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Posts posted by TPI

  1. It seems that this thread is largely a chance for people to air their prejudices about Thai driving or just reinforce their own superioroity complexes.

    the fact is that drivers all over the world havethe same abilities, it's just how this is handled. essentially it's road design and law enforcement that will curb the carnage, not unfopupnded criticisms of drivers based on the fact they are Thai.

    If you want to see how other nationalities candrive like idiots too, just spend an afternoon driving around Pattaya and watch the expats join in the fun.

    Sorry my friend, Australia, a country with a third of the population has at most 1500 dead a year...Thailand has 16,000! You obviously don't drive, if you did you would soon see the horrifying way in which the locals operate their vehicles! Where in the world would you find a car overtaking a bus which is overtaking a truck on a blind corner which is topped by a unsighted crest!! Vietnam perhaps, Cambodia maybe Thailand all of the time! These guys see every overtaking maneuver as a test of manhood...and real men don't back down to oncoming vehicles! sad.pngbah.gif

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  2. Some interesting points-of-view, a couple of which scream for a retort, such as:

    • Thai's love for a Constitution...Huh?....There are Constitutions and then there are Constitutions....Coup originated one's don't make this grade. Those are just "self righteous, justification and legitimizing" documents for an assault on the principle of Electoral Democracy, whereby the Governed choose the Governors.
    • Civilized manners by both Thailand and Cambodia...Huh?.... Doesn't that conveniently whitewash internal Thai, Nationalist and Anti-Democratic crazies? (391)

    Does page 391 of your Red Shirt Propaganda manual have anything on Thaksin and Hun Sen's relationship and how that affected the temple conflict?

    The Thais loved their 1997 constitution.

    Only Thaksin ripped it apart.

    I loved the part when they both kicked the "national benefit" can and then said they were responding to the others threat! If there was any justice neither would be a problem today! w00t.gifsad.png

  3. Yep, if you go via Payoh and then to Song you can check out the prehistoric wall painting just before Payoh, after that it's a pretty good road with views across the valleys, you could even drop into the "brick house " restuarant which is on the way to Song, call into Rong Kwan & head down to see the "woman and baby" cave....they've got deer down there as well and great views from the top of the stairs. Make sure you get the custodian to turn on the power for you so that you can appreciate the interior light show! thumbsup.gif

  4. After living in Thailand for a number of years the urge to throw something at individual Thai riders and drivers becomes a power so strong that only a couple of beers will make the feeling go away!

    The ex-attendant didn't actually state that she was going to throw coffee over the woman, she merely stated that in a different circumstance she would? Her question to her supervisor sounded rhetorical in that she said that she would like to throw,,, etc. etc. and her supervisor said (tongue in cheek,I guess) you can't it's against the law in HK!

    Perish the thought that someone should even think about lowering the face of a Shin family member. Of course they should be punished and their family ostracised for 10,000 generations! It's a pity that to some very small minded people believe other people with money are bigger than GOD! bah.gif

  5. I watched the full video and read the article. Jamie Keith says; (“I was vulnerable and they were obviously after one thing and one thing only, it was my money. It was a way to bribe my way out of it"). But was it? That was only his opinion, but nowhere has he mentioned that the police actually asked him for money or how much money was involved.

    Also the fact is that the couple were not wearing helmets, which is a negligent act and against the law, plus considering that the couple had been out during that night, it is possible that they had been drinking, as many of the pictures of them out dining in the video have an alcoholic drink on the table.

    If you look carefully at the video, it appears that Jamie Keith did not indicate he was going to turn right and the other motorcyclist attempted to over take him, then suddenly Jamie Keith pulls sharply over to the right, hence the collision.

    Another point is, that although the other party was also not wearing a helmet, there is no mention of the extent as to what injuries he sustained during the impact? Because I very much doubt that the guy actually got up and simply walked away from this.

    These are only my observations and it appears that the couple were not entirely blameless regarding this tragic event and therefore unjustified in portraying the other party and the police as the complete wrong doers in this case, plus the allegations being made against the police here are unfounded without any evidence to back it up.

    Extremely tragic and my heartfelt condolences go out to the girl’s finance and all others concerned.

    As usual with these themes, I hope the emphasis will not turn towards Thai bashing and as a platform for those who have extreme prejudices about Thailand as a whole to air their views.

    The question should be, were the police right to place the blame solely on Jamie Keith? As he allegedly claims? ALLEGELY. As after perusing the video and article, in my opinion the police were justified in this case to want to bring charges against him and also in my opinion, I believe Jamie Keith got off lightly, that’s legally, because tragically he has lost his finance, and will never recover from that.

    Obviously you didn't watch the Father of the girl when he mentioned $15K-30K, I'm just wondering what satanee dum ruat you are attached to?? In almost any country in the world it is a serious offence to hit someone from behind, wearing a helmet or not regardless! It is accepted at law to be prima facae to the charge of careless driving!! sad.pngthumbsup.gif

  6. I feel that you are all being really harsh...why do you think it reasonable for a government official to be accountable for things put in his charge? Can you give one example where a government official has not sold or used for another purpose equipment that was in his care? This is Thailand remember! Whether it's tax money or anything belonging to the government or the people then it therefore belongs to the man who is responsible for it, after all he's a "people" too.

    Only small minded people would find this logic flawed! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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  7. Can you imagine how much "face" would be lost if the man in Dubai's minions were even found guilty?? Perish the thought! With the court sitting once a week how long do you think it will take them to try 24 offenders/defenders @ 100 witnesses each = a very, very long time! More than enough time to write and put into law the new constitution. thumbsup.gifcoffee1.gif

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  8. I've a retirement visa that I renew in Nan every year, are you saying that all I have to do to get a one year extension is to leave the country say, overnight, and on re-entry my visa would/will be extended for another year?? I also pay for and use a multi re-entry stamp. wai.gif

    Ooooops! Answered in an earlier post! wai.gifwai.gif

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