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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 9 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

    I think I mentioned my position a while back but just in case; I retired early so I don't get a full UK gov. pension; I took a partial lump sum on my company pension so I don't receive 100% on that either. This month total Thai Baht received just scraped 40K. Since I rent a place and on my own I'm okay but there is no way I can even think about a girlfriend (divorced from Thai wife). But with the GBP slump what concerns me is that if Thai immigration make an increase in financial requirements (I use 800K method)...you know, 'it never rains but it pours' situation. As far as the Brexit situation is concerned not much we can do about it. There are probably expats out there worse off than me, maybe medical problems etc., and I feel for them.

    Beware - Some OP's on TV are death on people who came here in the past and qualified at that time, their rant is predicated on the fact that you have failed to increase your assets in line with the requirements of the Thai government! They, on the other hand, deplore these "pensioners" who didn't have the foresight to put away 400 - 800k in anticipation of the changes to the requirements! These OP's know who they are, don't you fellows? 

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  2. On 7/29/2019 at 12:01 PM, bristolboy said:

    Anybody who actually looks in detail at what Sanders said can see the difference. 

    "But anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you were in a wealthy nation, you would think that you were in a Third World country," Sanders says in the clip from the press conference.

    "But today what we're talking about is a community in which half of the people don't have jobs. We're talking about a community in which there are hundreds of buildings that are uninhabitable. "


    Clearly his remarks were about the failures of the system in the USA. Genuine populism.



    Well if 54% of the population are "non-white" then if the median income is about $51,000 couldn't you say that the citizens of their fair city are letting the side down by either not contributing their fair share or they are failing in their civic duty to hold their representative to higher standard...they can't have it both ways, even the mainstream media have spoken about the vermin problem and the lack of services in the city!

    • Confused 1
  3. 3 hours ago, helpisgood said:


    Clearly, the adult perpetrator should be held fully accountable for this horrific crime.  Perhaps, depending on the specifics, he should never be let out on the streets again due to the nature of the crime.   


    My other concern is how the publicity may fuel far right-wing parties, who will very likely point out that this is yet another example of what must be done.  As a result, the innocent people who are good citizens but belonging to a group targeted by such far right-wing groups may be unfairly punished for the heinous act of this individual.



    I suppose your second paragraph displays your bias, "left wing "parties would never ever target innocent groups of people for punishment, especially not "right wing" groups like policemen or immigration officials?     ????

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, buanmeerugsaa said:

    Ummm. What happened to the earlier widespread drought warning which was followed by severe flood warnings?

    They should all try to look out the same window before making their ‘predictions’!

    4 drops in Phrae city, although it did look promising for a while...wind and black clouds and leaves in the air! I'm glad I didn't bother to put the rain gauge out!

  5. 3 hours ago, Yinn said:



    Tree planting is helpful. 

    They make the money for hospital etc

    And can win the prize.


    I think have “Miss” competition in most countries.

    Do you mock, criticize, ridicule and complain about other country every day?

    or only Thailand?


    A lot of people like it. Is fun. Why not?

    Agreed, There's a hell of a lot of Grinch's on this forum, it must be awful to wake with such a negative attitude?

  6. 17 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    I find that we have very mature posters on this forum. I guess this test was made with a little bit more sincere options, then male hormone beasts trying to make sex objects out of women. Grown up people went throught that before that got around 60-75 and chosed to move to another country.

    So, now we can close this worthless thread of undignifying comments about the female sex. Right moderators?

    Mate, type it again when you're sober. Don't forget to take your milk and cookies before bed?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. On 7/17/2019 at 7:50 AM, bristolboy said:

    Stop lying about what Trump said. He didn't say "If some people hate the USA so much they can leave and find a more suitable home elsewhere."

     "The president wrote: "So interesting to see 'progressive' Democrat congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run."

    "Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done."

    He didn't tell them just to go elsewhere. He told them to go back where they originally came from. 3 out of the 4 were born in the USA.  They are native born Americans. So his comment only makes sense if bigotry was behind it.

    If the "squad" identifies themselves with their parents home country or if they identify themselves with another country and declare that they hate and belittle the country they were born in, why is it "bigotry" to call them to either fix their "pseudo birth" country or to fix it and return to their birth country with the cure for what ails it? Where is the bigotry in that? Where is the comparison with somewhere/someone else?


    Here DT is merely giving his opinion, why should the Squad care about an entity that they hold in contempt?


    Very strange!

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    • Haha 1
  8. 3 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    Why are you butthurt about this, would be the more interesting question.

    I think the fact that he relies on "Wikipedia" for his information is enough to discredit any opinion he might present! I'm a little confused by his angst that other people have jobs that he obviously isn't qualified for? I have trouble following his rational that others are making problems for him?

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