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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 9 hours ago, harrry said:

    Actually as it was the thief's bottom he risks facing charges for grievous bodily harm.  He is only entitled to use force to protect himself (not his property) and if it is in the bottom the thief was not a threat facing away.


    Agreed, although the burglar may have twisted away at the last minute, at least that would be my story!!!  :smile::wai:

  2. 14 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

    :sad:   That's what I thought/feared.  God only knows where he got it.



    2 questions:- 1) If it is a .22 (rimfire) then its legal

                                2) are you sure it's not a BB gun (air gun) then it's legal


    Give your lady a valium and tell her to calm down, and no, although it looks "butch" its not the gun but the loose nut behind the sights?? :wai:

  3. 4 hours ago, adhd said:

    time to move to australia :)


    can farang buy land there ? :)




    You can buy and sell houses and land there, own a car, own a boat and engage in any type of business, you can even legally use a prostitute there or be one if the inclination takes you that way!

    But remember, if it's not permitted, it's forbidden! It's nowhere near as free as Thailand (in certain respects) :smile::wai:

  4. 3 hours ago, Morch said:


    Alright. Let me be the first who disagrees.

    Let me be the second.....HRC will be like all other female national leaders and try and take her country to war, it doesn't matter to her, her husband is too old and she only has a daughter......to hell with anyone else!

    I may not like Trump, at least he's straight up with his lunacy but Hilary, how could America even contemplate that evil mealy mouthed back stabbing incompetent post menopausal shemale!!! :post-4641-1156693976::sad::wai: 

  5. "San Chey, executive director of the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability, said a continued lack of accountability in government expenses was a cause of concern.

    “We want to have roads in Cambodia maintained and built with transparency and open information,” he said.

    Corruption remained endemic, he added, with anti-corruption efforts seeing poor progress and the situation not helped by the continued absence of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party from parliament".


    Apart from the problem with the opposition this could as well be the LoS :sad::wai:

  6. 36 minutes ago, sanemax said:


       So, the School director already had a Mercedes Benz and he wanted to buy himself another one instead of giving his teachers a pay rise .

       Was the School director going to sell the older Benz or was he going to keep both of them ?

    I think you miss the point, the OP only surmised that the director had a Merc, he was making the point that..........never mind! :sad::wai:

  7. 1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

    5 year visas are readily now.  Thailand elite visa:  5 years for 500kbaht, or 10 years for 800 k baht.  The visas are not the only issue.  I think you will find that the expats that live there are so tired of the constant 90 day reporting.  For somebody that has been approved to stay there long time, a one year reporting should be more than adequate.  At least the 90 day kind of can be done online or by mail, but lately you can read all the accounts of new forms, information required, etc.

    You could almost get the feeling that they don't want us here?? Silly I know! :sad::wai:

  8. We're entitled to be skeptical, a lot of young french men die in these islands with no apparent cause! Things like "man hangs himself and somehow manages to tie his wrists together with wire at the same time" "we get a lot of that happening around here" says local BiB. Dive expert found drowned in hotel pool, "swimming accident" says local BiB, we get a lot of that around here!  :post-4641-1156693976::wai:

  9. I hate to say "I told you so" but I told you so! So many OP's have a position regarding this and many other things in Thailand that they can't see the forest for the trees! The student over reacted initially and then tried to make it into something it was not!


    No big deal, no over reaction, no pillorying of either the teacher, the school or the student......calm down, this happens everyday in schools around the world! :wai:

  10. 4 hours ago, mercman24 said:

    wow that's a dam good excuse, must remember that one, on the other hand i have seen some thai "workmanship" all self taught of course. lol ! so the jury is out on this one.

    I've worked in the construction industry for some time, some contractors ignore the specs and try to pull some really amazing stunts! One tried to get away with fitting A/C controls to the walls with no wires going to them, another tried to have passed, pipe fittings that went into the wall but nowhere else! After they finish (in their mind) they want the total amount owed, full knowing that 10% is held as a guarantee for 12 months! It's all part of the "game". :wai: 

  11. 1 hour ago, Dexlowe said:

    What kind of father is that prat? Accepting an apology, for heaven's sake. As #whatproblem says, he doesn't deserve to be a father. If the scumbag assailant walks away scot-free, he will have no hesitation, no compunction, about repeating his criminal behavior.  Because he knows he is not going to jail. 


    It is sick beyond belief that the father should even think like this, and not of his obligation as a father and member of the community to protect his and every other kid. And it is doubly sick that the grubby police sit back and wait for his final decision, doing nothing. Christ, I hate these people.


    If Prayut wants to make an impact on reforming Thailand, this inaction against the worst offenders is a high priority area. No more pussy-footing around.


    PS: I refuse to watch this vid - not just because of the disturbing nature, but because of the frustration of looking at a violent criminal who will be left to wander the streets a free man, and there's nothing that can be done about it.

    Amen brother!:post-4641-1156693976::wai:

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