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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. seems ok to me, westrern economires in a very bad way, exchange rate poor ans other destinations offering better value for the money. have not noticed to many bars closing, they are usually reopened straight away.

    must admit i have been ex pat for 10 years but like many others thinking of relocating else where in Asia where i feel my money would be better appreciated, and not have all the hassle of visa's and farang cannot do this and cannot do that. they killed the goose that laid the golden egg

    NaRak,, being an expat here for 23++ years I can only say, your money is appreciated but you don't have any, that's the way I see you. And I'm going to be sick of all "farangs" like you who moan about .. killing the goose that laid the golden egg... grow up man and do your thing and don't complain, because first of all, this is Thailand meaning Thai peoples country and not yours, they make their own rules and not rules you are looking for, it's just ridiculous what 90% of you guys are complaining about instead making up their own life here...

    retired at 45 average spend 100k per month, ex pat 10 years spend of 100k easily sustainable for the rest of my life so keep your opoinions about my finanaces to yourself as the way you see me is wrong. if i did not have any how would i be living. its not a complaint its a fact and more and more ex pats are going.

    so ok Einstien give us your take on why westerners are not here.

  2. Driving from the traffic lights south of Tesco - towards the lake in Chewang. Immediately after the Collage of Tourism - on the right hand side. Small garge - very skilled mechanically and very cheap.

    He does not speak a word of English though. Show him the probelm with the car - no problem.

    Ironically, after reading this thread yesterday my car broke down last night. New gasoline pump needed. Its currently with the guy you suggested here.

    Glad it worked out for you - was he cheap?

    NB - when my old auto would not go I went and picked him up from his garage. Brought him to my house. He said - need new petrol pump. He went and got one (2nd hand) and cut it to fit!

    From memory the whole thing was 200 baht. I do not think that a main dealer would that. I could be wrong though.

    you would not be wrong they would not be allowed to do that under the terms and conditions of the franchise.

  3. seems ok to me, westrern economires in a very bad way, exchange rate poor ans other destinations offering better value for the money. have not noticed to many bars closing, they are usually reopened straight away.

    must admit i have been ex pat for 10 years but like many others thinking of relocating else where in Asia where i feel my money would be better appreciated, and not have all the hassle of visa's and farang cannot do this and cannot do that. they killed the goose that laid the golden egg

  4. i awlays used the main dealers, at least they are trained by manufacture's and about same price, guess it depends on age of the car. Steve would be a good one also if he still does cars. he kept Big Joes truck, old banger looking like new. Meeting up with Big Joes brother in couple of weeks trip back home, live nearby looking forwards to that.

  5. Thanks for the replies to date. More interesting.

    By the way, if these characters I am referring to come into some money I would bet they would change their lifestyle. Guaranteed.

    Life is for living, not existing.

    i think that is far from true about guaranteed, your idea of living would be somebody elses idea of hell. if there happy good luck to them

  6. I think we should start a thread highlighting some of the disgusting unclean areas of Pattaya.

    Right off Soi Buakhao there is a dirt lot where consruction equipment and buses park. The lot is strewn with garbage and the buses release their toilet waste which flows right over the street into a drain; I've almost puked crossing it. I'll take some pics and start a new thread tomorrow.

    new threads and posts on here wont make the slightest bit of difference, they are mostly brought up in extreme povety and throwing rubbish on the side is the way it is. have to accept its a dump or move on elsewhere as its always going to by dirty sh*t hole. i dont think many visitors memeories of pattaya will be of how dirty the steets were but how dirty the hookers were.

  7. the collection box in friendsship does in deed go staright a animal sancutary at mapbrachan.

    Thanks for the information. Maybe that collection box is the way to go to ensure my money gets to the right place.

    I know Friendship has one three-legged dog (I thought there used to be more) that they look after, so I assumed the owner is somewhat sympathetic to dogs. Nice to know he helps out in various ways.

    I'd love to adopt a dog or two, but I live in a condo that doesn't permit them ... which is just as well since I'm sure if dogs were allowed it would quickly turn into a nightmare once everyone decided to bring home a "cute puppy" from the market and then lost interest in it after a few weeks.

    he has taken some of the dogs from friendship, thats why they help and have the collection box in there. can assure you every baht and more in the box goes to dogs and cats.

  8. Bringing your wife to Lamai....lol....maybe Choeng Mon or Bophut FV would be a better choice...certainly Choeng Mon beach is 'cleaner' in every sense....

    Edit: o before e except after......

    that's like bringing sand to the beach

    not the sort of place to bring your wife or kids.....

    better stick to Choeng Mon ....

