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Posts posted by CTO

  1. Malaysia and Indonesia do finger scanning,

    Indonesia it's kinda funny, I asked today, why they have scanners but I've only been scanned once?

    "That;s because we only scan you on your first time into Indonesia, once we have your fingerprints we don't need to scan you again"

    Hmmmm - so you don't need to know if my fingerprints don't match the original owner of the passport . . . . . . .

  2. Been to El Groucho, New York, and the place on top of Landmark many times, love steak, but can't work out why people want to buy me a $100 steak.

    Frankly, I like the Pasadena Chain, 139baht steak, sometimes crap, many times good, given it's 1/100 the cost of the other places I go to once a month, I think it's the best value

  3. Find a house in the region you think looks like a good job,knock on the door and ask who built it.

    Thais are pretty friendly bunch most times I've found.

    I couldn't live in a Western House again, but that's me, so you'll pay more for everything, but I have seen some great places built, oddly all these farmers sitting around the open fires often work on construction sites and have some decent ideas, not all,, no one has.

    Good luck, best places I have seen oddly owned by Thais with some houses that in Oz would win an award for originality.

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  4. They usually strech out over a whole month or more, it's a seasonal event rather than just rockets, different villages have their events at different times and week days highly likely except for those events now known as tourist oriented, like Yosathan etc.

    Some of the more interesting parts of the event are the day or so before with a parade, and a "passion play" of two deities, one male and one female, wooden puppets, with complete genitally, and people making them copulate.

    Reminds me of the Monkey God parades in Singapore, now long gone.

  5. I have no idea who these guys are, but saw their ads in Bikes for Sale forum,

    Not cheap but great looking bikes,

    The website has some really interesting images, but navigation is not great,

    Not everyone likes flash, I hate it, and finding the actually information it's a hidden bar at the bottom right of page,

    Fix those up please :)

    But have to say great idea, best of luck, out of my price range, but very good looking bikes!

    Maybe chase the film industry in Thailand for work too?

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