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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Hear hear Khun Voranai,

    You always seem to hit the nail on the head, don't you feel that it's a waste of time? The people who care have no power and the people with power don't care! There is only one branch of the executive that has any real power and it is silent on the abuses of the so-called representatives of the people!

    Som nom na...you get the government you deserve! thumbsup.gifwai.gif IMHO

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  2. Som nom na...The Thai people get what they expect! They really don't care if the "Govenment " gets ripped off as they don't see the connection between them and the "Government"! They think that the government is some sort of nebulas entity that has its home in Bangkok and is always bleating about something! Not like the politicians who give to the people, out of their own pockets and who are badmouthed by the opposition who accuse them of using "Government" money for their own benefit!

    There is no connection...so why should the average shopkeeper or rice farmer get excited about it? facepalm.gifsad.png

  3. For the last two years here in Phrae we've not had a piece of fruit from our 100+ Long An trees or our fruit trees! We normally have at least one wild bee hive per year, this year not even a bee let alone a hive?

    All of our neighbours have had the same problem, although up in Rong Kwang (30Km away) they seem to have a lot of fruit?

    Could this be the start of Thailands "Silent Spring"? sad.pngsad.png

  4. C'mon everyone, this is why we love the place...never a dull moment, everyone smiles (number 1-13) and moves on with their lives!

    You could be living in "Farang Land" and moaning about nothing to complain about??

  5. What a Clown!!

    Makes me almost ashamed to be Australian when creatures such as this make idiots of themselves in Thailand. However, it must be said that he "looks" like a good upstanding, clean-cut example of a young Aussie and our Embassy should fall over backwards to race to his assistance and staff at the Embassy should be more than willing to take on-board whatever foul utterances he wishes to make. Yeh, and "Pigs can fly!"

    Pack him up, send him back where he came from and toss him in jail to learn a lesson in good manners.

    Ah, the hang em high brigade leader?

    Thanks for your insight - JOBSWORTH.

    Compassion is the understanding or empathy for the suffering of others.

    Compassion is often regarded as having an emotional aspect to it, though when based on cerebral notions such as fairness, justice and interdependence, it may be considered rational in nature and its application understood as a activity based on sound judgment. There is also an aspect of compassion which regards a quantitative dimension, such that individual's compassion is often given a property of "depth," "vigour," or "passion." The etymology of "compassion" is Latin, meaning "co-suffering." More involved than simple empathy, compassion commonly gives rise to an active desire to alleviate another's suffering. It is often, though not inevitably, the key component in what manifests in the social context as altruism. In ethical terms, the various expressions down the ages of the so-called Golden Rule often embodies by implication the principle of compassion: Do to others what you would have them do to you.

    Well well Torrens 54, be careful, your "milk of human kindness" is starting to show...In my dealing with the Oz embassy over the years I've found that the Thai staff are arrogant beyond belief. The Oz staff are just time servers, you only get any respect if you an alumni of ANU, a big business man or a politician...2 booths, a minimum of attention, on your way squire! wai.gif

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  6. "We are not violating anybody's rights, as the checking is being done overseas. So you can't really attack me for this," he said.

    This guy is a "Police Major General"...I have a number of questions....who did he pay for ALL of his promotions? When is he going to have the operation to take his head from his anus? Did he marry a member of the PM's family? Please, please when will he retire? facepalm.gifbah.gif

  7. Some people might consider this to be a method to prod the military into action.

    I don't know where the military would draw the line re Thailand going down the drain.

    This dictat serves PTP only. It does not benefit Thailand, IMO. Thailand is likely to be hurt more by being seen as a totalitarian state, than by the international community witnessing criticism of the government.

    Are you saying it wouldn't be seen as a totalitarian regime if the Army mounted a coup and installed a junta?


    I believe I was referring to a possible effect of this topic.

    I don't believe I raised any opinion on how a coup, even though it will apparently never happen, may be perceived.

    According to the Major General you have both just broken the law!

  8. One can have the same political opinion as people who demonstrate openly. Like some people support the political opinion of the insurgents from the so called "Arabic Spring". Expressing ones opinion is here called a crime if those people use what is also called here "political rumours". Thailand means Land of the free people. It seems that it is more and more the land of the suppressed people. No free expression, no free internet and heavy ethnic discrimination.

    I think Thailand would flourish if it had a government of real free thinkers which didn't treat Thai citizens as if they were ignorant children.

    Really! I would have put a line of laughing emoticons in but it doesn't appear to work on my PC! I think your quote would equally apply to any other country on earth?.

  9. He's lost the plot ..... completely.

    I was going to click "Like" on this comment but I am afraid the special operations group will come bursting through my windows and doors.smile.png Are thoughts still permitted?

    Don't worry... you can click "like" because the post doesn't contain the word "coup". Oh shit... now they'll find this post.

    DON'T click "like" or they'll come and question you.

    Oooooops! I've pressed "like" and "quote"...if I plead guilty will I get only half a sentence?

  10. Thanyaburimac, I have friends fathers here in Australia who served in Vietnam. 1 in particular has real trouble with Asians in general since the war particularly the Vietnamese here in Australia, let alone living in SE Asia. Now I assume you live in Thailand mac?I'm curious, What made you come to the decision to live there? I know Thailand isn't Vietnam and war affects everyone differently, but I would of thought living far away as possible from the place that would seem to remind you of the war and I know Thailand was an r and r location, to me it seems like the last place I would want to live besides Vietnam itself. Doesn't it remind you of the war?

    In fact this question I'd like to put out there to anyone that is in the same situation...

    Everyone was affected in different ways, I thought that it was the greatest thing to have happened to me...ever! I don't know how anyone could have come out of VN with a negative attitude about the Vietnamese people? They must be the toughest people on earth, they have fought and beaten the Chinese, the french and the Americans, they are cultured and friendly, if your friend had a bad experience then I'm sorry for him.

    Many ex-servicemen have gone to live in Vietnam because of the positive feeling about the place, most, I think, went back initially to give something back and then realised that they were the only ones with a feeling of guilt! Who could reasonably live in the West after spending any time in Asia?

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