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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 8 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:


    Largely a myth spread by the "rescue industry" to help fill their own white-lady pockets.

    I'm sure you're well meaning in your blanket support for Thai society and the BiB in particular, but, Yes Many police are actively involved in crime and people smuggling, for the latter very much so in the South and Yes there have been a number of cases where the parents of underage girls have "pimped" them to customers! If you don't believe it then look into old copies of local newspapers for say.....20 years, to get a better understanding of the deep "slime" that Thai's pretend is their national "honour"!


    By the way, I think you were born with two penises! :wai:

  2. 15 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    Cannot agree with you on this one.


    For example; if I lend you 50000 baht as a private individual not as a registered loan company, with a written agreement of the installments and payback period that involves 90% interest on the loan I lend you and you sign on the dotted line,  then that is a contract, legal and binding. And if you put something up as collateral, a property, vehicle or anything of value that covers the full loan I lend you and you default on the loan, I have a legal right to lay claim to it. In fact I could lay claim to anything you have of value if unable to pay back the loan in monies as par agreement.


    Another example is; if I was a part of a money lending gang and preferred a fast track method of sending round the heavy mob to persuade you to pay up rather then go through the long drawn out legal system, then I would guess in most cases the debtors will be too afraid to report the matter in-case they may end up as part of a concrete pillar supporting a flyover somewhere. So people who use loan sharks to borrow money should know exactly what they are getting into. Is a little like selling the soul to the devil, reap the benefits now, and suffer the consequences later on.

    I agree, a widowed neighbour borrowed THB 700,000 to build a house on her land for her son. The son was supposed to service the loan.......! The Thai gentleman who lent the money was expecting the interest money to be paid at a rate of 2.5% of the principle per month and that loan not to be paid until the total amount plus that months payment, as a lump sum,  was received!

    "Loan Sharking"...you bet! However, the son failed to make the payments and as there was a "contract" the court upheld the gentleman's claim and turfed the widow and her two young daughters off the property! Please don't confuse Justice with the Law in the Land of smiles! :sad::wai:

  3. Does anyone really believe that "the powers that be" intend to arrest the people involved in the numerous scams? All of the delays are obviously planned so that the "brown envelopes" are distributed to the right people for the correct amounts of "protection"! Can you ever imagine The DSI, the BiB and the "green machine" stopping this lucrative scam, where the only people getting hurt are the "peons"!


    This is going to go on for years, who profits by closing it down :sad:, only the suckers that originally put up the money! :wai:

  4. 39 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Damn right they should. 


    What he intended to do is rape. 


    You take a drunk woman you've just met in a club to a short time hotel then any sex that happens is rape. 

    You're being facetious right? It takes a while for alcohol to enter your system therefore she might have overindulged in the club but still appeared to be reasonably sober. If the journey to the hotel took 30 minutes and another 30 minutes passed the alcohol could have taken a greater effect hence the vomiting! As the alcohol continued to be absorbed the woman passed out, the man slept for 3 hours, didn't touch the woman and left! What's the problem?

  5. "Police followed the trail of the Mitsubishi to an address in Pahonyothin Road Soi 32 where they arrested Rungrot Akrareuangkun, 36.


    He said that he had met the woman at Onyx and indeed had taken her to the hotel. But he said that he had not drugged her or even had sex.


    He told police that when he got her clothes off she promptly vomited and he lost interest."


    It would appear that the man used his brains and left the woman and himself still with their honour intact!! :wai:

  6. On 03/01/2017 at 10:15 AM, Yann55 said:


    Well, we don't have to ask you if you're a vicious homophobic troll, because we already know the answer to that question.

    Gays are not real men, huh ? You must be directly imported from the XIXth century.

    Please please no tizzy fits! Vermin is the correct word for someone who solves their jealously problems with a KNIFE!!!!! Stop being so sensitive. :wai:

  7. 4 minutes ago, Generalchaos said:

    Darwin was 100% correct. It is a pity that some of the REAL contenders for the Darwin awards have hired drivers and do not have to drive themselves around in traffic. Half of them would be incapable to cross a road - Hence they need an escort of 20 vehicles with flashing lights and bullhorns blaring wherever they choose to go, along with road closures to normal traffic - to keep them safe.

    Watch as 10 busloads of locals blast by at 140km escorted by Highway patrol cars with sirens blaring and flashing lights! :wai:

  8. On 31/12/2016 at 1:12 AM, tazly said:

    OP look at the bright side...you can chew gum in Thailand and not be caned like in Singa-poo, so all that paperwork must be worth it!

