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Posts posted by TPI

  1. A friend and I used to buy pizza's on a Friday night after beer,we've been caught by the same "con" here in Phrae! 2 for the price on one, ha! After the usual 30 minute wait the pizza's came out "raw" on the bottom with the absolute minimum of topping, my friend ordered a "meat lover", dam-n thing had one slice of ham per slice! When we added up the cost of the 2 for 1 and 2 garlic bread we received small change out of 1000 baht! Never never again!

  2. Always a problem! It seems that most people who write here have at least one problem a day? Now what would you say if the Finn and Scandinavian teenage girls walked around topless?? these people haven't seen the sun in months! In Australia they start taking off their shirts and blouses coming in from the aircraft! Calm down...mind your own business! wink.png

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  3. I've a niece who has just done the "O"net, while her GPA is 3.9 she said she only received a score of 400 out of 8oo? when ask why she said that the questions were very badly put and in most cases none of the answers were right? Now this girl is no dummy, she has just returned from 2 years in an Australian high school where she received distinctions in all of her subjects! Her aunts are either senior teachers or professionals, we all ask the same question...What the hell is going on in the Thai education system? When I was teaching in high school in Bangkok the most important subject for the Thai teachers was "Lunch", it appears that nothing has changed!

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  4. There is more to this story , I dont believe teenagers just start beating a foreigner without a reason.

    He must have done something wrong in the past....

    Ah! My friend, are you suggesting that a gang of 6 Thai youths have an IQ above their collective shoe size? Maybe they thought he was someone else? Maybe they knew him and wanted to punish him? Maybe they were a bunch of brainless M3 students ripped of their collective faces on Ya-Ba and "357"...who cares? Now there is a group of Dutch people who will never, ever come to Thailand again!
  5. What's the fuss. They let people go, who burn little girls, and people who crash their cars and minivans into people and murder them, or people who traffic and sell child prostitutes to foreigners (including Asians) don't they? So, what are a few more corrupt individuals going to hurt? Does it really make any difference what the outcome will be? I am sure something else will come up once these forks are pulled out of the fire and used up. It's all silly when you really think about it. It's all about stiff-necked, self-righteous people whose feelings and pride are hurt; totally ignoring the abused and slain innocents.

    I think they need to bring "Takki" back, write off the conviction, throw out all of the charges waiting for him, let all of the demonstraters out of the slammer and start again...the pigs have all got their snouts in the trough of public money and the voters just don't care! What are we farangs worrying about?

    It's the standard story...all pride no shame, som nom na to all those who have been hurt...there's a chicken fight next Sunday, Yahoo!

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  6. 'Black Shirts' did exist. We saw them on video. We saw them shoot the soldier pulled down from that truck.

    Given the tensions and chaos caused by the red shorts and their kind, I still maintain the govt. and army were very restrained.

    Dragging it out for political points is selfish and doesn't heal any wounds. No senior army officials will be punished. The aim is only to discredit Abshit and his government. Focus attention on genuinely unifying the country instead of these smoke and mirrors.

    It's amazing how many people have opinions about the "troubles" without even seeing the nightly TV reporting while it was going on!

    You would have to be blind to deny the "men in black", it was obvious at the time that they appeared to be in cahoots with the demonstrators...what boggled me was how the Army allowed these guys to wander around armed? They had the snipers, they had just cause, it appeared that it was only the restraint of the Army and the government that stopped a blood bath! IMHO

  7. Questions! Is your lady over 18? Does she have a house book? Do you or her have the capacity to spend Baht 90 - 100,000?

    If you can answer yes to these questions then tell her to apply for a pistol license, then go down to Bangkok and buy a "lady smith" (M60) in 32 calibre or even 22 calibre, very loud noise, very painful to whoever catches one, but difficult to kill with!

    Should solve her problem on many fronts!


    Again with the lies and propaganda.

    The biggest lobbying group in the US is set to recommend Thailand remains on the Priority Watch List as they have not met any of the criteria for removal or a status upgrade.

    The requirements are; full audit of government offices and equipment, to declare counterfeiting to be organised crime and to prosecute landlords that allow sale of counterfeit merchandise on their property.

    None so far have been complied with.


    Cold and cruel...but true! As in all things in the LOS, the elite family who organises and distributes a majority of the pirated gear is not only above the law they're probably part of the organisation that makes the law! IMHO

  9. Hi Kevin, I've got a place in Thung Kwao Moo 4, about 10 rai, half a kilometer of klong, 3 buffs and 11 dogs. Pizza 5 minutes away (very expensive) hospitals up the gazooga, who wants to eat in a restaurant when you've got the best cook in the world at home? Let the city boys have their bottle...chasing the floozies...breathing cancer! Phrae must have the cleanest air in Thailand and the friendliest people, markets everywhere, it'll do!

  10. 20+ years in Thailand and weight has been up and down as a yoyo.

    Guess its simple maths.

    Whatever you eat you must burn.

    Whatever the balance over a few weeks will see you either gain or lose weight.

    For me only two factors influence my weight.

    The first is the amount of physical activity. This can change a lot for me due to having different jobs (actally same job but different stages from planning stage in the office to actual running around during implementation).

    Second is stress level. Not the stress itself but how it influences eating habits. Lots of stress and I'm seldom hungry, and my overall calory intake lessens.

    Overall, same cycles I had when still living in the West...

    Monty, give it up! Stress put me through 100 cigarettes a day until I had 6 heart attacks, there's only 60% chance of surviving your first one! Thailand has saved my life! I'll learn to live with a little weight. thumbsup.gifbiggrin.png

  11. It's well known that the big "C" raided the casino's to drive the patrons to his Chonburi dens.

    K. Chuwit has never denied his past and I suppose he still has his fingers in the pie? That said, he has never failed, so far, to be called wrong on any corruption he has brought to public notice!

    Of course he's a little bent...whistling.gifgiggle.gif

  12. The lack of realistic sex education, the arrogance of the typical young man and the total lack of condom machines in women's toilets throughout Thailand obviously add to the problem. The "not my little boy" syndrome amongst Thai parents, who know their little angel isn't pure and pray everyday that his "oops" and child wont turn up on the front door!

    It's not going to change so why sweat it? sad.png

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