    Hahaha not coming for a week,staying 6 months to chill,so does Choeng Mon have a bit of night life to as we re not dead yet lol. we will have to have a good look around once there and visit Choeng Mon and Boput.we are also going to koh tao for our diving then off the phuket for 3 days then from there to bali from phuket.for a week so is lamai in your face with bar girls? just would of thought it would be like that in most place's? I personally wouldn't be pay for sex anyway so bringing the wife we save me so money to, there is a first of everything and i didn't expect to say that lol

    we all pay for it one way or another :rolleyes: i came a couple of times with western girl friends and they always left me alone and were polite to girl friend. personally as a couple i would stay in Chaweng, better beach more night life and not as seedy. IMHO

  9. I hate soi dogs.

    takes all sorts i mean after all they really want to live in this pile of crap for a life, i am sure they much prefer it ovr a normal caring home life, dont blame the dogs blame the authorities, dont happen in UK. that why i said i put the photo of a soi dog on its way as as i know some people hate them and might like to see it.

  10. i recently picked up a dying dog and took it Muang Ake Veterinary Hospital on suk road near pattaya tai, i agreed inital treatment of 3000 which i paid then a further agreement of operation of 5000 baht which i paid. the dog died as i told them it would but they will not put down until they have exausted every possible route of extracting money. they have sent me a final bill of 13200, they can whistle for that, they made a good profit at 8000, so whats one to do next time a dog is dying on the road side. all i wanted was the dog put down.

    Use your imagination. There's plenty of ways to put a dying dog down without spending 8000 baht. Maybe a bit brutal for your stomach, but quick and humane nonetheless. I can't believe you actually did that.

    only one way and thats a blow to the head and may take several blows, drowned a puppy with a broken back, but full grown dog, no, all i takes is injection from a vet. beleive as i would do it again, i got all the money i have in life by working with animals, nobody to leave it to so may as well do that. it deserved a second shot after what it had been through. as a matter of interest how do i single handedly do it, cut the throat,stab, give me some ideas. if i could get the drug i could do it but i am not skilled enough to find a vein for itraveinous injection. i would dearly love to get a bolt gun but dont know where could get one, that i could do. my stomach tolerated working in a UK slaghter house so no worries there.

  11. an

    the collection box in friendsship does in deed go staright a animal sancutary at mapbrachan. my freiend and landlord runs it. he has 65 dogs now here and about 30 in Chanatanaburi, where is has relocated them. he gets a lot of problems with neighbors. his average monthly spend is 100,000 with vet and staff bill plus food. 30% is usually at the vets. Freinfdship have taken dogs threre and donate food to him hence the collection box. money came from house reantal incomes which has not gone down and some even empty. all dogs are neautered and vaccinated, the place is immaculate and he welcomes vistors. he is 78 years old but dedicates his life to the street dogs. i personally do it on a smaller scale on the mapbrachan dam, the dogs threre dont bother anybody about 20, i get meds for word vet service, and pay for neutering myself. the picture below was of something i organised where 10 dogs were neutered on site 10000 baht now the group have reduced in size.

    also the picture of the dying dog as i know some people seem to get a kick out of the dogs suffering, compalin about local dogs but do nothing.

    i contact wndy at SCADS on a regular basis, she is helpfull and has the luxery of sponors.

    i recently picked up a dying dog and took it Muang Ake Veterinary Hospital on suk road near pattaya tai, i agreed inital treatment of 3000 which i paid then a further agreement of operation of 5000 baht which i paid. the dog died as i told them it would but they will not put down until they have exausted every possible route of extracting money. they have sent me a final bill of 13200, they can whistle for that, they made a good profit at 8000, so whats one to do next time a dog is dying on the road side. all i wanted was the dog put down.

    contact if you want to help or adopt by PM, i have another 10 i want to neuter, treatment for fleas and ticks is about 4 baht per dog so not to much. if you use the vet maybe you could just have a word next time you go that the bill for bones a dying street dog seems high

    Owner of sanctuary has asked i put number on for contact if somebody was to want to visit or adopt. nice golden reteiver in there at the moment and some cocker and poodle types

    08100219557 Derek

    Does anybody know if P.A.W.S Pattaya stillexists, would like to use the name working towards getting a centre set up and maybe employing a vet. all costs money though. but must be a need where unwanted street dogs are taken treated and most importantly neutered.

  12. why cant they just accept the reuslt and let the goverment get on with running things, not matter who wins. these idiots just make things more unstable, disolve parliament another vote another win for reds in the mean while foriegn invest keeps going elswhere.

    so far the new british goverment have broken 2 election pledges, in my book a pledge is a pledge but not in the murky world of polotics.

