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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. being cleaned right now vigo 270 baht down to 180 for Jazz 0890968804 go south to Rayong north to Leam Chabang and East Pattaya. thats cleaned inside and out. about 90 baht more than i normally pay but worth it. bring own water in a tank and pressure washer. 1900 for wax and polish.

    turned out they have 25% dicount on right now so pick up, 2 motor bikes was 300 baht, will be using this service from now one. great just leaving them to it at home.

  2. However, like it or not ladies, get your jugs out in public and I guarantee that someone will see a sexual connotation.

    I doubt the mother gave a crap if someone got off on her having her tit out. she was doing what she needed to do. honestly I never heard such nonesense coming from grown people over a baby being fed. seems some posters need to grow up & accept the world doesn't revolve around them. pretty sure that mother couldn't care less if she upset some stranger, her only concern is her baby & rightly so. end of.

    i take it i still have a right to my own opinion, i did not get off on it at all just the opposite, i spend plenty of time in walking street and dont get off on it there either. such a thing as class and decorum where i came from, discretion would have been better. i have seen babys being fed but as many other forums and threads i have read say it can be done discreetly and some efffort made ot cover up. not just get breast out for a while mess about with baby feed, then leave breast out and take of baby and put breast back. again for me its part of the scenario now what kids want the get now instant, cant be in a few minutes or next week has to be now. my mother managed to feed me as do many of millions of others without making a public display of it. so i think she shoulod have at least covered up in some some way so as no to m ake such a public display of it, is a have decorum or not for me and most of other threads i have read on the subject, it seems the ladies on this forum are in a small minorrity so end of from me.

  3. Well, Thailand is not the only country that closes bars on Election day, Canada does too, eh! :o

    In British Columbia you cannot even legally take alcohol to the beach or public areas... :wacko: speak about draconian laws... :whistling:

    I am sure booze won't be that hard to find.... but put the kettle on just in case! :D

    yeah but who in there right mind goes to Canada for a vacation :D

  4. Well, Thailand is not the only country that closes bars on Election day, Canada does too, eh! :o

    In British Columbia you cannot even legally take alcohol to the beach or public areas... :wacko: speak about draconian laws... :whistling:

    I am sure booze won't be that hard to find.... but put the kettle on just in case! :D

    add to the booze and beach most of the USA, all of florida except cape canaveral as that fedral law not state!!!!!!!! sounds about Thai logic that one. plus all booze has to kept in the trunk of the car. think i can mangae with a brew and no beer for a few days anyway so kettle on.

  5. never feel accepted as the immigration sign says Aleins and thats all we will ever be cash cows and as long as we remain that we will be tolerated. been here 10 years work for various charity causes speak the language but know i will never be looked upon as equal

  6. Quote : " five puncture marks on his back, penetrating 3 mm into the skin, and also bruising on his back "

    Maybe from someone with long finger nails ?

    Thai women can be very vicious ( speaking from experience and still bearing the scars on my arm from my EX wife's fingernails !!! )

    You can bet there is money involved here and that is probably why the police do not want to look too closely into this case jap.gif

    Thai lady boys can also be very viciuous, and have long finger nails and stilitto heels that do penetrate quite easily 3mm, seen it happen in bars. thats my take on it anyway

  7. I have that report C&P in some folder sorry if I can't pull it up at the moment --- ' More UK tourist deaths in thailand than in any other country, etc etc. However it was in response to a couple well publicized murders - sorry I cannot remember her name, British girl was raped and killed on Koh Samui around Xmas/New Years; attacked while making a cell phone call to her mum. The couple in Kachanaburi, shot and ran over by a Thai policeman and of course the backpacker killed in the GH in Chiang Mai. Those were the high profile ones, lots of the usuals

    her name was Katherine Horton - http://news.bbc.co.u...les/4576688.stm , but her autophosy was conducted in Bangkok , and this was and appears to be conducted properly..

    Taskin ordered an arrest in a week, cops came down from BKK and suprise suprise 2 burmese fisherman were arrested within the week. i for one do not beleive they did it.

  8. http://www.andrew-dr...ory.php?sid=412

    Doesn't take much research to see the people he was involved in.

    Photo clearly shows his wearing Bandido's colours, not only that but he is pictured alongside the club Secretary who was arrested in Koh Samui in 2006 for money laundering and extortion.


    It may also be interesting to know that the same gang was also arrested in 2002


    Maybe things become a little bit clearer now.

    All the same, my condolences to the family.

    if i remember corectly no convictions came of the arrest i doubt very much it was anything to do with this group of people, i think those who new kevin will all have the same conclusion as to what happened and by whom.

  9. same same old"bars closed/election being held.annoying for tourists and travellers...............oh well there's alternative countries to go to,like,laos,cambodia,vietnam,indonesia,all much more popular than thailand these days

    anoying thing is many little Thai bars will be open and serving beer, example if you come out your drive and turn left you will get a beer in 5 mins. they will however be patrolling up and down chaweng road to make shore farnags dont drink. makes the country look complete idiots where the people cannot be trusted to stay sober to cast there votes. suprised your still there having seen the options. not are they more popular and more advanced having over taken Thailand.

