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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. What is the meaning of this post, Here foreigners work without problems since 20 years ago. (10 in my case).

    Just leave some kind of business to the islanders (dancing/clubs, boat trips, prostitution, drug dealing, etc)

    If you are clean nobody harass you.

    We don't have mafia in Koh Phangan, capisce?

    so no Mafia but you cannot go into the dancing/clubs, boat trips, prostitution, drug dealing, etc areas or i guess you get a problem with organised crime syndicates. so who organises the charge for getting off the boats for the full moon. its a kind of mafia which is prelevant all over Thailand

  2. ah well at least the ladies are raicist in favour of us farnags, not like thai man want farang so something good to come out of the racism thing

  3. the fee for entering Cambodia is 1000 baht, the 100 baht for not staying 1 night and where i go have to pay some lad 300 baht to deal with things. visa stamp take a whole page in passport plus 2 stamps. should be $20 us as it says on visa but of course thats only 600 baht.

  4. hacks me off big style i can go to same shope with wife and buy something go back on my own and its more. i buy everthing i can off e bay and sod the locals who rip me off, its usually cheaper and quite often no tax. no price tag or scan gun i walk away ot use big supermarlets.

  5. Now then, what if someone in my position were to be offered a job by a Thai company, and the company wrote a letter to a Thai consulate in the UK stating this intention to employ her, so that she could get a multi-entry non-B visa. But when she returns to Thailand, the job offer is sadly withdrawn, and she is unable to find another job for the remaining 12 months. Any danger in her continuing to use the non-B on 90-day entries for the next 12-15 months, even though she can't find a job and therefore can't get a work permit?

    i am doing same thing now have non b but not working, not had any problems ar border

  6. being cleaned right now vigo 270 baht down to 180 for Jazz 0890968804 go south to Rayong north to Leam Chabang and East Pattaya. thats cleaned inside and out. about 90 baht more than i normally pay but worth it. bring own water in a tank and pressure washer. 1900 for wax and polish.

    using Nalaks recomendation, knowing i was pushed for time and needed to wash the car before going out later, i gave these folks a ring

    they arrrived at my home exactly on time

    they were very pleasant whilst here and respected our privacy.

    they asked nothing of us, not even water


    the two workers spent nearly two hours making the car look like new whilst i was confortable inside my home

    i was very satisfied with the service and gave them a good tip (which i won't quote here as people will only critisice)

    the promotional price for SUV type vehilces was 200 baht instead of 270 baht

    i will be using them again

    i think it actually saves money by having it done at home

    as when its done in town, i need to find a diversion to keep me occupied for an hour or so

    this normally costs more money, and depending on the type of diversion, sometimes a lot more...........

    apparntly they used to have a small generator so as not to use peoples electric but people said it was to much noise and did not mind letting them use house electric. i was searching around for a tip but they had gone before i realised. a great business idea in my opinion, hope it works out for them.

  7. dealing with them effects my metal health security, they are the laziest most incompitant group of employees i have ever had the mis fortune to deal with. they are bone idle who sit around eating and talking away to friends on mobiles all day. in the holidays there kids are every where in the offices.

    i went all the way to chon buri this week for international driving licence, they lady who should have been working behind the desk was sat with mates eating at 11.30 eventually somebody came, the woman sat said go to pattaya, last year pattaya tol me i had to go there adn did and got it. i hate going to any goverment office and hope new goverment sort them out, Thaskin told them several times take care of your customers you have to work better, hopefully that mentality comes back.

  8. i moved here from Samui and think its great, if you have the money plenty of good schools, i did not like Samui so i moved, if people live in pattaya and dont like it i cant understand why they dont move. wished i had come here years ago but i am out on the darkside so not the busy area.

  9. "Some kind farangs have decided to make their property available for Black Moon Parties! (Yes, I know that tonight is not a Black Moon, but since when did matter"

    Think you may find that the current owners (thai) purchased the lease from a Farang and the kind Farang has not made their property available as you state.

    in this current market if I had the lease and someone offered me a good deal I'd take it, and so would 99% of you.

    i certainly would, dod eat dog world now, people always have the option of moving.