  13. the collection box in friendsship does in deed go staright a animal sancutary at mapbrachan. my freiend and landlord runs it. he has 65 dogs now here and about 30 in Chanatanaburi, where is has relocated them. he gets a lot of problems with neighbors. his average monthly spend is 100,000 with vet and staff bill plus food. 30% is usually at the vets. Freinfdship have taken dogs threre and donate food to him hence the collection box. money came from house reantal incomes which has not gone down and some even empty. all dogs are neautered and vaccinated, the place is immaculate and he welcomes vistors. he is 78 years old but dedicates his life to the street dogs. i personally do it on a smaller scale on the mapbrachan dam, the dogs threre dont bother anybody about 20, i get meds for word vet service, and pay for neutering myself. the picture below was of something i organised where 10 dogs were neutered on site 10000 baht now the group have reduced in size.

    also the picture of the dying dog as i know some people seem to get a kick out of the dogs suffering, compalin about local dogs but do nothing.

    i contact wndy at SCADS on a regular basis, she is helpfull and has the luxery of sponors.

    i recently picked up a dying dog and took it Muang Ake Veterinary Hospital on suk road near pattaya tai, i agreed inital treatment of 3000 which i paid then a further agreement of operation of 5000 baht which i paid. the dog died as i told them it would but they will not put down until they have exausted every possible route of extracting money. they have sent me a final bill of 13200, they can whistle for that, they made a good profit at 8000, so whats one to do next time a dog is dying on the road side. all i wanted was the dog put down.

    contact if you want to help or adopt by PM, i have another 10 i want to neuter, treatment for fleas and ticks is about 4 baht per dog so not to much. if you use the vet maybe you could just have a word next time you go that the bill for bones a dying street dog seems high



  14. Pattayas finest undercover farangs strike again.

    Indeed. Beneath contempt. Maybe next they will go to the beach road and pretend to hire a jet ski, then when they are asked to pay 50,000 baht for non existent damage, the boys in brown will jump out and arrest the scammers!

    But i agree, the Aussie concerned was a bit naive, poaching girls from the bar across the road, which was probably owned by a policeman, selling beer and providing prostitutes for tourists! And after the hapless Aussie has parted with a nice wedge of dosh, the farang volunteer will get a little bit of it for his trouble. Wonder if they have a work permit! Wonder if they realise, or even care how much they are despised by the farang community here.

    I actually wonder if those foreign rats live in Pattaya or if they are recruted far away from their operation target.

    live in Pattaya, some own bars and employ girls as working girls, also a very good source of how to get a 1 year retirement visa for 15k without having 800,000 in thai bank account. i declined and stuck with the legal way.

  15. BKK airways are doing a sea to sea promotion in Pattaya so pattaya to samui or phuket, funnily enough the Samui 2 night stay is 2000 baht more than the phuket 2 night stay. now considering the plane stops in Samui on its way to Phuket is confusing or is it greed. cannot work that one out.

    You could always feign illness and alight in Samui...laugh.gif

    just in case anybody thinks of doing this bear in mind your hotel is booked in the 2 night stay is in Phuket, sure nobody would but just in case.

  16. Interesting topic we have been using some chemical for our resort it says glycine derivate 48% isopropylamine salt 38% n-phosphonomethyl glycine

    Also says glyphosate isopropylammonium

    Do you know anything about this and would you consider it safe to use we dilute about 120 ml into 40 gallons of water

    It takes around 5 days to kill off the weeds produced by monsanto

    i use it around my property Monsanto developed the product glyphosphate, takes about 5 days as it prevents the roots taking in food so plant dies slowly over 5 days, not instantly like paraquat. Monsanto said it was safe to let cattle back into a feild day after using glyphospate, where as paraquat leave few days. the other products seem to be used in the make up of the glyphosate. found this in google about one of the contents. i was BACIS qualified ( means years at uni) to advise on use of both products in in UK so would say its ok to use for what your using for. i certainly use it around my house. problem as differnt strenghts of glyphophate so weaker the contents in the bottle the more you have to use. if the plants die your using enough if they dont it needs to be stronger thats the way i work with it. hope that helps but i would have no concerns

    Chemical feedstockGlycine is an intermediate in the synthesis of a variety of chemical products. It is used in the manufacture of the herbicide glyphosate. Glyphosate is a non-selective systemic herbicide used to kill weeds, especially perennials and broadcast or used in the cut-stump treatment as a forestry herbicide. Initially, glyphosate was sold only by Monsanto under the tradename Roundup, but is no longer under patent.

    thanks that has put mind at rest you certainly seem to know what your talking about

    no problem glad to have helped, was not aware the Monsanto brand was available here, will have to look out for it as thats the real deal, what i buy is a cheap generic which is not that good. do you get it at one of the big stores?

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