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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. no chance of you getting a loan, best thing is remember it was a holiday, you had money in your pocket, save up and do it again. job prospects are virtually 0. getting a visa ni on impossible. there are thousands of of us here thinking the same as you and really there is not anything you could do to tick over. every thing is done to death already. i have a small business on the net, well wife does pays for the house,car and her family and thats it. since the baht went from mid 70's to mid 40's and stock market crashed many expats are looking how to make a few extra bob. i have been here 9 years speak reasonable Thai, have worked here and i would stuggle to find work now. then theres the education side, do you really want your child educated in the state system here? good education here is expensive some over £1000 per month.

    stay put save save save, only my advice dont try and buy house over here in the mean time.

  2. i posted the link to this thread with the e mail. i think the thread says it all, along with the pictures. Journalists will do the rest. all that needs to be seen and said is on here for them to read. what should i have wrote that they cannot see on here.

    Don't take it personally, I'm not trying to be offensive or be "the grammar police", but when journalists read words like "what should i have wrote" and " Mr howard miller british consular has visited him 4 times and done nothing. He is after all a British citezen." they would probably dismiss it, and I doubt very much if they would plough through umpteen pages of an internet forum.

    I say again I applaud what you are trying to achieve and hope I have not offended.

    read the sun recently? OK written, Citizen, lack of caps deliberate, anyway as long as i can try and help the guy, few years ago my mother was diagnosed as Pyscotic, but thanks to treatent cured of mental health problems so is a hobby horse. spelling grammer a weak point must admit, but still got through life and retired at 45 so is it that important, after all it is a forum on the net and grammer and spelling is not supposed to be a problem. no not offended but would have preffered the effort was in sending e mail about this poor chap.

  3. i have sent this to most national tv station and newspapers also various mental health organisations.

    HM you have to dance to a differnt tune now, you left this man in this state, i for one have put a complaint into the FCO about the guys treatment. One compalint about the Consular in Samui and that was it. maybe you were to busy at one of your many other business interests.

    PLEASE can you put pressure on the British goverment to get this man home. he

    is mentally ill and chained naked in a Thai Jail. Mr howard miller british

    consular has visited him 4 times and done nothing. He is after all a British


    DET please pass onto national papers, somebody has to help this guy get


    Whilst I admire your objectives, with the greatest of respect, a poorly written note like this is going to get nowhere.

    i posted the link to this thread with the e mail. i think the thread says it all, along with the pictures. Journalists will do the rest. all that needs to be seen and said is on here for them to read. what should i have wrote that they cannot see on here.

  4. Mr Drummond

    As you are around, and I see on line now, I would like to thank you for clarifying that nobody knew of this mans incarceration until the 23rd. Now I would like to ask you to comment on the content of the posts that your article has generated. The utter slagging off of the Consular Staff. Was this your intention?? Are you happy as a journalist with the reaction that your article has generated? Whilst the situation of this man was most dreadful, are you truly aware of what really goes on in the penal system here and how much beyond the control of the dedicated hard working Ladies and Gents at the Embassy it is? Your views on this are, to me at least, both important and appropriate, as regardless of your intent, some very fine people who have completed another year of hard work on behalf of a mostly ignorant, selfless British public in Thailand, have had their professionalism brought in to question, and I for one know for a fact, this is not their fault'.

    Care to interview me?

    i seem to remember a hard working Bitish Embassey member staff doing his hard work in Soi Cowboy last year i think it was, reported on here anyway. harworking what a joke, they messed up my visa application for wife just because the lazy so and so behind the counter would not turn the page in her passport and see visa extension in her passport. even though i told him. got full apology but shows what a bunch of useless uper class twits they are. a representative of my goverment saw this man in this state for 4 times and did nothing. so people who do not agree with you are ignorant and selfess. those dedicated harworking staff have jobs to die for ,over paid and a full pension at 50 index linked and usually a pay off at the tax payers expense. the idiots who took drugs at full moon party were treated far better than this, but that was a differnt Hounary Consular. conflict of interest or not Honary council privvy to private information with a newspaper and tv station.!!!!!!!!!!! beggars beleif .

    why was this not reported on Pattaya one at the time? might have helped get the guy out.

