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Posts posted by TPI

  1. On 10/5/2019 at 6:21 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

    I think this is instructive; notice that there really is no argument in favour the rectitude of his actions, but rather a focus on delay and obfuscation. And, this is the problem; the White House/the Republicans have lost all sense of right and wrong, all sense of ethics and all sense of 'Doing The Right Thing' in favour of power for power's sake


    The real villain here is the Republican party. Yes, Trump has done horrible, immoral, illegal things and will continue to do so until his ass is tossed in jail, but that is Trump. It is the Republican party that enables him. And, it is the Republican party that will pay the price long after he is gone.


    There are good Republicans; Romney, Sasse, Porter, Burr and more. But, as long as they play along and allow Trump to flout the law and convention, they are as guilty as he is. Further, all those Senators ran on principles of Good Governance, Rule of Law, Free Trade, the Constitution, Limited Government and Executive Power etc, and they are just cowardly allowing Trump to walk all over those things. There is going to be a vote on Trump's impeachment, and that vote is going to define political careers well into the future (had Hillary voted against the Iraq war, she likely would have beaten Obama in 2008).


    Be careful Republicans, be very careful. What you do over the next few months is going to affect you for decades to come. And, if you tie your future to Trump, then you'll wear that mark on your forehead like a 'shame' tattoo forever.


    I have said it before and will say it again;


    Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


    Keep your distance or get splashed...





    But don't you realise that by continuing in this vane you're dooming your next successful candidate? If the Ukraine President says he wasn't pressured let it go at that...if you succeed in impeaching Trump you get Pence, who would you rather deal with? Pence becomes POTUS and pardons Trump, Trump is made VP, Pence resigns! Now you have a really angry POTUS! The Dem's must be on crack cocaine or something, there actions just don't make political sense!

    • Haha 1
  2. 17 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    In my area of Kalasin Province I'd estimate that we've had less than a month-worth of days when it's rained during the entire wet season, May to now. And now it's nearly over. Not great.

    In Phrae we received 39mm for the entire month of September! August was terrific, mobs of rain! It looks like it will be a serious drought region for the next year? I even hand washed the car and watered the garden! Huey the rain god has let me down! 

    • Sad 1
  3. 2 hours ago, candide said:

    The (very good, lol) fired prosecutor is a crook who was not fighting corruption!

    Ukraine's former Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has categorically rejected claims by Donald Trump concerning Mr Trump's Democratic rival Joe Biden.

    "Mr Klimkin told the BBC that the prosecutor was sacked for corruption. A number of Western bodies, including the EU, had pushed for the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, to be sacked, he said."



    Actually, the case against Burisma had been closed in 2012.


    But it said the period under investigation was 2010-2012, and noted that this was before the company hired Hunter Biden.

    “Changes to the board of Burisma Limited, which are currently the object of international attention, took place only in May 2014, and therefore are not and never were the subject of (the anti-corruption bureau’s) investigation,” the bureau’s statement said.



    Then why did Joe say what he said in the interview?

    • Haha 1
  4. 15 hours ago, sandyf said:

    The trains run about every 20 minutes, the line is only a couple of hundred yards from my house. Been dual track now for about 5 years.

    The problem is there is only the one passenger train a day the rest are freight. It leaves BKK around 06.30 and i think terminates near Sattahip, then returns to BKK. It is free to the Thais and very cheap for the foreigner, think I was 23 baht Chonburi to BKK.

    It is relatively quick from Pattaya to Chonburi, about an hour, same as driving. It is further down the line it becomes slow, stopping at every small station on the way.

    Travelling by VIP bus takes 4 hours from Pattaya via Sri racha, Au "something", Chonburi, chat chun sao to get anywhere near equal to BKK...a nonsense trip!

  5. 9 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    I watched this hearing live on Bloomberg. It was truly disturbing right from the get go. Chairman Schiff knew it was all a nothing-burger so fabricated a terrible mafia style conversation to grab headlines. Of course it was completely made up! Not sure these are the headlines he was intending to generate.


    “I have a favor I want from you,” Schiff said while appearing to read from a paper. “And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it, on this and on that.”



    Pathetic, dishonest, and embarrassing. Typical behavior from team democrat since the humiliating electoral upset 3 years ago. 

    The report at the head of this section has been seriously slanted, the head of the DNI was clear when he said that there was NO attempts to hide the narrative as it was withheld by the legal office of the White House because it involved "executive privilege" and they needed to get extensive legal opinion on how to proceed! Then this Dem wanted the DNI to tell about his intelligence conversation with the President. The DNI refused as it would forever taint the confidentiality of any conversation with POTUS! Then the Chairman got all pouty over the answer, Sheesh! You couldn't make this idiocy up! 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  6. 7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    This is a very tragic development. Thailand does not have efficient transportation alternatives other than air travel. And the roads are choked with trucks, so an alternative freight method desperately needs to be established. The nation will not ever be considered a developed country without the high speed rail project. Unless they decide to open the Hua Hin airport, the Surat line is desperately needed. 


    What is the Japanese reference? They cannot build the CM line without them? Yet, the Japanese have never invested in a rail line outside of Japan? Those questions were never asked?


    A civilian government is required to get this done. One with real negotiators. And some intellect. The army is a sorry, hapless, grossly incompetent house of fools. 

    Mike do I get a whisker of a thought that tells me that you personally have had enough of the BS?  ???? 

  7. On 8/27/2010 at 3:36 AM, LaoPo said:

    And, to continue with my post, above:

    Effects of maternal iodine deficiency on the fetus and neonate


    Thus, iodine deficiency puts virtually everyone in the affected population at some risk for brain damage. Many studies have compared performance of iodine-deficient children with that of iodine-sufficient peers on standardized intelligence tests. A meta-analysis of 18 such studies, comprising 2214 subjects, concluded that iodine deficiency lowered a mean intelligence quotient by 13.5 points (25). In view of the many people living in iodine-deficient areas and their vulnerability to its effects on the developing brain, these numbers indicate a staggering public health problem. This and neonatal mortality, rather than goitre, have become the main reasons for advocating urgent correction of iodine deficiency.



    Iodised salt should be viewed as a means to an end—adequate iodine nutrition—rather than as an end in itself. Monitoring of people is essential. We have previously cited examples where initially successful programs later deteriorated, usually because of insufficient attention to monitoring (e.g. Guatemala, Mexico,Thailand; Ref. 29).

    From: http://jcem.endojour...short/86/6/2360 - The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism


    Sooo, you are suggesting that Thai children taking the appropriate iodine dose should/could have an IQ of 91 + 13.5? How does that figure with Thai children losing one point off their IQ after completing one year in kindergarden?

  8. On 9/22/2019 at 10:56 AM, Sujo said:

    Australia banned


    texas chainsaw massacre 1 and 2


    i spit on your grave


    the human centipede 2

    fathers day



    Among many others. Thats what happens whether muslims are in control....or not.


    Australia, the nanny state to top any nanny state on Earth! Even if your pool is 1000 miles from any shore and you have no children you must have a metre high fence and a gate with a child proof lock! We must love all of our "suntanned" brothers & sisters, especially if they're Muslim and especially especially it they are transgender or fluid gender! There is a strong SJW movement in Australia to disarm the police and the military and every politician of every stripe bends from the waist and apologises to anyone who asks for their guilt for being "white and male"!

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