    No they don't. i would add that not everyone is so dog eat dog, and i'd really like to think that nowhere near 99% of us would do such a deal.

    baring in mind past comments made by your goodself nalak with regards noise etc etc you really have dropped a <deleted> of monumental proportions have'nt you. :)

    i cant hear anything :rolleyes: things change, recent events changed my attitude about Samui, very nieve comment to see you would like to think 99% would not do that deal, i would say 99% would. so all the parties in Samui wont loose me 1 minutes sleep so where have i dropped a <deleted>. the only thing that happens about these parties is people right on here, nobody seems to take any action to stop them. but would imagine a beach venue would be very popular with the tourist.Samui after all is a torist destination

  10. "Some kind farangs have decided to make their property available for Black Moon Parties! (Yes, I know that tonight is not a Black Moon, but since when did matter"

    Think you may find that the current owners (thai) purchased the lease from a Farang and the kind Farang has not made their property available as you state.

    in this current market if I had the lease and someone offered me a good deal I'd take it, and so would 99% of you.

    i certainly would, dod eat dog world now, people always have the option of moving.

    Quite an amusing and enlightening post from the man who started the "Sleepless nights in Bophut" thread"

    thats why i moved and moved away from Samui because this thing is allwowed to happen there, i used to get woken at 4-5 am by the lakeside party, then the Gecko thing, that was it. its allowed to happen so if its there and you fancy going why not. its illegal but allowed to hapen only in Samui. i never heard any thing from gecko to be fair but the fact its allowed to happen made me move. but if there would probably go for a look why not the population of Samui accept these things so why not

  11. Another suggestion is the yellow bus from Nathon direct to pattaya.VIP seat costs 1100 baht one way.Ferry leaves 3pm,bus at donsak leaves 4.45pm arrives north pattaya bus terminal at 5am.Its a good comfy ride,one stop of 20 mins. near Hua Hin.

    could be a winner.

    heard/read some horror stories re overnight buses, have used planty vip buses in my times here vip overnight safe u reckon?

    im over 40 and fairly thai savvy.

    had a friend use it he said it was ok, its along trip though and for a few thousand more the plane is way more attractive.

  12. suprised this gets rported as a big thing happens every day and night, gets reported at police station regular but question is why did you take her to your room then thats it. i know for a fact the police have a copy of a toyota number plate of a woman who drugs customers, i was there when it was handed into them. question was why you go with her, then thats it cant say for sex as thats illegal if money was or does change hands so then your the criminal.

    usually people who loose large amounts of money have insurance if you get my drift and just need a police report

  13. "Some kind farangs have decided to make their property available for Black Moon Parties! (Yes, I know that tonight is not a Black Moon, but since when did matter"

    Think you may find that the current owners (thai) purchased the lease from a Farang and the kind Farang has not made their property available as you state.

    in this current market if I had the lease and someone offered me a good deal I'd take it, and so would 99% of you.

    i certainly would, dod eat dog world now, people always have the option of moving.

  14. Jing, isn't the situation you are describing "Such as promising raising wages fivefold when the people don't have to education and skills to justify that', just politicians talking to get votes ?

    And everyone knows what happens with Politicians promises after they got elected.

    Here's where I think you are very wrong.

    PT promised the moon. Thailand can afford peanuts. The people who "won" today expecting instant riches are going to need to be placated with much more than peanuts. Which Thailand does NOT have the economic fundamentals to really afford. Thus the baht will need to be devalued.

    Jing thing you talents are wasted here, you should go back home and be an economist, you would surpass Warren Buffet in no time. fact is you have no idea whats going ti happen, the only thing is that its a stong goverment not a coalition and thats good. the last coalition was a wishy washy set up just like the UK have now. you are negative about everthing Peua Thai, they won democartically and more importantly won desivley. your comaprisions to it now going to be like north korea were ridiculas, last time Thaskin was in charge it was not like North korea. North Kore is a single part state, communist and a dictatorship. thaskin was never any of these. people can come and go freely and have prity well freedom of speech. if your that hacked off just leave, suggest india maybe not a good choice.

    accept what the people wanted has happened, not edcuacted well whats education they can bring up families on 4000 baht per month, that makes them great ecomists for a start. could you do that, no does that make you uneducated then.

  15. 91 people he is a murderer. What does that make our man in Dubai with his 3000 plus then?

    wonder how may people died from drugs supplied by the 3000, many forget or dont know what spured Thaskin to do that, he was put in a corner about the drug situation. he was asked publicly why can drug dealers be so strong so as to be able to shoot at our armies helicopters. he lost face at the speech. 3000 drug dealers dead well thats 3000 less murderers around for a start.as for the innocents wifes etc well th ewives would have been in on it, children well that was wrong but these dealers were supplying children.

