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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 11 hours ago, arthurboy said:

    Utter, utter propagandist drivel from the MoE. It lacks the expertise, resources and desire for this or any other major, useful change to education standards and teaching in Thailand.


    The rot is complete. The only thing that will come out of this is yet more budget for someone to play with, which is exactly the point.



    Even the Education Minister blamed the poor result in the PISA tests on the students, he complained that they didn't use the students (from the elite schools) who had been trained to pass the tests, he also complained that the students from the lower class schools had let the side down by not studying harder!  :shock1::wai:

  2. 10 hours ago, harrry said:

    As I said cost to the taxpayer...

    THe medicine under the PPBS scheme has a cost of

    1 the doctor's visit

    2 the Pharacist proffessional fee

    3 Government list price for the medication which is higher than normal retail.


    the above three items are mainly  paid by the government.

    Many (most doctors no longer bulk bill for people on Health Care Cards, they charge more.  Some still bulk bill for those on Pension cards.


    The patient, has to pay  out of pocked a fee of 

    The co-payment is the amount you pay towards the cost of your PBS medicine. Many PBS medicines cost a lot more than you actually pay as a co-payment.

    From 1 January 2016, you pay up to $38.30 for most PBS medicines or $6.20 if you have a concession card. The Australian Government pays the remaining cost.

    From 1 January 2016, pharmacists may choose to discount the PBS patient co-payment by up to $1.00. This is not mandatory and it is the pharmacist’s choice whether or not to provide a discount. The option to discount the co-payment does not apply for prescriptions which are an early supply of a specified medicine.

    The amount of co-payment is adjusted on 1 January each year in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

    Safety Net there is a safety net though of  On 1 January 2016, the Safety Net thresholds changed from $366.00 to $372.00 (for concession card holders) and from $1,453.90 to $1,475.70 (for all other patients). These increases include the usual annual CPI indexation. A similar increase has occurred each year for four years (commencing in 2006). This is thee amount a patient may have to pay up to a year,

    Thanks for the information.


    It still amazes me that the Thai government has banned the over the counter sale of Aspirin, any logical reason??  :wai:


  3. Taking the bull by the horns I've printed out both TM28 and TM30 forms, at every stop on my journey through the Kingdom I intend to complete and submit, by mail, both forms! Over Christmas, New Year it should suggest 10-15 forms into the Nan office as I intend to travel within my home province!


    I look forward to a future of complete compliance of all forms required by the bureaucracy!  :wai::passifier:

    • Like 1
  4. On 20/12/2016 at 3:47 PM, Basil B said:

    The fact that no diving centre recognises him makes me think he was smuggling in something like drugs, (and the fact he was murdered).


    I know it is a daft question, seeing as he was waiting in a queue to pay, did he pay by card???

    Have the police profiled his DNA??? this may well at least point to his nationality, a good place to start...

    Have they sent his finger prints to Interpol???

    Have immigration got facial recognition software to check against the photos they take at passport control???



    55555555! A jest yes? there's no money in it for the police,sooooooo, nada nil ziltch......another mysterious "suicide"?

  5. 6 hours ago, toenail said:

    Why should tourists from developed countries spend their holiday cleaning up after the Thais? I observe daily Thais leaving their foam or plastic bag food containers where they have finished eating outside including empty bottles (too lazy to place it somewhere in s bin). --A huge government marketing campaign & education in Thai schools ( the future adults of Thailand)  about not littering & caring about the environment. --For some reason Buddhism in Thailand does not connect to respecting the environment.

    Town, Provincial and Federal governments do not and will not put rubbish bins out for the people to use! You can't really blame the "people" as they're in exactly the same spot we are!

    Now, if you could encourage your local Pu Yai Ban to put some rubbish bins out on the side of the road in the village (without anyone stealing them) that would be a big start for the whole country!! :smile::wai:

  6. Australians seem to have a thing about electing people who know what they're doing, in every election they are offered any number of independent and center left candidates and every election they continue to vote for the failed major parties? Either "apathy is a problem but who cares" or it might interrupt the "footy"? Ozy voters need another "depression" to wake up to the existing pollies and their inept solutions to Australia's financial problems! Either that or hang one a week! :passifier::wai:

  7. 2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    Prawit: Single gateway is a Must

    "The country needs a single internet gateway to cope with “information attacks” launched from other countries" 



    You do realise of course that by allowing others to see a web page that could be and probably will be declared "against good morality of people" you can be in breach of the the law and end up in jail? :shock1::wai:  (what utter BS!)

  8. 4 hours ago, Changwatchap said:

    Death sentence- applying for bail on appeal. Are you kidding me? Who in their right mind will return? Go swim across to Laos or cross the mountains to Cambodia. 


