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Everything posted by amexpat

  1. Things change. We learn. You seem to prefer those who make a decision and stick with it despite new evidence to the contrary, changes in the situation, hell or high water. Your memory is ok, your expectations not so much. Live and learn.
  2. I have nothing to add, Leaver. You have made my case so well.
  3. OK, I assumed you are in Thailand hanging out with losers. But it's quite possible you are in Liverpool or Kansas City using your mom's computer. I've been quite exposed to a couple of GFs who were wonderful. Also by my friendship with western guys and their long time GFs, wives, and mothers of their children. They've been happy for many years. Sure there are some sharks in the pool but they feed on the men who really can't relate to women. Alas, the losers who feed you stories will never know the love of a Thai woman, but maybe you can still wise up. Good luck.
  4. "No Thai girl is 'different'", the sick buffalo story.... What other wisdom do you acquire on your barstools adjacent to drunk misogynists?
  5. You have apparently had some painful experience(s). Are you sure it was the girls' fault?
  6. Please inform the newbies at Chiang Mai immigration so they can take down the Retirement Visa signs and quit stamping Retirement in my passport when I renew.
  7. Again, why should you care? Re-read the post. The "mug" is paying for company. I don't care what she drinks. Now, if they were watering MY drink of course I would care.
  8. And why should you care? You aren't going to drink it. She might not even want it - it plays hell with their looks and bodies. There's probably not enough tequila in the bar to make you hansum. You are really paying for a girl to spend time pretending she likes you. I tell them to have tequila, juice, water, whatever she likes.
  9. Results from covid are available to you much sooner.
  10. It's called science and it's not pathological.
  11. If she catches you at the 19th hole she might become a slicer.
  12. Very helpful for all the forum members who are under 30 and can invest $1000 a month.
  13. Whenever someone says "trust me", don't. All the members of a certain crime family in the US say that all the time.
  14. AIS tried to send me a SIM card in Vietnam. But they sent it DHL so I never got it. I just got ordered to fill out a form, then another, then to request approval from another committee that never replied. AIS was very cooperative. DHL earns it's awful reputation.
  15. According to the World Health Organisation (2016), there are around 2 billion adults overweight, I had no idea there were that many Americans, did you?
  16. Maybe he doesn't want them to become incubators for the next variant.
  17. Some guys love to warn us not to do what they are not allowed to do. Even if they have to exaggerate or just make stuff up.
  18. It's called learning and making corrections in a changing environment.
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