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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 4 hours ago, Naam said:

    by spending 118,000 Baht a month a bachelor can have in Thailand a very comfortable lifestyle and not a frugal one :coffee1:

    On 100,000 + a month you can live like an eastern potentate! Rent a house for 5K utilities another 3K and the rest is jam!! :smile::wai:

  2. 22 hours ago, lostinisaan said:

    An outstanding Google translation.......:


         The villain single 9 mm gun. Shoot and threatening three shots to his head three Porter money. The money was put ATMs in Thailand's Bank of petrol PTT along two roads - the Lat Bua Luang. Len's. The two brothers. Suphanburi before sweeping the five million baht, then fled. until last Police solve crimes To arrest A. The. The. Lazuli Ratatouille comparably aged 24 years Dir. Among the police investigation. Bueng Chonburi. Troublemaker by Mr.Somnuk the pretty 35-year-old merchant who was selling corn popcorn. Gas in the scene A power point range, and Mr. Chai Ratatouille comparably aged 35 year-old brother took real villains escape. And found evidence motorcycle helmets, shoes, clothing. The criminals were thrown into a pond, Gail. The abandoned house at No. 57 Moo 2 Tambon Ban Phai Bo Ya. Don Lemon after the cause is under investigation, officials now suspect. Reportedly proposed to the... อ่านต่อที่ : http://www.dailynews.co.th/crime/538731

    Google translate even has trouble with English to English let alone some other language! Try french or German to English.......gibberish! :sad::wai:

  3. 2 hours ago, Johnniey said:

    Probably a higher %age of expats have gigs. Well that's if you call Buriram Noi who works in Sukhumvit soi 4 a bit on the side.

    Can't agree, most expats I've met over the past 17 years wouldn't even consider a gik, too much trouble, why bother when if things are that bad you can just move on?? The problem is almost always this strange idea that Thai women have is that to have sex more than once a month is some sort of "perversion"!  :sad::wai:

  4. On 20/11/2016 at 8:03 AM, Jingthing said:

    Sorry to break this news to you but the trump regime has already shown signs of being so abhorrent that there is going to be "non-traditional" opposition to it the entire time. This is not a normal president. These aren't normal times. 

    I don't agree, isn't it time everyone dried their eyes, stopped sniffling and got on with their lives? The man isn't POTUS yet and the wailing continues! What do you want him to do, step down, apologise to HRC,  humiliate himself for all to see and quietly disappear?


    Don't you realise that the more you demonise him the harder he will hold to his present course? Are you going to "dog" his every step so that he can't do any sort of job of running the country and when the country goes down the drain you'll say it was his fault for being elected in the first place?


    If you really can't stand the process that legally created him President elect then move to China and/or change to your country to another political system that will ensure that you never ever get a President that you don't agree with!! :sorry::passifier::wai:

  5. 1 hour ago, colinneil said:

    The bloody stupid police could have killed innocent people.

    They are so <deleted> stupid, and he got away anyway.

    Why did that idiot firing his gun not just shoot the driver?????

    Mr Neil, If constable Plod had shot the driver then he would have been up for manslaughter (at least), there was no "probable cause", no one's life was threatened.......the crim' hadn't even been charged!  :wai:

  6. 18 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    Yes the next Democratic leader better learn that he needs a SB machine like Fox news? verbally hurling out lies insults and 24/7/365. He/she better learn the truth gets you nowhere it only an distraction grab the pulse of America and run with it. Have a lot of dirty moments along the way and a few Mia Nois. Call everyone a liar and crooked. Quit being gentile the days of the Marquess de Queensberry are long gone take off the gloves no put them on and get down and dirty. Your personal life will not matter the worse it is the more it will attract voter attention because of extreme envy I would guess. Rip the other guy to shreds just keep pounding and pounding till all Republican voices are stilled. After your elected you can revert to a more gentile condescending manner. A barroom brawl comes to mind. 

    The fact that HRC lied and lied and lied, the fact that she played fast and loose with the nations security, that she rounded up women to character assassinate her opponent doesn't cut any ice with you ? The FBI director notified both parties (as he was required to do) as soon as he could, if HRC hadn't been so prideful and had her private server loaded with sensitive emails do you think the later scares would've had such an effect?? Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump, sour grapes will not rewrite history! :wai:

  7. Biter bit comes to mind! HRC still refuses to take responsibility for the loss! Amazing hubris, what sort of bubble are the dems living in? They killed any support they had among the young and progressives, they ignore the one person who could lift the DNC and still after being flogged at the polls insist that some how they got it almost right and to hell with Bernie!


    I was asked "why do red necks always get what they want yet liberals who push and shove never seem to succeed?" Liberals always get lost looking for the material gain and so lose the plot, red necks just want to be left alone and have no axe to grind!  :smile::wai:

  8. 15 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

    The insurgents have a history of attacks like these. Nothing new.  Several years ago they shot toddler in the head at point blank range.

    As for this: "'Mafia' debt collecting perhaps... with protection from you-know-you?".  Get a grip. 

    Stephen, you don't follow the news much do you? For example: A woman owed money to the biggest loan shark in our province, she was late in her payments so 4 men in brown uniforms beat her to death, the loan shark is said to be the wife of the head sherang of the local BiB, the relatives, bowing to suggestions, decided not to press charges and quietly burned the victim! How dare the entire province think that such a thing could happen, obviously we're all drug takers!! :wai: 

  9. 54 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

    I don't particpate in the diamond jewelry mindset and I never thought I would be sympathetic to a jeweler BUT this kid should be ashamed of himself.


    He and his smiling wife are starting their marriage out all wrong and with an attitude of me, me, me like theirs, I would not be surprised if a divorce is in the near future.


    No good can come of a start like this.

    Nonsense, the Jewelry industry operates on a 300% mark up at every level and to hell with the customer, they basically charge what the market will bear (similar to spectacle frame makers), if by chance you get to be in "the man bites dog" position, and the law agrees, then go for it!! :partytime2::wai:

  10. Thailand one of two ways to go IMHO. In the first case they can follow the advice of the late King and concentrate on subsistence farming and so continue to be Phrai to  the local Amnat, stop going to school and live peaceful unimaginative lives! It's not as bad as it looks, it's a calm and fruitful way to live, no hassles and always having enough material things to be comfortable!


    Of course the military would hate this as by not producing either goods or services they live as parasites on the body of Thailand.


    The other course is to mechanise production at every level, combine the padi into the largest size practicable  and do everything in the most "efficient" way possible! This will break the people's connection to the land but, isn't that inevitable in the long run with this capitalist system?? The international philosophy nowadays is to either keep up or get out of the way! :sad::wai:

  11. 1 hour ago, mikebike said:

    Unfortunately Bob9, the people often aren't the best judges of right and wrong. Left to a plebiscite it is hard to imagine Australian women and Aboriginals getting voting rights when they did.

    Sorry Mike I don't agree, the act of giving Aboriginals the vote came after a referendum that by an over whelming vote gave acknowledgement of their right to be counted in the Census as citizens and therefore the right to vote. The right of women to vote followed not long after NZ and recognized the part they have played in creating Australia!


    Marriage equality only makes common sense, the medical profession already acknowledges the existence of the various differences in our general sexual preferences. Therefore to say that LGBT people are somehow "wrong" flies in the face of scientific fact!!


    Of course, if your standards are set by some book that says that your invisible friend is better than my invisible friend......well, lets not allow facts get in the way of prejudice!

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