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Posts posted by TPI

  1. During his recent visit to Thailand, the UK Foreign Secretary Mr William Hague raised road safety with his counterpart , Thai Foreign Minister Dr Surapong Tovichakchaikul. The UK stands ready to share its experience in achieving one of the best road safety records in the world, and would be happy to support Thailand in this area.

    Excuse me Mr UK Foreign Secretary but Thailand does not need any help from any foreign country for any situation. I.E. the USA sending a fleet to assist during last years floods that killed 900+ Thai citizens. They were told to go away, we don't need you.

    You may even hear the statement "The UK is not our father".

    What the fark? You absolute..... insert profanity here

    On the one hand the USA offers help for the flooding and you claim 'we dont need you' but in the same sentance declare that 900 people died?

    And the UK having one of the best road safety records in the world - offers advice to one of the most dangerous countries in the world for driving.... Free, impartial advice.... And you speak on beahlf of the Thai people and state they dont need help?

    You are totaly and utterly off your rocker. Have another beer, keyboard warrior.

    Idiot! He was being sarcastic by quoting the Thai government, not speaking on behalf the Thai people...shesh!giggle.gif

    • Like 1
  2. Not moving in the "modern" areas of Bkk it strikes me that most Thai women I meet are friendly and quite approachable, but, out of town it's a different story...most don't have the language skills even if you speak Thai they assume that at some point you'll want them to speak English! They've usually been screwed around by a boyfriend or husband and are really coy about getting serious. If you're just looking for a quicky then forget it, unless she's a working girl or you're connected (very closely) to a well known Hi-So, then maybe...perhaps it helps to be working as an exec. with a merchant bank or the UN? IMHO

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  3. I am sure there will be hoards of people on here that will come out with the usual critisisms of of Thailand, but I actually think it is quite sad it won't be used. I have seen this place go up week after week, it's a quite impressive looking arena, and a huge effort has been made. It's a shame it has all been in vain.

    Not in vain, they can use this to their advantage, and im sure some have . How to do build a bit better and wiser . How to keep deadlines. What Happened?, maybe our caste hierarchy has too many Chiefs on the Site. PS. How many is a Hoard?

    A horde is 10,000 horsemen!

  4. Around Phrae the prices of houses and land has gotten crazy, you cannot buy a house for less than a million baht and land anywhere near a concrete road is going for a million a rai!

    I think that the old folk are feeling the pinch and the youngsters are not supporting them! So, the only thing they can do is sell the family farm and/or house and move to where ever the kids are!

    Something has got to give sooner or later?

  5. I think one of the most concerning aspects of this, is that seemingly everyone and their dog is happy to get in on the act and feather their nests- It would be nice to see someone with a bit of backbone turn down the invitation for a position, and point out reasons for doing so- which will bring it into the open.

    And what do you think would be the media response to someone doing just that? Zip! Nil! Nada! Everyone knows what and why these things happen...nobody, except the academics,(and who really listens to them?) really cares! thumbsup.gifsad.png

  6. RT @tulsathit: Thai Post: Tu (Jatuporn) swallows blood.

    RT @tulsathit: Matichon: Tu accepts fate, saying being red leader's happier.

    RT @tulsathit: Thai Rath: Red shirts press for Tu omission explanation

    RT @tulsathit: ASTV: Reds claim Tu was shut out through special orders

    RT @tulsathit: Khao Sod: Reds dismay as Tu misses out again

    Et tu, Brute.

    thumbsup.gifclap2.gifgiggle.gif Wotta wally! Does that mean that he's happy to stick around with no result?? He's on a flogging to nothing!
  7. Boonsong_Kowawisarat_ca3c6.jpg

    Actually, not to split hairs, but I think it was a 9mm semi, also manufactured by Uzi; not the famous mini submachine gun depicted here.

    Well, hopefully I'm not starting an argument here but! I've owned and used said 9mm Uzi and it's a dead ringer for the one pictured...I got rid of it as it was dreadful to shoot one handed and very heavy to boot. Victoria Australia has very strict rules for pistols and that's how it was registered! biggrin.pngwai.gif

  8. Don't mess with this, apnea causes tremendous strain on the heart. Try sleeping on your side with your body supported with pillows, give up smoking...Apnea will kill you, get a pressure machine asap, don't fret the cost it's not worth it in the long run!

    I'm not joking! wai.gif

  9. How much money went into the hands of politicians?

    How long is a piece of string!!!!!!

    cheesy.gif Neither of you have a clue as whether this sort of thing occurred -Nevermind how much. Love to read these great insightsclap2.gif

    You obviously haven't been in the LoS very long! Every action of any government here is taxed by the elite by 30-50%, straight into their pockets. Why do you think there are so many unfinished or poorly finished projects here??

  10. I'm in there now, wandering around lost.

    How do I get out?

    Does anyone know where I can find another 80 year old hooker?

    What can I do about my skin condition?

    Sent from my 15 pound, 1980's era cell phone.

    Head down to the "Office Bar" in Patpong 1...some of the "girls" are under 60!!

  11. It doesn't matter to the child if the paedophile assailant is 33, 63, or 93.......the child is just as damaged and traumatised.

    This guy knew what he was doing, age is no barrier to justice. Also well done to the Thai and Mynamar authorities for pursuing him and bringing him to justice, they need to send out a message loud and clear........the time of predatory paedophiles flying into South East Asia unencumbered is over. The law is waiting for you.

    Age is no barrier to being a scumbag, this guy is a 93 year old paedophile scumbag, jail him for the rest of his days. End of.

    You obviously din't engage your thinking gear when you exploded onto the page! Read what "cber" has inserted then we'll all sit around and wait for the apology?? Fat chance! bah.gifsick.gif

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