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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 1 hour ago, amykat said:

    LukKrueng,  You really don't get this?  So it isn't legal to gamble in Thailand right? However it is not illegal to to travel to a jurisdiction where it IS legal to gamble, then gamble, and return to Thailand. 


    It is illegal to have sex with children and to buy children aged 13 pretty much everywhere.  People from certain nations are warned that if they travel to other nations who do not enforce those laws (such as Thailand and Cambodia which are havens for this) they may be prosecuted upon return to their home nation. This has occurred to the man we are speaking about.


    Do you really want to defend the fact that your nation (Thailand) does not, can not, take action ... because they are poorer, have less resources, have less motivation in this area, has more corruption, whatever ...and you want to find irrational arguments to let these criminals off when other governments are willing to step in and hold them accountable in Thailand's place and for Thailand's benefit?

    I'm sorry, I can't agree in this case! I've seen farang leaving "Sharkies Bar" in Phnom Phen with 2 obviously 8 year olds and myself and other men at the bar objected and forced the pedo to abandon his quest! In this case you seem to have blinded yourself to the statements by the man and his wife! She admits she lied to him, he is married to her, they have a legal child, they've been together for over 8 years......what is your problem?  


    Oh, I see, it's the principal........right:wai:

  2. 7 hours ago, LukKrueng said:


    First of all let me say that I don't approve of adults having sex with young teenagers, pros or non pros.


    However, most farangs who are new to Thailand / Asia misread women's age, and sometimes by many years. I was sitting with a young traveler in a small pub, and he kinda got excited by sight of the waitress who served us. I asked him how old he thought she was - his reply was very early 20's, when in fact she was mid 30's. So I guess a 13 YO girl with some make up and adult cloths can be passed for 18 in the eyes of a newbe. Further more, he met her at a bar, made sure to ask the bar staff for her age and was right and legal. It's not like he was lurking around playgrounds or schools looking for an innocent girl and tricking her into his bed. The fact that he traveled with her around Thailand proves his claim that he was sure she was of legal age. So in this case, I think the mother and the bar owner are the ones to be blamed and prosecuted.

    Further more, I don't understand why a Swedish person is prosecuted in Norway for something he did in Thailand....   



    Pedophilia is the attraction of an adult to pre-puberty children, so I guess if the girl was made to look like an adult - enough for working in a bar - a pedophile should not have been attracted to her.

    I don't really understand the motives of the "hang 'em high" brigade. A young man comes to Thailand sees a young woman (who doesn't look her age) (what does he know?) sees her a few times and finds out she's new to the bar scene; " I really like you honey, would you like to travel around with me for a while?" Of course she says yes, it's her job! After traveling around for a few weeks he is really enamored so he pops the question! Of course she says yes! Eight years and one child later he makes the mistake of taking them all to Norway, a typical (no doubt female) immigration officer does some quick mental arithmetic and cries "shock horror this man must be a pedo????"


    Now you can ask "why is this person defending this person of dubious character" ? 48 years ago I met and married a Chinese woman in very similar circumstances, after 3 children, 11 grand children and 5 great grand children if I was to go through Norwegian Immigration and some nit picking cretin decided to do the numbers then I too could be charged as a pedophile. even though nothing was further from the truth!


    People! You need to understand that not so many years ago a woman unmarried at 18 was considered unmarryable, girls were married at puberty 13-15 years old, this was the case in early America! "Mother Grundies" get off your soap boxes and join the real world! :wai:

  3. 3 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    i really want to ask if chang mai is really good enough to put up with all that crap? i go through jomtien soi 5 and they are very good there. have come along way since i started living in pattaya 9 years ago.

    Have to say that Nan is pretty good as well, nearly all female officers and they all "tick " along like a clock. In/ out 30 minutes tops! :smile::wai:

  4. 5 hours ago, sahibji said:

    many cases of elderly molesting young children. i wonder where is the right place for these perverts. i would suggest a psychiatric evaluation to be followed by suitable remedial action.

    Unfortunately a member of my family was a pedo....the shrinks said there was nothing they could and suggested we move to a more isolated location! Maybe if the internet was around then his life may have been a bit easier, I know the family's would have been would have been much better if we didn't have to be on our guard all the time! :wai:

  5. 5 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    Is she lying? How do you know she was lying? Can't teachers report bad behavior to the principle if being subjected to it?

    In a word........No! the teacher would be counseled to take control of the situation and to stop whinging to the director. IMHO I think most of "professional" "highly educated" "committed" foreign teachers in Thailand need to take their "gap" year in the US or UK......Asia is a little too barbaric for their gentle souls! :smile::wai:

  6. 2 hours ago, saminoz said:



    You are definitely in the wrong (and I hesitate to say the word, in the case of the majority of so-called farang "English teachers") profession.