    Oh yes, and no haze every year for 5 months from Sumatran bog fires like in Sing

    And this/next year you'll be able to grow your own dope (in the north) and not get hung for it!!! As they say "everything is "fine" in Singapore, fine for chewing gum, fine for playing cards, fine for J walking!"  :shock1::smile:


  9. 3 hours ago, thequietman said:

    So he tied himself to a pole?


    What about this for a suggestion;


    Some one else tied him to the pole, then cut his throat.


    They took his phone and cards and sent the message and transferred the money via ATM.


    Wife was suitably far away when it happened. Perfect alibi.


    Does this make more sense or am I just unnaturally suspicious when living here.

    Hmmmmmmm! Unbelievable! Just think for a minute, he ties himself up and then proceeds to cut his own throat with a non existent knife....not unlike the Frenchman who hung himself after tying his wrists together on Koh Tau! :post-4641-1156693976::shock1::wai:

  10. 5 hours ago, The man from udon said:

    I notice that the old pot puffers have jumped on the story about super cures.we are talking about a plant with less than 1%thc and how it will benefit the farmers and country...it's a totally different plant to white widow/blue cheese/ak47 and all the 100s of strains with 20% or more thc.oh and before any of you start having a go about being anti ganja,ive smoked for 30 years and love it.as for cures I really don't know.when I'm sick I tend not to smoke as it amplifies the pain.in fact if it wasn't for all us weed lovers this plant may of started being grown here a long time ago.what the government don't know and many of joe public don't know is if the plant has 1% thc it can be extracted by various ways of ice-o-lator/gas-o-lator and is pure thc.heres some simple maths.say 1kg sell for 20baht,you buy 100kg ='2,000 baht then extract 1kg of pure thc..very very nice 70,000-100,000baht return.if they read this I'm in big shit.oh is that the time,must dash my flight out of here is in a couple of hours..happy new year to you all,I'm off.

    Why not Phrae????????? You've got experts going to "pot" here!! :smile::wai:

  11. 17 hours ago, gdgbb said:

    What makes you think the dead man was Thai?

    What makes you think that the woman was Thai?

    What makes you think that the staff member was Thai?


    Sounds like just another day on Thaivia to me.

    Why would a foreign man get a short time room in Pak Kred when he could just take the woman home?

    Why would a foreign woman go with any man to a short time hotel if she wasn't a "working woman"?

    I must admit I haven't been around Pak Kred for a little while although even when I was there foreign "working women" were pretty thin on the ground!

    Why would an establishment in Pak Kred hire a foreigner to be night manager in their short time hotel?


    Sounds like another person on an overdose of their medicine to me??  :wai: Pompous nit picker!

  12. 23 hours ago, MasterChief86 said:

    how flexible are australian lawyers? for that matter, how affordable are they?

    What ever you do do not engage Ozy lawyers! I've some very very bad memories! An Ozy divorce costs about $8000 now, a year ago it was $30 .......go figure! :wai:

  13. 8 hours ago, thetruth revealer said:

    you clearly seem to be a classic example how this worked .......are you even justifiyng such violence towards children ?????

    ...somewhat sick.....


    As the saying goes "a good flogging never hurt anyone!". It's up to each person as to how they bring their kids up, there's the "don't be naughty Johnny" brigade who let their kids get a way with murder, so long as it doesn't inconvenience them, then there's the child abusers who like to flog their kids! How about trying the middle way, you know," spare the rod and spoil the child?", it's worked for millions of people who aren't frightened by the idea that their kids will hate them (if the kids can remember that is!), it's obvious that no discipline means undisciplined, the evidence abounds.....are you prepared to socially clean up your community after an undisciplined teenager wreaks havoc because "it's not fair" they have to obey rules they think are meant for other people?   :wai:

  14. 2 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

    Another victory notch in the belt for the Royal Thai Navy now having won the famous Battle of the Beach Beds without loss of life. And all done without using the aircraftless aircraft carrier.

    A Victory Monument needs to be erected at Patong Beach in rememberence of this famous occasion. 

    My feeling are, the reason the uniforms are that particular colour brown is so they don't show the stain, at the sound of a gunshot! :wai:

  15. 11 hours ago, arthurboy said:

    Utter, utter propagandist drivel from the MoE. It lacks the expertise, resources and desire for this or any other major, useful change to education standards and teaching in Thailand.


    The rot is complete. The only thing that will come out of this is yet more budget for someone to play with, which is exactly the point.



    Even the Education Minister blamed the poor result in the PISA tests on the students, he complained that they didn't use the students (from the elite schools) who had been trained to pass the tests, he also complained that the students from the lower class schools had let the side down by not studying harder!  :shock1::wai:

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