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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. Mabarachan lake area is good, Pong village, nice Thai people few bars and the lake. beaches of ban saray not to far away, the new 7 road to get into patts, 36 road to link upto bangkok or run for cambodia. shops here are cheaper than Tesco, carrefore on most things, just means having to fo to a few shops instead of one. 9999 bar good group of expats,leo 29 baht, san mig 40 baht.

    perfect for me, ride out into the country makes a nice change on the bike.

  2. Langsuan Man seems skeptical so just reconfirming.

    "skeptical"? Given his continued insistence that he is the only one in step, maybe a simple "wrong" would be more appropriate!

    How am I wrong ? , if I got the sticker and posted it here at Thai Visa

    My question was Insurance Windshield Sticker: Why does it take Viriyah via Toyota so long to issue not whether or not it was required

    Who is wrong are all those who said that it is not longer issued

    its not been issued to me on the bike or car for 3 years stopped regular on the roads around pattaya never a problem. as said before insurance has to be shown for tax so tax covers both. strange you have 2.

  3. bar selling English breakfast with a few girls and premeirship football, beuaty salon, laundary business, bar no girls, best i saw was in Samui a betting shop. French guy said he was paying off right people, as it happened he was not, it then became a fish and chip shop another for the list, business selling English style sausages and bacon, lets not forget the pies. internet shop, rent out motor bikes, bar no girls football but stays open 24 hours. small hotel 6-10 rooms, guests welcome!!!!

    all sure fire winners, i am prepared to offer franchise to all of the above :rolleyes:

  4. You do the 3 month visa bounce on a non b if not working. only docs are the normal ones required by the country you are entering. thats what i am doing now, works out 15 months if you do last bounce just before visa is up.

    Malaysia was just passport, Cambodia Passport, copy of passport and 1 or 2 pictures (cant remember). 1000 baht entry, 100 excess for not staying overnight and 300 for the paper work to be done. would rather do the paper work myself and enter but seems difficult crossing i use.

    have noticed now they are asking for mobile number when coming into Thailand on TM card. has anybody else been asked for this, happened on my last 2 trips.

  5. Went to Birmingham last week with my deeds,only 42 years young they gave me multi o no problem,and the bloke said many people come here now because Hull changed the rules,its Hull nothing to do with Thailand,just go to Birmingham easy same before.

    hull probably changed the rules as every man and his dog were on forums saying what a soft touch it was. lets keep Birmingham quite unless you want it to go the same as Hull.

  6. Providing you can tell the difference between the colour of a 500 baht note and a 1000 baht note you should have no problems!:whistling:

    so who in the office do you give the money to, just renewed bike and car, could not see who you would be able to pass the envelope to, presumably the lady who is full view of everybody.

    always amazed how people put more effort into doing things illeagally than just doing it the easy way legally. risk fine,jail deportatoin etc.

  7. unless she is arriving naked why not wait until she gets there ans simply take her to a walmart or department store. or maybe google petite clothes with your city name. ebay also good.

    just curious your married and dont know wifes waist or bra size? that would be a big sign of lack of interest in the UK. dont you know if she is into thongs or fullbacks, bikini style.

    tell her to fill her suitcase, probably big coats, gloves, panty hose,socks,boots etc you should be more interested in getting her.

  8. would not waste to much time trying to figure it out as you never will. differnt culture, getting the same treatment now after 9 years. dont even think about asking why as you will never get to the bottom of it or what the REAL problem is.

    IMHO from experience i wished i had come from a broken home as a child in stead of living in one for 15 years of hell.

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  9. I believe its a shit load of paper work for them to jail a foreigner , and the embassy has to be notified......... most is bluff, bluff back.

    i thought it was harldy any paper work and down to more or less officer,and he is the only one who can deal with the release. monkey house for farangs is no hassle for them then it is for a Thai, and British Embassy dont give a rats ass.

    was it a KSR as a matter of interest. had the exhaust been modified.

  10. A bit scary that the boy was not a stranger. He apparently had been to the house several times before without any unpleasant incident. Just goes to show that one can never be too careful in Pattaya. Am perplexed that he was not asked for his ID card by the security guard, why do they employ him if not to check visitors?

    well if you think about it, if they have the ID card it will be some village in Issan or somewhere remote, what can the police do. if it is not a chon buri address its useless.

  11. at least 100 times safer i would say, i stay out late and wathc motorbike taxi boys start drink as soon as they start shift. you are only as a good a driver as the person coming th eother way. my car is in the garage for 5 days renting a bike now. been about 10kms in 3 days, never ever would i go back to a bike in Thailand. the guy i rented off has a customer in hospital 25 years old been in Pattaya 2 days and lost a leg. Baht bus every time

  12. would depend how much you are looking for rental wise and sale price, its all through th be floor right now, my friend has 5 houses on suwattana which is a nice spot, the town houses usually get trashed by the customers the agents put in, he is struggling to get tenants at 10k per month now. he just slod one for 1.7 million and they are nice, 2 beds 2 bathrooms and a downstairs loo. as usual all the neighbours hate each other.

    Is that normal for neighbours to hate each other,thats a new one on me????

    never happened to me but certainly they seem to have issues about, dogs,music,comapny brought back, thais living amongst farangs. alot of people i know living in these comunnities seem to have problems. having lived on one myself, yes it was the same there, germans hating the czechs and visa versa, russians v east germans. still not rraltive to OP just part of my reply. no my neighbours are all non human, could have a fall out with the flippin free range cows with bells around there necks at 6 am.

  13. For hassle free viewing of all content including hd content, pop yourself down to pantip plaza and buy a western digital live hd media player. Very easy to set up, and plays anything you throw at it..

    definatly the best way via HDMI, put exteral hard drive and you 500gb downloads, can link 2 upto it. if your a brit highly reccomend series shameless, hilarious.

  14. buy your own material near OHMs motor bike shop, go to one of the many sweat shops plenty around leam din area and get them to measure and make. half the price, thats what vthe rip off tailors do, they are just fronts and dont make a single thing. i got trousers made last month that way for 300 baht, material 200 baht. that was in pattaya but i did same in Samui. better still if you from UK go to walmart get cheaper and better quality.

  15. if its like the one in pattaya watch out, girls come over smile say hello and for that its 100 baht, argue you are surrounded by a few well built guys and have to cough up or get a pasting. drinks prices all the way through the roof. best stay in europe and do the ryan air trips for ruskies to talin, Czech, riga etc. i also got badly stung with them in Cyprus. £350. fortunatly realised it was a stitch up paid by credit card totally messed up the signature then claimed fraud. card company stood it.

    BEWARE the are BMF (pulp fiction)

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