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Everything posted by statman78

  1. Typically online polls can be very biased. There are very few ways you can assure that the respondents form a representative sample of the population. Also, many online polls don’t stop people from registering their response more than once.
  2. Too bad gambling is illegal here in Thailand. If we could gamble we could start a pool for 100 baht per entry. All you would need to do is pick the correct date that this proposal will be reintroduced and you would be the winner!
  3. I am an American living here in Thailand. Two days ago I transferred money from the US into my Bangkok Bank account. Today I used the mobile app and transferred money from that account to my wife’s account. I’ve never had any problems using their mobile app.
  4. I’ve been hearing this rumor since I retired here 6 years ago. If it happens I’ll still be here. For me I’d rather be here in Thailand with my wife and dogs than anywhere else.
  5. This is exactly our situation. I was told that I could be vaccinated but there is a risk since the vaccine is approved for people up to the age of 65. I’m only a couple of years older. My doctor told me that the cut off age of 65 is there because they only tested the vaccine on Palermo age 65.
  6. I have the same issue transferring from USA account to Bangkok Bank account. For years I always received my money within hours or at the latest the next day. Last month and this month it takes 6 days. When I initiated the transfer I got a notice stating it will take longer because of a setting on my bank account. It said that my account was set up for micro deposits (or something like this). I should have taken a screenshot of the notice. I have not changed anything on my accounts for the last 5 years.
  7. I had no problem using Safari on my iPad.
  8. I have used my US credit card at the Honda and Toyota dealers here in Chiang Rai without any problems. On the other hand it is not accepted at the place where I buy my swimming pool supplies.
  9. Most years I bring in less than my annual US Social Security benefit so I know Thailand will not tax that money. On occasion I may bring in more but the money will come from my retirement savings. That account is invested and is growing. I have my statement that shows my balance as of December 31, 2023. Am I correct in assuming that as long as the amount I bring in above my SS benefit is below my balance as of December 31, 2023 I will have no Thai tax liability?
  10. I believe you could exit the country and reenter prior to January 10 but within 30 days of your January 18 flight. Leaving without a reentry permit cancels your current extension. Reentering within 30 days visa exempt will work.
  11. Villa market carries OM brand products imported from US. They have regular hot dogs, and turkey dogs.
  12. The departure tax is still there. It is now included in the price of the ticket. You’ll see it if you look at the itemized receipt for an international ticket.
  13. Not necessarily true unless this a recent change. In the past it was different rules for different offices. I returned from an international trip late last year. My first 90 day report was due in January. I was able to complete it successfully. I use the Chiang Rai IO I returned from another international trip this past March. I’ll see if I will be able to so my first 90 day report on line this coming June.
  14. We installed solar panels 13 months ago. I’ve been tracking our power usage and comparing it to our usage to the time before we installed the system. Based on this info our savings will pay for the system in a little over 6 years. The warranty on the electronics is 10 years and the panels for 20 years. The company comes annually to check the system and clean the panels. Well worth the investment.
  15. The tourist tax upon arrival was approved several years ago but was never implemented. At first it was to cover unpaid medical bills. Then part of it was to improve tourism spots. As I recall the plan was completely dropped last year. Now I see the idea is being brought back.
  16. I think they are a little late with this forecast. Here in Chiang Rai we’ve had thunderstorms, strong winds and heavy rain the past 3 nights usually starting around 8
  17. I hope they are right. We need rain here in Chiang Rai so we can have a few days of breathable air.
  18. About a year ago I re-entered Thailand from a trip to Egypt. I was able to use the online reporting system for my first 90 day report after entering the country. It may depend on the office. I do my reporting in Chiang Rai. I was also able to do my first 90 day report online after arriving back in Thailand last June.
  19. After reading all of these comments I think it’s time to see the doctor. About 11 days ago I work up in the middle of the night with a fever, sore throat and a racing heart, up to 135 bpm. A day later the sore throat was gone along with the fever and my heart rate back to near normal but developed a cough and general stuffiness which I still have. It’s driving my wife crazy.
  20. Not all of the time. A woman got probation after stabbing someone over 100 killing him due to a cannabis induced psychosis. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bryn-spejcher-fatally-stabbed-chad-omelia-over-100-times-avoids-prison-time-ventura-county-caifornia/
  21. I talked to my tax accountant here in Thailand. For US citizens, Social Security benefits are not subject to tax here in Thailand. According to him, as long as the total amount I bring in is less than my annual SS benefit I will not have a tax liability here in Thailand. I’ll probably need to file a tax return here but as long as I can show that the amount I brought into Thailand is less than my US Social Security benefits I will not need to pay any taxes here.
  22. I’m a little lighter now. I still keep up with my exercise routine but now I only have 2 meals per day with a healthy snack in between.
  23. Yes, you can get a non-o visa while in Thailand. I entered Thailand on a tourist visa, applied for and obtained a non-o and then towards the end of the 90 day non-o I applied for and received my first retirement extension.
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