    Note she is appealing the SENTENCE not the verdict. Which means she accepts she is guilty of murder. Best case scenario she wins the appeal and  the sentence is reduced to life in prison.


    So if the court grants her bail - that's amazing.

    Think about the 5 policemen who were sentenced to death and were allowed bail so that they could intimidate the appeal witnesses, they have yet to return to court!  :post-4641-1156693976::passifier::wai:

  9. 7 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

    In Thailand?


    I'm a Qld JP (Qual) and I can sign papers for you if you are going to send them to Oz, or elsewhere for that matter! Interesting to note that Stat Dec's that are required by Thai immigration are quite useless as they have no legal force in Thailand!


    Coming via Phrae, need a signature and stamp? give me a pm!  :wai:

  10. 4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Don't know about the others, but Guantanamo was a negotiated deal with the government way back when.  The US did help Cuba gain independence from Spain, if you remember.

    Oh c'mon, only Americans believe that the US took over Cuba for the Cubans, the US was really embarrassed when they realised they also had the Philippines as well!  "Manifest destiny" anyone? :wai:

  11. 7 hours ago, humqdpf said:

    So how to you propose to deal with her? Tell her that she should just accept the rape? And then watch the guy get an easy punishment? Women are not allowed to defend themselves?


    Just based on the evidence, this guy was not taking no for an answer - attacked her in the field, chased her all the way home, then fought her etc.

    Sir, you are not reading the reply correctly. The Op is suggesting that apart from a medal the woman should also run classes in using a knife for protection against rape! Please attempt to understand what is written before answering.....ok?   :wai:

  12. 8 hours ago, thhMan said:

    My 2 girls come back more stupid after a day at school.


    I have slowly watched my girls 7 and 12 starting to lose their identity and accept "going with the flow"


    I have given them the tools to improve themselves and even went so far as banning Thai TV, so they dont get the bad influences.
    They have Netflix and the Internet to get their information, which helps a little, but does not have the same influences they get at school, which at school is superior in exemplifying stupidity and incompetence as the norm


    My 12 year old has gone from wanting to be an Astronaut to now wanting to be a cook, as something at school has suddenly stolen her goals for something easier to achieve... I am guessing its peer pressure, from her friends who have low IQ parents and teachers who teach English, but are doing such a poor job at it, that my 12 year old cant read or write English and in fact, which she does know, is starting to be forgotten.


    We have books for most ages in English, sent by my mom (in Australia), that are good reads and not just educational... But, as my kids can barely read English, they choose the Thai books.... :(


    Its getting to the point that I think its better to keep my kids at home than go to school and get more stupid... My wife (Thai), is starting to acknowledge what I have been saying about the education, as my girls are becoming less logical in their thinking as weeks roll on.....

    They never ask, Why, How or When and are now adopting the "agree and pretend to know" attitude, which I dont let them get away with as its become more predominant (hence my wife realizing whats going on) and I then ask my girls why they dont just say "they dont know" and ask me the answer


    If there is a thing as "reverse education", then that is what I am starting to believe schools here are about... Long gone are those inquisitive stares from my kids and now slowly being replaced by the same BLANK LOOKS, I see when at malls, take away shops, retail stores etc....


    I have three Thai nieces in Oz, one is doing a cooking/chef course the other two are in High School. The one doing the course has a degree in hotel management and can't get a job in Oz (degree not good enough), the youngest of the girls in High School had to revert a year, that is do year 10 again and the eldest had to revert two years as her M6 wasn't good enough to get into an Australian Uni! Their astonishment when they speak with their school friends in Thailand regarding their friends inability to draw conclusions in conversation was a surprise! I wasn't aware of the huge gap in reasoning skills until it took place in front of me! :post-4641-1156693976::wai:

  13. 6 hours ago, ricku said:

    An excellent opportunity to make an example. Execute them both.

    What kind of retarded comment is this? Are you one of those asshats who blames rape on clothing?

    No, he was making the point that thai men often blame the woman for the clothes she was wearing, ie the general about 2 months ago! Think before you post, "why would he say such a thing?" :wai:

  14. 1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

    I have put animals down before. It was always because I felt it the compassionate thing to do. 

    I did not witness what this guy did, but I believe what he did may have been  compassionate.

    What is repulsive is the vets in this country who refuse to euthanize animals that have no hope of recovery or suffer chronic pain..

    True! Vets here don't mind sewing up a dog or cat without painkillers, setting broken bones and the like....I've had to threaten local vets until they  knocked out an animal before doing surgery or suture work, Ive tried changing vets but there's something in their heads that say "it's only an animal, who cares?" It must be an "Asian" attitude?  :post-4641-1156693976::wai:

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