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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. well it does look nice when uploader works

    it lokks so boreding the photos. no peaches, no bars. how muc sitting on a deserted bach csn u do. u would end up talking ro cocnuts ayer a while

    let me know what youve had i will have a pint of it next time i go out. must be good stuff, and if i remember correctly you are native English speaker.:burp::cheesy:

    the raod does border the beach correct, peaches not usually found growing near beaches in Thailand, muc well thats soil not sand, bach great musisian and composer,csn apparantly large furniture store in states well chain of, cocnuts usually found between gentlemens legs, ayer sound a bit like geordie to me. hope thats your post translated correctly

  2. A bit confusing when your pictures were taken near Pattaya not so long ago, noticing the high rise buildings in the distance.

    Why post them on the Samui forum? :unsure:

    There are still parts with deserted beaches on Samui although not cleaned every day.


    taken 2 days as ex long term Saui resident i just had a thought how Samui used to be about 15 years ago. i can only think of 1 place in samui where the road is allowed to run along side the ocean and thats Nathon, something that seems unique to Samui. strange a small village like this has 10-12 beach cleaners a day, no development on the beach area and i think of the way the area between bohput and ban rak and its been developed to hel_l. not confusing to me its an example of how to do things correctly, to keep beach areas how they should be.

  3. post-53164-0-08522900-1290431819_thumb.jsorry picture number 2 some reason never came on original post, better picture

    i live around there Nalak, i will keep an eye out

    you will already know there is a small gang of dogs that hang about opposite the temple and few around the 7-11

    they will have been disrupted this weekend with the Loy Kratong celebrations but its likely your dog will have joined them by now

    i do hope you find him

    good luck

    thanks will pop down and have a look, my main groups are the ones on the road on the other side of the lake, no houses over there so no problems for anybody.

  4. just watching Pattaya news, house in gated community had 2 teenagers drive in and throw bomb at a house, then drive out being saluted by security gaurd. source TMN news. nobody hurt, security what security.

    stick to my house in the sticks. :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

  5. I know dogs are not popular subject but if anybody has seen this dog around the lake area of soi counrty club could you PM me. this is its twin at the sanctuary, identical accept lost dog is male. area coming up soi country club as you come to 7/11 on the right just before the red arch and turning for the lake road. will collect id spotted.

    just of a matter of information hopefully neutering about 10m females at the lake on Friday, so as well as feeding and giving meds do try to do some thing posative.


  6. thanks for the advice will try some of the suggestions, i was thinking i need a new router as the input connection is a telephone style connection, hence i cant plug in from cable modem. all new to me as never had cable before just plugged netgear into phone line and away it all went. cable supplier will supply one for 3k might have to go that route.

    thanks for advice..

  7. i to live out in the wilds near maparach res. i love it looked at several gated comunnities would drive me mad, every window you look out of you look straight at another house. gated communities get robbed as much as others. i went to luch at friends last week and he was on about neighbours this ones and idiot this ones an idiot etc. like living on a council estate in England. no way horrible places in my opinion. i have dogs which are a bit of a deterent but can be poisened. i look at is apart from the laptop everything can be replaced easily and its a risk i take but would not change for what the wife calls a pakapong house. (sardine)

    situation was far worse in Samui.

  8. no doctor worth there salt will be working in Samui, they are usually on the way up or on the way down, they work for money and the money is in Bangkok not Samui. best get as much done in bangkok as you can you will see the difference the minute you walk through the door. friend of mine had routine birth in Nathon and his wife died. 100% doctors fault, he tried for 2 years to sue doctor, gave up and returned to UK with his child.

  9. I get my internet from cable tv company, how do i make it wi fi, i have looked on internet and been to computer shops without succes. i know i have to connect my cable modem to router but my wi fi router has a telephone cable style input. do i have to buy a special wifi router to connect to cable modem. any clues aprreciated as to how to make cable modem wi fi.


  10. same as, Toyata dealer never felt ripped off in Pattaya, just the opposite, will never go anywhere else Toyota Sukumvit every time, no dearer than anywhere else and proffesional job, if some body gets ripped off as did to me by Toyata Samui no suprise there complain to Toyota directly, i did and Toyota were all over them like a rash, the general manger of the group had to go to samui and rollock the staff. when you have franchise firms like Toyota make you take care of it, to many complaints dealer loosers end of year bonus which could just be the difference between profit and loss. mate of mine uses Big Boy garage i think theres a chain of them.

    dealer i use is near Naklua end of Sukumvit right hand side going out of Pattaya

  11. Used to live on Samui many years ago, but it changed. As have I wife 2 kids and if we go on holiday I can find a lot more value for money else where. Live in Issan now and it's cheaper to go to Bali. Jim

    same same moved away after nearly 9 years on Samui, in Chon Buri now, seems half the price of samui, in the city Pattaya any where around the city is 10 baht by baht bus, outside the city 30 baht gets you about 15 kilometres. 129 baht air con bus from swampy in 1 hour San mig and Heniken 40-50 baht in air con bars, great breakfast for under 100 baht, haircut 30 baht. i rent a 3 bed 2 bath large house for 8,500 baht per month, the house also has guests quaters. way way cheaper than samui. all around are islands and beaches also cleaner than Samui and not developed.

    forgot great roads as well and reasonable active police force, immigration with a price list up that charges correct prices list of pros is endless.

  12. post-53164-0-74461200-1289750449_thumb.ji made the trip up to Kanchanaburi on 11/11/2010 got there just after 11 due to traffic in BKK i thought there would have been some sort of ceromony being remembernce day but no sign hardly at all, just the 2 of us in the cemetry in fact. i was expecting some thing. i visit war cematories when ever i get chance.

    i was privilaged to work with Bill Reid VC and got my lancaster print signed by him. thought about him last week so googled him, past away 2001 but read his story in wikipedia, Bills answer when ever asked was i was more scared of a telling off from the CO than the germans. read his story and see why he really got the VC.


    amazing generation.

  13. took me 3 hours to go 2 miles in BKK lat week, 40 minutes at one set of red lights, fumes were terrible, just move over to darkside then you got plenty of space and patters down the road. i live near the 36 road, on that for a mile then 7 motorway then into patters12-15 max then use the sat nav for back street routes. feel less traffic here than samui and i lived there for 9 years . think your right you will miss it in a week.

  14. a good knowledgable Thai lawyer will of course tell anybody what they want to hear and charge accordingly, Thai company, stronger voting rights than share holders etc. if its a company whats it trading in, doing any work on the house would require a work permit even though its your own house. i learnt all i knew about property off bar stool preperty sellors who i socialised with for years but alas have all deparated. if there were legal ways around the law they would simply say outright ok farangs can own land but they dont. either way the house will be falling down in 20 years,

    simple question can you own 50% of land in your own name?

    on the other hand Thai's can come to the UK and own property 100% outright in there own name.

  15. the hotels will all have full bookings, going to be good high season just like last year was not and the year before, Samui will never ever have the good old days back because the good old Samui has gone and what is left is and over developed, expensive, rip off, stink hole. thats what i thought after 9 years there and thats what tourists i meet around Thailand tell me is there opinion of Samui. and yes getting there is way expensive.

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