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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 3 hours ago, Sujo said:

    Chicago and Baltimore are in the US. If its not working it needs fixing.


    How is gun control working in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan etc.



    It's not, criminals have no problems obtaining a firearm in any of those countries, I'm not going to give you the references, look them up for yourself! In Australia there has never been a time where the general population had more firearms...and that is in spite of the draconian laws! ????

  2. On 8/30/2019 at 5:59 AM, dimitriv said:


    This is not completely the truth. And what others can you can do yourself too.


    If I want to marry and live together with a wife from a country not in the EU I have to comply to very strict rules because I live in NL. I need to have enough income, if I am self employed I need to show that I made enough money in the past 3 years. Before my wife would get a visum she needs to follow lessons to learn to speak Dutch, and make a test in the Dutch consulate in her home country.Only after this she will get a visum to travel to me with the goal to live together. 


    Other countries have rules with are less strict. Belgium and Spain are examples. But as an EU citizen I can use these countries too. I can for example move to Belgium or Spain. Rent a house. Register myself. As a EU citizen I have the right to do this.  My wife can come on a tourist visum. In Spain it's no problem to overstay that visum. If I register her on my address, marry and live together for a year we can both move to NL without problems. Upon arriving in NL I will have to prove that we lived together for a year in an EU country. And she will get her visum to live together.


    I don't know how this will be for UK residents after Brexit. Probably the right to travel and live/move permanently in EU countries will be restricted. The law that after living together for a year in the EU your wife will get a visum is also an EU law. But at least till now it is something you could use too.


    The idea that you can do this while being unemployed is of course not so. Although (as far as I know) you do not have to prove that you earn enough money you do need money to pay the rent and other things.  So you need a job, or enough money in the bank.


    Well said that person!

  3. 21 hours ago, RLAretired said:


    I didn't know that!  Thank you, @bluesofa for that little history lesson.

    Actually it was the Navy cadets who fought the Japanese until they were ordered to stop, the Thai Navy sallied forth to do battle with the French Navy as they were sailing away from Vietnam...it didn't end well for the Thai Navy so they built "Victory" monument to "celebrate" the battle...,it's a very interesting read! 

  4. 18 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

    Thailand should pay attention to what's happening in Hong Kong now.  Same thing will happen here if they continue down with the ChiCom Belt & Road Initiative.  And a rising Baht is all part of the evil plan...

    Impossible! Can you imagine in your wildest dreams modern day university students and middle class matrons marching in support of "democracy" 555555555

  5. 17 hours ago, Inn Between said:

    And what a bunch of BS this is. Do Elton and his obscenely rich friends really think that donating money to a tree-planting outfit removes all the excessive CO2 generated by them flying around in their private jets? All that does is ease their consciences about all the unnecessary damage they're doing to the planet. 


    Harry and Elton are singing a song of despair about how unfair it is that they're being criticized, but it doesn't seem they're getting much sympathy or understanding. What a pair of w--kers! 



    Surely with the information available now about the hypocrisy of "global warming" people can see through the hype of main stream media? Remember their only function is to sell advertising, that's it, they don't care what they print!

  6. On 8/22/2019 at 1:36 AM, richard_smith237 said:

    A man of character, taste and experience such as yourself can surely recognise the diamond in the rough when you see one...  the clear solution to win her heart over his is to replace his [the other guy's] credit card with yours... 


    I'm looking forward to the 'sin-sod' thread when the time comes.... 

    5555555 Definitely troll! 

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  7. 20 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    TALK !! what if , just what if you go get the snip and she then says thats it ! you then lose the lot !!


    I would strongly recommend you do not get an irreversible medical procedure that you could well end up deeply regretting.


    You need to talk with her and perhaps say "maybe but not now" etc. If you slam that door shut with an undisclosed vasectomy it will be huge gamble. (IMHO)


    You could of course tell her you want one, but will get some sperm frozen for use later, (compromise) Then you dont get caught out and she has a "maybe"

    Vasectomy, if done right can be reversed, get it done, buy a small yapping dog or 3 cats and keep working!

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