  16. i go by car they never check, the mini buses well they know there is likly to be one dummy on there on overstay as well there normally is. some visa run companies wont take over stays because it delays the whole bus whist the **** is dealt with. so as all the advise above says get your self to the airport asap, low cost airline some where, if they catch you before you get to a border then you will go to prison and will probably get massive fine and deported.

  17. Can i have my 2 bobs worth?

    On a samui positive note you've got cheap and expensive restuarant/bar prices,just stay away from the high end and eat and drink in bars/restuarants on cheweng beach,you can get beers for 50-60 baht and eat thai food for 120 baht,not expensive.In banrak and FV its easy to get a beer for 60-70 baht.

    Taxis can be expensive(but then so is price of gas)For example,it costs 400 baht from bophut to nathon,a 20 minute ride.In pattaya(as an example) to go from pattaya to utapao airport,a 45 minute ride is 800 baht,so its about the same.

    Trying to compare pattaya to samui is like chalk from cheese.For one thing there's a bigger expat and traveller/tourist population.Land prices are cheaper than on samui,therfore rents are cheaper makinig it easier to sell beers at a cheaper price.Ther are many places in pattaya that charge 80baht and up for a beer.

    I like Samui and i like pattaya,i stay here cos i like the island life and i guess thats why even though we have a moan we still stay here,just like pattaya expats moan about pattaya,about the incessant noise,pollution,no decent beach,russians,arabs,israelis,indians etc etc but they still stay.

    Suvarnabhumi Airport to pattaya 800 baht including 70 baht tolls.

    Thai food 40-50 baht, beers can be got for 29 baht, prime locations like walking street and soi 7-8 i would think as expensive as anywhere on samui. good breakfast 99 baht.

    from the airline down Samui is to expensive, the so called bars in soi reggae all 90 baht for a san mig, no air con no entertainment and hardly justify the name bar, regaee pub 140 for san mig. my experience of Samui and many people i meet here is its a rip off and the attitude is one of that of greed. here i pay 39 baht for hair cut no battering, in Samui even they advertised in Thai 39 baht they would not budge from 100, i told them advert says 39, no you farang pay more. i just dont find that here. not many here for the beach but id you are 30 baht bus trip gets great beach. indians russians, never see them at night time, cross sukumvit and theres no noise.

    back to OP the attitude from me and people i meet who have been there is one of greed and rip off from the airline down. paying less than 3000 baht from BKK to Had Yai, quater of BKK price for twice the distance in couple of months to do visa bounce in malaysia.

    15 baht beers in phnom penh sound good.

    Thailand has a decreasing and changing tourist market, the changes are more and more asians and russians and they wont spend the pices Samui wants, and they high end market certainly would not go there, put it agasinst Carrabean resorts and i comes no where near a high end resort

    for those who like it great but when questions are asked about the place most come back negative, the constant threads about bkk or bandit airways prices, well who went to live in Samui not knowing that was the case before they went to live there?

  18. from speaking to many Thais who were going to vote for Thaskin they would have considered the Democrats had Suthep not been pulling the stings. many tv sattare shows had Abhisit Vejjajiva as a puppet with Suthep being the puppet master. he should have got rid of him after he had to resign as representative in his own province. Abhisit was not seen as his own man mearly the deliverer of Sutheps words.

  19. Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

    Finally we know why so many farang are anti-Thaksin. Because they're worried they will lose access to cheap prostitutes.


    There was a whole thread discussing that a couple of months ago.

    He doesn't want to destroy it, on the contrary, he wants to reign it in, and own/control it all!

    wait for the casino's coming this way soon, still better than the cash going to Cambodian casino's

  20. Let's see how long it takes for Thaksin proxies to rack up the foreign debt (giving the illusion of success.. for a time),

    slowly selling out the people of Thailand as collateral, and introducing policies under-the-radar due to imposed conditionalities.

    They create the diseases and also the antidotes...

    They spread the diseases...

    They present the antidotes only when it suits them... to their own advantage.

    Their goal is usually to destroy all national sovereignty in the name of global governance.

    As tested initially on New Zealand in the 80's - Rogernomics - foreign debt quadrupled in the years following.

    The conditionalities imposed, as a result, altered policies - opening the country to an indirect global governance.

    Thanksin-gnomes watch closely.... and weep... if that is their goal.

    Thailand - please don't ever lose your freedom and sovereignty - it's easy to lose it but hard to get back.

    well Mark has racked it up to the tune of 70,000 baht per head since being put in power. Thaskin paid it off last time and he will sort it this time. Suthep was worse then Thaskin new how to be. PT has a mandate to govern,

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