  5. i have sent this to most national tv station and newspapers also various mental health organisations.

    HM you have to dance to a differnt tune now, you left this man in this state, i for one have put a complaint into the FCO about the guys treatment. One compalint about the Consular in Samui and that was it. maybe you were to busy at one of your many other business interests.

    PLEASE can you put pressure on the British goverment to get this man home. he

    is mentally ill and chained naked in a Thai Jail. Mr howard miller british

    consular has visited him 4 times and done nothing. He is after all a British


    DET please pass onto national papers, somebody has to help this guy get


  6. I only asked a simple question ,,,please Mr Rimmer close my topic

    presumably you have checked out ebay already, as a matter of interest whats the WD 1000GB going for. problem with e bay is returning if faulty. i had problem with 500Gb from Banana IT in tuk com, i took it back and they gave me brand new one and 3 year warranty.

    i think postage would be at least 1000 baht then if customs add import duty who knows.

  7. no one is going to sadao for border run, the border is overcrowded and too slow/long, go there only if you want to do real duty free shopping.

    otherwise go to khuandon, it's the fastest border.

    i went every 3 months for almost 8 years and never found it at all slow, where is it slow, drive up stamp out drive or walk to malaysia in and out in 10-15 minutes then 1 night in fun town Donak then back home. is by far and away the best border town i have ever visited in the world.

    the one near Satun is even quicker.

    seems strange asking just day before travel,no wonder people have problems. planning maps etc.

  8. Unfortunately I am not able to get too involved in this thread but I would like to say that the initial story has errors, one of which is the length of time he was at Pattaya Police Station for.

    The original piece states "He is reported to have been there for three months...."

    He was incarcarated for just under two weeks during which time I visited 4 times, providing food, water and clothes and he was in the condition shown in the photo's when he arrived there.

    I like Drummond's current blog entry, "A conspiracy of silence - a comment" which I am sure he issued out of sheer frustration that the story did not earn him any money. Is he trying to pressure me, the Embassy or the Foreign Office into speaking out on the case and revealing what actually happened?

    There are more errors in the first two blog entries on this case but they are not worth highlighting.

    I will no be able to post any more here.


    so as a representative of the British goverment you visited him 4 times and left him in this condition each time, cant say i find your appointment comforting. 2 hours would have been to long. you seem to have taken the same line on a mental health issue as the Thai police.

  9. as a Brit this is a disgusting story, i thought consul had been replaced by well kown Pattaya resident, note the omission of hounary, one before same catergory. only decent one was D Covey in Samui. this should cost somebody in Bangkok there job. time they all read the mission statement again.

    Wait wait, so the Thai police creates a problem and the UK Embassy/Consul has to solve it?

    As far as I know, Embassies do have a strict policy on those cases, and if a UK citizen is "impounded" in a police cell, he may have not been registered.

    All the blame goes to the Royal Thai Police and the Pattaya Police in specific; did the victim has aids? was this tested? why was the prisoner naked? did he do that himself? all questions.........and of course no answers.

    yes thats what they are here for, just like the convicted drug dealers still get visited. its there job, and what we pay them for and why they get a big fat index linked pension.

  10. as a Brit this is a disgusting story, i thought consul had been replaced by well kown Pattaya resident, note the omission of hounary, one before same catergory. only decent one was D Covey in Samui. this should cost somebody in Bangkok there job. time they all read the mission statement again.

    Wait wait, so the Thai police creates a problem and the UK Embassy/Consul has to solve it?

    As far as I know, Embassies do have a strict policy on those cases, and if a UK citizen is "impounded" in a police cell, he may have not been registered.

    All the blame goes to the Royal Thai Police and the Pattaya Police in specific; did the victim has aids? was this tested? why was the prisoner naked? did he do that himself? all questions.........and of course no answers.