  10. You are an idiot. I just spent a year preparing my vacation, and now it's f***ed.

    Firstly DO NOT call any other member an idiot. The only reason that post is still here is because it carried on too far.

    Perhaps if you keep abreast with general travel warnings & a country's situation in general, you might have picked up that an Election is in the pipeline.

    Most hotels, still serve, if not having a beer is the end of the world, well what can I say.

    Roo i would imagine most people had holidays booked before election was announced, so it is a blow and most would probably have chosen to go eleswhere.

  11. being cleaned right now vigo 270 baht down to 180 for Jazz 0890968804 go south to Rayong north to Leam Chabang and East Pattaya. thats cleaned inside and out. about 90 baht more than i normally pay but worth it. bring own water in a tank and pressure washer. 1900 for wax and polish.




  12. Guess thats bad news for all the Visa and Accounting offices sale Retirement Visa under the table for 20.000 to 25.000 Baht...... But I am very sure they will find a way

    Bad luck for the honest people living in LoS and just having an income of less than 65k a month.....thats an rediculous amount....compared to a THAI citizen....guess just

    Abhisit makes that much money a month (over the table)

    20 to 25k thats a bit expensive, will not make one bit of difference 15k seems to rate people i know pay. i stick with non o and have trip out once every 90 days. 65k per month is a rediculas amount to have to show as is 800,000. most counties are crying out for retirees money but not this one.

  13. its a pity Kevins remains could not be repatriated to the UK for a proper aoutopsy, i new him for many years and it just does not seem right kevin is down as commiting suicide as apoosed to murdered. blatently was murdered, how can it possibly slip by as a suicide in 12 inches of water. its easy to put 2 and 2 and get 5, but this one knowing a few bits of the history does not take to much working out.

    RIP Kevin to me it will always be murdered never committed suicide.

  14. i will be giving the mobile van a try next time, got there number off them last week, seems great idea they qouted 180 baht at home, so can have meal, watch dvd what ever. great idea hope it works

  15. Finally a tragic story which ended well ... :jap:

    I'm happy for this ending.... I am glad the British government exercised reason here...


    totally agree, but this, BUT it opens a can of worms, What about people who jump through the Hoops to get visas, Pay all the relevant fees, and then their are the people who have entered the UK illegally and because they have been here years they are given free ILR, what about us who have lived in England and the UK who have paid our taxes and are still having to jump through the hoops to get the right for our wifes to be able to stay with there Husbands who have done every thing legally. and payed the fees which now are about £1000.

    agreed i had to go through all the crap of going upto BKK getting visa's and finally the ILR, i had no sob story she knew she was breaking the law, makes your bed lie in it. compassion for a a convicted criminal, yep UK will have them. do it the right way and its up hill slog

  16. Besides the soil issue,

    there is the intractable issue of flyways and air rights.

    Samui's airport flights go over Koh Phagnan hourly and no matter how the winds blow, and there is not internationally approvable distance between the airports to POSSIBLY allow more than a heliport, and maybe not that.

    Even if the hypothetical Samui Second airport were to become reality, and that would mean Samui Airport would have to close for the SAME air rights issues, it is STILL TOO CLOSE.

    Joe is 100% right.

    You are incorrect.

    Providing safe Air Traffic separation can be established there is NO minimum distance laid down for the establishment of an airport.

    Eg. Heathrow - Northolt/Gatwick/London City etc.

    Paris De Gaulle - Orly/Le Bourget etc.

    The list is endless.

    On a small scale, the seaplane that was here a few years ago had Civil Aviation Approval to operate into Bang Rak Bay in front of

    the Big Buddah which was dirctly under the flight path of Samui Airport and a couple of hundred meters from the runway threshold. The only criteria was that the seaplane would always be in contact and under control of the Airport Tower whilst in the Saumi Air Traffic zone which is 5 Nautical Mile Radius centered on the Airport.

    In any case there would be no need for a new airport if 24 hour operations were to be permitted and a small runway re-alignment with extra Take off distance allowed. 24 Hour operations would have to happen in any case for a new International Airport.

    Anyway why ruin Phangan, nothing to do with elections perchance?


    well well well. 25 years ago i got my pilots license so that i could be a bus driver in the sky. it's nice to know that all of that training is still paying dividends on anonymous message boards.

    as for the elections angle, i would guess it's more related to the timeless "pump and dump" stock or real estate trade. possibilities for an airport are sure to draw out the greed in most people who have been sitting on the sidelines or taken themselves out of the game for a variety of reasons, deflating the r/e market.

    what they really need are passenger balloons, these people are full of hot air.

    areas and tiers are called zones, well went i wen through all my training they were and as long as your talking to the ATC in that zone you can fly through it. leicester and burnaston have to talk to EMA but can use there zones. its one of those roumors like 2nd Samui airport that goes around and around, year after year. everybody who moved to Samui new the airline were a rip off, but still choose to go and live there so live with it. as for th eelections that area is as yellow as it gets, if a monkey stood for parliament it would win, hang on who is present incumbent

  17. one way to stop it 100% people dont hire them, but whislt people still hire and sign to say they will pay for any damage done they will get scammed. its there on the contract, it then becomes a civil. nobody hires nobody gets scammed

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