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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. went up for a look yesterday look slike a big event many stalls there already, 1 massive stage and a small one. lots of quality leather goods for sale, sign does say starts 21 but as previoulsy posted main eveent looks like 25/26/27, looking forwards to it. about 400-500 singa chairs and hay bales laid out so looks like a bit of drinking will be done :rolleyes:

  2. What about people on the back of taxibikes? Do they get fined if they don't have a helmet?

    this statement is tuk dron. is correct now the pillion ( the back passenger (s) all ahve the wear them

    So taxi bikes must provied helmets? The same head-lice infested helmets for all their customers? Or are tourists expected to buy a helmet and carry it around with them in case they happen to take a taxi bike? It doesn't add up.

    taxi driver should provide one for passenger, usually one in front of bike basket, no differnt to hiring a bike from a shop and getting an old helmet. i guees the tourist could always carry some kind of shower cap like the hotels have, but the law is the law, these checks also turn up a lot of weapons and drugs

  3. would like to attend, anybody know where abouts in pattaya it is, i know it gives the name of the road but i have no idea where..Chaiyapruek 2 is. googled it without success.


    At the Pattaya Indoor sports stadium, This map shows Chaiyapruek 2 and the location of the stadium.


    thanks got the co ordinates and will put in gps, i was searching the wrong place, do you know if there is specific day to attend i see 3 days are main day sbut just wondered if there was 1 big day so to speak. shame it is beefs would like to see a bit of dairy being ex farm boy

  4. in the UK data protection would not allow it unless it was in the public interest. your medical records belong to the doctor but for a fee you can get a copy. i would be prity sure the data protection act would prevent anybody getting that information then theres the hypacatic oath a doctor has to take. i would say they face getting stuck off for passing on such info to a comercial business. google should reveal all

    insurance companies especially travel and health dont exactly stick to the terms on the signed and agreed form now do they, always look for away to get out of paying.

  5. if you google toyoata thailand there is a price list on there, dont know if this is rigid or dealers get special terms, mine came from up north and we did get a lot of extras added which samui wouls not do, as in running boards the black lining in th epick part of the car, tinted glass as in the film, few other bits and bobs. i found the Toyata dealer on Samui a complete waste of time the sales girl thought ABS was something to do with steering with s meaning steering. prity girl but not a clue about the product she was selling. i took the car to have a little job done on it same girl said they could not do there little shop down the raod could do it, gave her 500 went down it was to take film of windscreen, hair dryer, stanly knife off 2-3 mins. i compalined to toyota bangkok. manager from Surat straight over to apologise.

    Sorry but in the last half of your post you've lost me

    i proably spend to much time in chat rooms and take to many short cuts, the last part is i took my new car purchased at a dealer else where, i did not like the tinted stip across the top of the windscreen, i took the car to toyota in Samui and said could it be removed, i expected it to be a difficult job. my first contact was the sales girl out front so wife asked her about getting taken off, the sales girl said toyota dealership could not do it, but her friends down the road had the equipment and i should give her 500 baht and she would call them. so i did, i went to the tiny shop and the special tool was a hairdryer to heat the film and thin knife and peeled it off. i had been conned and new full well a toyota dealer should never send away a customer to a non toyota dealer. such things can loose them there franchise. still toyota did make the call to surat which is the same owner and GM came to Samui to straighten out the young lady and apologise to me.

    i now use a toyota dealer in Pattaya and the service is way way better.

  6. dont understand if OP knows he is there often why drive past him breaking the law, surly common sence would say if you know he is always there make sure you do every thing by the law. only been done once 200 baht on 36 raod, angry at the time, but after its the price we have to pay, coppers get about 8000 per month, out of that threre uniform, radios, guns etc costs are deducted from there salary. cant really blame them, and if gifts off people driving past breaking the law well why not.

  7. if you google toyoata thailand there is a price list on there, dont know if this is rigid or dealers get special terms, mine came from up north and we did get a lot of extras added which samui wouls not do, as in running boards the black lining in th epick part of the car, tinted glass as in the film, few other bits and bobs. i found the Toyata dealer on Samui a complete waste of time the sales girl thought ABS was something to do with steering with s meaning steering. prity girl but not a clue about the product she was selling. i took the car to have a little job done on it same girl said they could not do there little shop down the raod could do it, gave her 500 went down it was to take film of windscreen, hair dryer, stanly knife off 2-3 mins. i compalined to toyota bangkok. manager from Surat straight over to apologise.

  8. Gai ban aren't good layers, Boater, as they only lay eggs for a set period of time (a clutch, usually about 12 days, so you would only get 12 eggs) and then stop. The egg laying hens Dunc has in mind were bred to produce eggs but! you must have a rooster in order to get eggs, I believe, so you have to decide if the middle of the night crowing down at the bottom of your garden is worth a few egss. :)

    Interestingly, they think chickens were domesticated in South East Asia.

    think you only need a rooster to fertilise the eggs, chickens in battery house lay average off about one a day, no roosters around.. rohde island reds were alway the best we ever had.

  9. just for the record yob and yobbo were used in 18th Century England, Miami way to dangerous downtown especially and certainly not high class. Russians do come across as ignorant and probably are, but i think they just dont know any better and thats the way things work back at home. Pattaya and Samui full of them as well, one bonus some of the ladies are extremmely attractive.

    Yobbo or yob is a slang term for an uncouth or thuggish blue collar person. The word derives from a backslsang reading of the word "boy" (boy or boyo reversed becomes yob or — slightly modified — yobbo).