  11. e bay will be cheaper but airmail and customs boys might make it not worth the while. tuk com have loads.

    i purchased nuvi garmin in uk£89 few months ago, less than 4500 baht, here same one in 10000 baht. tax tax and more tax

  12. Also at the send the 5k to the parents idea... He was paying 20,000 a month in advance. This was rejected by the parents after a while. She was making more than that working. She is a very attractive girl and in the top 1% in Thailand so I dont doubt it. I have seen her turn Thai mens heads and other farang walk up to her and start talking if she is alone for a second.

    great claim to fame top 1% Thai Hooker,:cheesy:

    :cheesy: :cheesy:

    why dont they just go and live in Samui or something. DNA test a must, also maybe a hiv for him, since no protection used. if the girl is that much of a looker earning more than 20k per month, does it not bother the guy she will have been with hundreds and hundreds of guys. please dont give me she only did for a month one.

    trace whos work permit not hers. headman of issan village does not carry that much weight hundreds and hundreds of miles away. big fish very small pond

    • no where is going to boom, going in cycles, erm there is a world ression with no end in sight whilst thats going on forget places going around in cycles. the red shirt thing will start again, the baht is way to strong, build quality is poor and they will look like crap in 10 years. if you want to buy property by in home country where it is likely to pick up some time although gawd knows when.

    he boomed in benidorm but has no money 30 years old booming in property market and he cant go out and buy a few condos :cheesy:

  13. great idea apart from 1. there is going to be no high season, Europe is nearly bankrupt, millions losing jobs, that i assume would be your target market. 2. what happens 8 months of the year when your empty.

    who comes to pattaya to sit in room and watch dvds.

    40 beers per day 365 days per year, never happen, i can only assume you never ran a business before in Europe or done any serious fesablility studies of running a business for a year, during the worlds worst recession. what beer could you sell at 50 baht and make 30 baht profit on. cost price 20 baht? maybe it can be done but you will never sell 40 perday to many other places around to visit.

    i spent 3 years at uni studying business amanagement trust me its a non starter.

  14. Has anyone heard any more details regarding circumstances of accident ?

    As I understand it, the driver of the Fortuna wasn't a 'hoon' speeding around Samui's roads.

    He was a very distressed father taking a seriously ill child to hospital.

    He is even more distressed now and will probably never get over this accident.

    Very sad for all of the victims. RIP the poor people on the bike and condolences to their families. Sadly, wrong place wrong time. There but for the grace of God could be any of us.

    The family of the driver and the driver himself are also victims. They will have to live with this forever.

    so can we draw from that he was in fact speeding, sorry no justification driving so fast as to loose control on a road he was familiar with causing the deaths of 2 people. surly a call to the hospital for an ambulance would have been the best way to deal with it, then the child would have got treatment in the ambulance.

  15. is there such a thing as Thai Management, i recently compalined to CEO of tesco about bad service, they sent area director from banagkok and store director to see me, we met up for lunch, all going well no mention of my gripes, so i got my list out and asked about why no trolley in stores, check out ques of over 16 people, isles blocked off with pallets, chicken that smelt rotten. they could only say check out staff were all uni grads but had problems recruiting, how much a month do you pay, 6k a month, i asked would they work for that answer was no. they did not have clue about management..

  16. your wife will never be on yourside, if she was on yourside she would not have told you about the second proposal, wake up smell the coffee we a rated below the family pet dog, cat etc let alone buffalo brother sister aunties cousinns etc.

    my brother in law stole my car a took it home for a few days, wife asked me to go and visit sick father recently, i said not whilst your brother draws breath will i go anywhere near them, she replied he is not angry with you for taking the car, work that one out.

    Give them nothing then all you will lose in nothing or with luck the wife.

  17. i see plenty of gay couples around holding hands and showing affection to each other in public, usually supermarkets. i for one dont like to see it thats me i cant help the way i feel, i have my reasons, but it makes my stomach churn. but i would never resort to violence towards them. really dont know why some gay couples have to ram it down the throats of others they are gay. seems very well tolerated in Thailand

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