    Until proven otherwise, based on your post, I'd have to put you in the same bin as  most of the other half-illiterates who, somehow, end up getting a job teaching English here in Thailand.  It wouldn't happen anywhere else.  It is merely a reflection of the extremely low standards accepted in the broken Thai education system.

    You clearly have the wrong mentality to be working with children and if I ever heard of you "tapping" my kid above the knee (why there?) I'd be sorely tempted to take you to one side and give you a good tapping myself.

    Teachers should never, ever physically abuse a child, no matter what.

    In my opinion I believe that it's exactly this attitude that has brought Gen y to its ugly place in the world! Gen Y (in Oz) are the laziest, foulest spoken, most drug taking, baby making (if you're a 15 - 16 year old girl), dole bludging group on the planet and it's all thanks to these overweaning political correct "<deleted>", with their self imposed feelings of superiority to the average working person ( a group that they pretend to be in tune with?) . Bah Humbug! :smile::wai:

  7. 4 hours ago, DM07 said:

    I hope, you will never be near my kids!


    Astonishing, how in your life-experience, the victim always is the culprit and authorities are always right!


    Please...don't answer!

    I feel sick enough already!

    I think you are being a little harsh with this guy, the teacher might have slapped her ear for talking rude, he might have even jabbed her with his finger, she's 16 or 17 years old M5 student! Unless you have been in the same situation you have no right to judge, some of these young "ladies" and "gentlemen" are only at school because the parents don't want them at home! This altercation took about a minute, conversation, assault and departure. Time it yourself see how far you get into the scenario!! :smile::wai:

  8. 8 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    During my time in Hong Kong I had to sit quite a few professional exams and at the very start of my career the expats in  our training class were warned not to expect exams as we  might know them so no narratives with the question using words like discuss, explain, consider etc.


    He explained that our Chinese colleagues had been educated as if sponges and they simple soaked up information, facts etc and could regurgitate them with almost total accuracy but it didn't mean they understood what they were writing so asking them to ' discuss' was a non-starter.

    Damned if you haven't hit the nail on the head! It explains the proliferation of "cram" schools and why Thai students need the extra tuition in order to pass! Given that they only get multi choice questions why should they need any "critical thinking" skills. :smile::wai:

  9. 19 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    It is truly amazing the relative weight given to status in relation to inappropriate behaviour when deciding how to deal with disciplinary matters and enforcement issues.


    The result tends to be the maintenance of power structures at the cost of a lack of improvement in standards. Power can  be seen by all to be unaffected by the complaints of unconnected ordinary people. The inappropriate behaviour goes unpunished. So, in this case the teacher retains his job and authority. And there is unlikely to be any change in the inappropriate use of violence by teachers against pupils.


    I firmly believe it stems from a lack of moral courage within both the public sector and society as a whole.

    I think you need to look into Thai history, this is the way the Thai people are trained from a very young age. Up to 100 years ago the ordinary Thai was banned from getting an education, it was strictly restricted to the elite and the royal family, by law! Nothing really changed until after WWII and then only lip service! Education in the modern sense is a very new thing in Thailand and it appears it's going to take some years for even very minor changes to come into effect. They've only changed the rules about female haircuts this year (even though the official rule had changed some time ago?)! :smile::wai:

  10. 5 hours ago, HoboKay said:


    Narp's Amulet -  

    + Defense against .357

    + 2 Luck


    Probably worth 100K baht since its small caliber and non-automatic? :passifier:

    Oh come now Mr HoboKay! You can get .357 in semi auto and revolver, if you were hit with a .357 (125 grain) semi jacketed hollow point in the arm there's a very good chance you could lose your arm! One or two in the chest and you're dead meat! A .357 is a .38 (9mm) with a case twice as long as a 9mm, lots of swoosh! :smile::wai:

  11. On 29/09/2016 at 10:04 PM, Wilsonandson said:

    Exactly, we don't want those lower class peasants in government. We don't want the peasants living in our neighborhoods.We don't want them going to the same school that our children go to. We don't want our children to marry them and we don't want to socialize with them. We want to use the peasants as a source of inexpensive labor, and when they are finished working, we want them to go to their section of the city.

    Read Thai history! These are exactly the thoughts of the governing class, they've been in place for over a hundred years! :wai:

  12. 19 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

    I think the headline should read most MALE Thais spend 14 waking hours doing nothing. That plus 1 hour 58 minutes and 15 seconds for eating three meals a day, thus leaving 1 minute and 45 seconds for sex and 8 hours for sleeping. Tough being a male Thai!