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    Read more: <a style="color: rgb(0, 51, 153);" href="http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/288685#ixzz1H4FPdN5w">What is the origin of the term yob? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag...5#ixzz1H4FPdN5w


    no need to shout its not polite, if you like urine and acid blasted in to your eyes its a great festival, in thai villages it great where i live its great, in Pattaya its a pain, the great festival costs 300+ lives a year, 10s of thousands of serious injuries. the OP wants to attend an event in his clothes dry and appearance looking good what part of your great festival fits into that criteria, it would be great if it were not for the drunken farangs going over the top. dont know where your from but a week of constant drenching and eye infections would be banned, a bit of water washed on the face is what its about, and a little bit of talc.

    the guy is here to play chess why would he want to get involved but like it or not he has to.

    i bet most of the farangs blinding people do not have the brains to know about the game let alone play it.

  11. Jomtien immigration certificate lasts for 30 days.

    not sure here but in Samui was 3 months, should be same here but who knows, going to transport office today so will ask

    Passed my test again 3rd time in a year and enjoyed the video yet again, the answer i got was the letter is valid until the visa runs out, mine finishes on 6th April so the residency letter is valid until 6th April. thats what they said there today, however Samui immigration definatly told me valid for 3 months. so pattaya until visa runs out.

    great they were all pleasant and polite people, very helpfull, thye did how ever want a copy of passport and current visa which i did not take, i thought a letter from immigration which is required for that would have been sufficient. still only 10 mins away.

  12. i did it day before yesterday and collected yesterday. i took copy of passport picture page, copy of house book signed by owner, copy of TM 6 with current visa stamp, 3 pictures required as i wanted 2 copies. charge 400 baht for 2. my ticket number for desk number 7, same as last year but office moved, which is now a little office in the back far right hand corner of the immigration. when collected yesterday sent straight to desk 8 and was handed documents.

    i waited well over 1 hour on the first day, 7 infornt of me, even immigration officer asked why i was waiting so long, the lady sergant in there has real attitude problem i spoke politly to her but she is not pleasant, and was more interested in playing with the kids than working hence the long wait. i know TIT but kids in immigration office with mum, not on IMHO whilst i sit outside for 1 hour

    must admit until i read Rimmers post i would have staked my life it was number 7, now not 100% either way tell them what you want and they will tell you, form can be a little confusing as to where to but names and dates on the desk there are examples what to put where. 100% desk 8 for collection.

    dont forget 12-1 gin cow things really slow down and for the next hour after.

  13. I guess some Girls will do it without a Condom, however I do not know if they would go with a Customer at all, if they know that this Person has HIV. His duty has to be to inform a Girl about this. If he does it and she goes with him, then its her decision and her taking the risk.

    If he knows the diagnose by now (I guess he does) I may talk to him and ask him if he is telling the Girls. If he does not, I would probably tell the Girls to be careful. As you did not read that letter it may be better your Friend is taking this in his hand as he was reading the letter.

    i think most girls will do it without a condom, i used to work in a go go with about 30-40 girls we had a pot with hundreds of condoms in for the girls to take to the room, we rarly had to top it up, in fact dont think we ever did. the girls prefered not to as the customer was quiker to deal with and they could get back on the stage quicker. so even if a girl agrees witha HIV customer which i doubt, if she contracts it she will pass it onto others. then they pass it on and so on. condoms can come off and break

  14. difficult one but really if you knew a serial rapist or murderer was out there would you keep stum, if he is having unprotected sex he is committing manslaughter, guys here have been locked away for it. as a member of the community who attends go gos i would like to think he was outed, if he is so unconsiderate about passing on a killer disease to the girls and people like me he deserves outing. he needs stopping one way or another and getting treatment which is not cheap here.

  15. Presumably this is the Bankok Chess Club, if it is somebody living Thailand has organised the event at the height of songkran in the worst possible place. Check Mate!, still you will only be a pawn in the day events and yes it goes on into the knight

    250 people from 50 differnt countries in for a shock, but a tournament to remember, try and get zip lock bag for valubles, condoms are exellent for mobile phones as you can still see dial pad. maybe put a change of clothes in a water proof bag and change at the hotel. Naklua to the left and pattaya to the right.:ermm:

  16. What the hell is St. George's day? I have enough from the daily Halloween in Pattaya....lol

    its the day the English celebrate a saint from Palestine, born from a Syrian Mother and Roman father, whos reamins are in Isreal!!!!!!!!!!!


    Come on NALAK why stop there,

    Let's mention that Patrick was not Irish!!!!!!!!!!! (probably you know about his parents and remains---I don't)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Or that very few Sovereigns of the Vatican State / Bishops of Rome have been from either the Vatican State or Rome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Come on NALAK how many more anomalies can you list?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BTW everybody have a good day.

    St Patrick was a British Christian, the patron St of a Catholic country, still like to educate myself, was interested about st George somebody asked the question i answered it. irelands Patron Saint a Brit and Englands Patron St a Lebonese, still both left behind a a day to have a few beers. Certainly a few beers sank tomorrow for St Patricks day

  17. could you not put the bike in her name now and make the accounts joint so she can get the money after your demise. going to see a british lawyer tomorrow about the same thing on soi 3rd road called british law, specialises in divorce will etc, funnily enough i am changing my will to take out thai GF, all going to World vet service. let you know how much and what he says. the thought of her family sitting on there &lt;deleted&gt; blowing the money i inherited does not sit well on my mind, they had enough already.

    sods law he has had to return to the UK for 2 weeks but will follow up

  18. its bad beyond beleif, some idiots blasting a pump gun straight into your eyes, now there into adding chilli powder and beleive it or not even acid, you will also get covered in a variety of powders. the water is usually flithy stinking stuff, then theres the ice. get a car lock your doors and dont open for anybody not even old thai ladies

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