUFFET... and why?

    We ate breakfast at Lek Hotel in Pattaya the other day. This is one big spread! And a lot of it was pretty good, even. But the day was truly saved by the young lady behind the buffet table, the one with the extra-blank stare. When I asked her to please take a bunch of the slimy, nearly uncooked bacon back into the kitchen for crisping she shrunk a bit I think. So, I lent her one of my pictures of the King (she seemed to know what she wanted to do with it) and, amazingly, in about 2 minutes- PRESTO! Perfect bacon, delivered with a semi-smile. Not bad! My mate was in awe...



    Thats not very nice. :o

  4. The continuing posts suggest that this is NOT a troll - however, I remain unconvinced.


    I accept that the banks only have themselves to blame for giving a w&nker like you GBP 40k of credit. Presumably, this is all unsecured and on credit cards/personal loans.

    I always liked the Theft Act 1968 but it only caught you if you spent the money KNOWING that you hadn't got the means to repay.I guess Fraud would also apply in these circumstances these days.

    You make no mention of any assets in the UK so we will assume that you have only been financially successful in Thailand ?

    However, the condos may fall under the control of the Official Receiver in Bankruptcy and any attempt to transfer them to a third party could be challenged under he principle of 'relationship back' - Google Insolvency Rules etc.

    I disagree with forkinhades that you will be clear in 6 years. You will probably be totally fcucked from a credit point of view for ever:-

    If you have not got a UK address you will not be able to open a UK bank account as you will fail to sayisfy Money Laundering Rules (probably a good thing as you are niow trying to <deleted> them over).

    I think a bankruptcy would be 'clear' after 12 months - after this, you try getting credit/mortgage/bank account anywhere !

    If you are still a UK resident I would like to think that somebody could get an attachment of earnings.

    If you do have assets in the UK I would also like to think they could get a Charging Order.

    State pension or private pension - watch this space, Big Brother knows where you are, your passport is not scanned at airports just for the fun of it !.

    The "CORRECT" way to do this is via Citizens Advice. They are as soft as sh!te and have agreed great deals/debt write-off for even the most blatant of fraudsters. You may be able to agree either an IVA equivalent or settlement of the debts at circa 50% or less.

    In practice you will not do the honourable thing. You will follow the advice of forkinhades and simply default on all the loans/cards. They will write a series of letters off their own back and then pass the debt to an agency. These actions will reduce your Experian credit score to something that looks like a binary number (probably 001).

    The lack of correspondence from you will make the agency quickly realsie that you have done a runner. The next step depends on their procedures and cost/benefit analysis. Likihood is that they will obtain judgement and there will be CCJs.

    You won't care, you are in Thailand and the debt just gets absorbed for payment by remaining bank customers and tax payers. Note that banks' profits soon recover and dividends are maintained - someone will pay for all that, even after allowing for your 'bad debt'. Ironically, I would actually do what you will finish up doing. The difference is that I would not be so brazen about it and would avoid the cavalier, swaggering "<deleted> you" approach. I will also never need a Uk address or need to borrow in the UK. People like you who blame the banks for their predicament are pathetic tossers. You have spent GBP 40k that is not yours and you have no intention of repaying it. That is not the fault of the banks - they only gave you the ammunition, it was you chose to shoot. They have been greedy and incompetent but that is irrelevant to the fact that you owe them money - the debts were contracts and will have failed on them. I note and endorse nariad's comment about your reliability and trust that enough people in Pattaya can recognise your circumstances and give you a wide-berth - if you will screw UK banks on contracts you will screw anyone in Thailand if the need arises.


  5. Gian's Restaurant on Thappraya Road in the same complex as Brunos and Indian by Nature is superb.

    A bit of a Arty Farty menu for me.

    a place for the self proclamed food experts of pattaya

    Went when it first opened, Not again for me.

    But it did all taste very good :o

  6. name='paulinpattaya'

    House in Thai company name, condo's are foreign ownership so my name!! I could transfer to someone else then go bankrupt in UK, becoming debt free. I know's it's wrong but you don't get anywhere is this world by being straight and honest...

    I would be more worried about having money

    tied up in some, Thai company to own land in Thailand.

    That door will be rattled soon in a few years time, by the powers to be. :o

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