    If you believe the scientists when they say you increase your chances of having a son by abstaining from sex for a lengthy period of time (about a week), i can't believe that Thai men would get off their bums for a minute 45 seconds, most women I've spoken to about their active sex lives (they'll tell you if you ask!) say they only have sex once a month, once a week if they're under 30, any more would mean that they're sex "addicts" ! :sad::wai:

  13. Me, send me! Myself and my fellow ex-pats believe that this Earth is really Hell, look around, it's obviously not Heaven and we don't believe in Purgatory, so what's left? This place is Hell because there is no "Justice", good guys never win, and the most evil self centered egotists always seem to come out on top! There is no real reward for hard work and any wealth you might acquire can be easily taken from you either by law or by legislation! Bah! Humbug! :post-4641-1156693976::wai:

  14. 15 hours ago, manfredtillmann said:

    when i got conceived no one in our family knew about 'alpha - 1- anti trypsin' deficiency.  people in my family just died from it, as young as 32. and perhaps younger... today it is a well known fact.  my daughters both refused to get tested prior to 'falling' pregnant. i don't know, why!  having a genetic disorder in your family and the scientific method to eliminate it... how stupid would you be NOT to do it?





    They put their hands over their ears and said "Nanananananananaana I don't want to hear it, my babies will be perfect!" All you can be is a good grand parent? :smile::wai:

  15. On 27/09/2016 at 11:28 AM, trogers said:

    When you look at the height of the 2nd floor slab in the photo, you know that it is a condo building of only 8 floors.


    The road on the first floor may well be below the level of the government road to allow a slight higher floor to floor height for the 8 floors, as the total restrictions on the building height is 23 metres.


    Thus, the carpark at lower ground floor and basement is easily inundated.

    Mmmmm clever! Nothing like knowing the rules, pity the condo owners didn't! :smile::wai:

  16. On 27/09/2016 at 10:34 AM, Eligius said:

    Yes, knowing how idiotic and bone-headed officialdom can be here, they might charge him with working without a work permit or with damaging the reputation of Thais!

    Exactly, he might have trouble getting his garbage picked up in the future. Petty bureaucrats hate having their noses rubbed in it! Good effort though, it might stir the natives to care a little? :smile::wai:  

  17. 4 hours ago, Petchou said:

    What you call extremely small minority are those getting caught,  the number of those who are free is certainly big.  Thousands are working illegally,  many are abusing kids and....

    You can ignore the reality if it makes you feel good.

    My dear Mr Petchou see if you can understand this small sum.......there is an estimated 1 million farang in Thailand, made up of nearly all of the 186 (could be 207) different nationalities on the earth, now please add up all of the farang you see in the media who have been "convicted of an offence in Thailand since Xmas! About a thousand you say? That would make the convicted criminals about .001% of the farang population! As for those working illegally you suggest that most/some of them are pedaphiles, you could be right! Why don't you sneak around a few school toilets and see if you can catch them at it.......you'll be a hero and hailed as a great "law enforcer".....Gosh! :welcomeani::wai:

  18. 1 hour ago, Thanyaburi Mac said:



    "Trying to speak Thai to Thais is soul destroying because they make no effort to meet you half way and understand what you are saying."


    Hmmm, disagree, I find that I can get along with 90% of the Thai I talk to in my mangled speaking, they do try to help out in listening, at least most of them do.  With an occasional chuckle, of course, when I screw up.



    I agree, trying to speak Thai can be a lot of fun, especially if you laugh at yourself and can draw what you're trying to buy or catch. Most people are intrigued that you are willing to lose face in order to get your message across and are happy to help as much as they can......they're very similar to Vietnamese in that regard! :wai:

  19. 22 minutes ago, Basil B said:


    As already stated we do not know the full circumstances of the guy fined 4,000B but maybe the 90 day reporting should be an address to which you could be contacted, either you stay frequently or if you travel as part of ones job an office you communicate with on a regular basis.

    No, sorry, if you are away from your residence for longer than 24 hours the house owner is required to notify the police and you are required to notify immigration. It doesn't matter if you are having a trip around Thailand and are stopping every night in a different place = 31 notifications x 2 =bloody nonsense. Oz is not the most perfect place but you only have to name where you are staying when you enter the country after that it's "off you go". :welcomeani::smile:

  20. 4 hours ago, alocacoc said:

    Good Job Immigration fro the 4k THB. Just do everything what is possible to shy away tourists. I think, the best solution could be to to assign to every foreigner an guide, like in North Korea.

    This is just so much BS, so much energy being spent on nonsense, it probably cost 40K in lost time to hunt down and prosecute this guy? He sends in his 90 day report and in the meantime moves to a new place "no problem " say he "I'll just put my new address on the next form" "what harm can it do?"  little men, little thoughts? :passifier::wai: 

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