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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. Bet you dont live close to where they hang out?

    correct but do feed 6 at home, bowl of rice and mince all had flea control, so about 30 away from home goverment owned land bothering nobody and six around the house on a daily basis. neighbour has 100 in pens. costs him 100k per month in staff vet and feed.

  2. why do you prolong their misery?

    well if you were being eaten alive by fleas, you would maybe consider some free meds worthwile. if they are treated, fed regularly live miles from anybody wheres the misery. the misery is looking the other way. own the problem. full belly and healthy and big park to play in dont see that as misery.

  3. i found this group today on my feeding rounds, in a bad shape, picture 43/44 wont be around much longer. i go home for a month tomorrow, so no time to get medication on them.. i need them to get to know me and that takes days if not weeks to get close enough, i will try and get some ivermectin in the food tomorrow, if you are around the lake they are on the road that runs along side the lake and closed off at one end, pattaya side of the lake. any food to keep them going while i am gone would be good. i just give rice and some boiled mince meat costs me about 100 baht a day to feed 30 dogs. the way i look at it 30 dogs live for the cost of a beer.

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  4. Garmin nuvi 205 is what i have and i love it, gets me around all the little side streets in Pattaya, only problem is wife sits in the car arguing with it, let me down once came pre set with international border for cambodia i stuck with it and ended up miles down dirt tracks in 100s of acres of potatos, it then proclaimed you have arrived at your destination, middle of no where god knows where. funny now but scary at the time. 4900 at tesco carrefour are cheaper but never hae them in stock. i see tesco have now put there prices up. somebody will come on and tell you the name of a place that delivers already set up in English, i used them after, good guy at the shop, i think gary a is the name of the guy on here to ask.

    just checked Gary A is his user name esri v 10.1 is what you need on it. has malaysia thailand indonisia, english version comes on cd with it. maybe if i was to buy again i would buy the bigger screen version.

  5. so, will it be possible to see the oil rigs from Koh Samui?


    sorry, smokie36, was it yes or no?

    nearest one is 42 km away, so that will be a no, dont tell the Samui residents but the gulf of thailand already has oil rigs that if had a leak would effect Samui. its a case of yes but not in my back yard, we all want oil but 100 kms is to near. laughable. ruin Samui that was done years ago. plus point would be a few off shore workers spending some cash on the island, looked to me like the protesters had just come from a swim on Chaweng beach with a load of jet ski waste on them.

  6. who cares

    maybe if you had tried to comfort a couple of them as they passed away you would care. both times not tourist fault both times fault of drunken thai drivers crossing the road. both my mates that died on bikes were long time riders on samui, drunk and had no helmets on, bit of advice for tourist does no harm. anyway programme made Samui look a really nice place to visit.

  7. good sound advice and what to look for before hiring a bike, wearing helmets and taking a test before hiring. also what insurance covers and does not cover, programme even ends by saying good news is thailand has calmed down and tourist areas ok. can anybody point out one inaccurate or negative thing they said about Samui. pity they did not rewin oops sorry ruin a few of the motor bike business. so many negative comments from people who have not even seen it,

    the half of the programme supposidly filmed in the UK is about 3 minutes long and a police motorbike expert explaing what to look for when hiring. 600 brits killed or injured a year warrants a mention,unless of course you own a business in samui

  8. the programme pointed out that over 600 Brits die or injured on bikes in Thailand, and that Thailand was the most dangerous country in the world to visit. it also focused on a guy whos parents had to fork out £21,000 for hospital bills as he had not taken a cbt test. 50% of the bikes had no licence plates 0-10 were safe and when they pointed it out to one of the rental owners she made them pay 150 baht to fix a non existent puncture. typical Samui attitude. 3 out of the 10 bikes had little or no oil in which could have been costly in cash and deaths. as a result of the programme the Thai police gave out advice to motorbike rental companies. if the programme saves one death it was worth it.

    suprised so many people not heard of a proxy server save all that looking for places to download it.

  9. i left Samui after 8 years 5 months ago, basically out of boredom now live in chon Buri about 5 miles out of Pattaya, the first thing you notice is how much cheaper it is, 10 baht song tow, 139 baht hour trip to airport, dont see many taxis, but only 800 baht for the trip to swamppy, 45 baht for a san mig in air can bar and yesterday 52 baht English breakfast. but still despite it being that cheap basically its prity dead so its not just Samui it prity well every where. even the bars in walking street its not unusual to be in a bar on your own with 50-60 staff. unlees there all in Phuket its the whole country including Samui. its just dear with the exchange rates, plus Samui has they way to expensive airline who i have vowed never to use again.

  10. few of the 100+ dogs at maprachan care center if anybody needs one, puppies had to rescued from mother as they were at side of the road and 2 were killed. some really nice dog and the guy who is 78 spends over 100,000 per month on vets and food. worth a trip if you like dogs.post-53164-030347300 1280423597_thumb.jppost-53164-054117500 1280423606_thumb.jppost-53164-025712300 1280423625_thumb.jppost-53164-068008200 1280423643_thumb.jppost-53164-043374000 1280423695_thumb.jp

  11. been to many dentists last few weeks, i need root canal and crown so they say but non of them i have been to can do root canal filling, just say come back after filling and i do crown, so i have decided to wait until i go to England in a month get an honest opinion from a dentist and know it will be the truth. ok will cost more but i am sick of these every thing needs a crown lot. dentist, vets,doctors should all be made to wear masks. dick turpin did so we all new he was a crook.

  12. well i guess my post saying 140 hotels are on the web offering cheap deals in Samui does not get read by those with rose tinted glasses. why are they giving massive discounts if they are occupied this week, all week. They maybe are not in the bars but the aint in the hotels either. all the hotels i checked were offering less than half price deals. there 100's of hotels on samui with empty rooms this week offering half price or less. this one at random has reduced its prices by £154 per night. a few are showing full for monday but most offering 50% or more. same all over Thailand.


  13. go to AIS like i did buy a 3g dongle get promised the earth go home no good ring call centre no 3g in Pattaya, usual pack of fibs at the shop and i am sill paying as i had a 3 month contract.

  14. Danok is one of the best places in Thailand to visit IMHO, what a place, knocks pattaya into a cocked hat. thanks for the info on cars milage etc, see why you would not like danok.

  15. European tourists flooding into Samui for a Buddhist holiday, yeah right Europeans are know for traveling thousands of miles for Budhist holidays epecially when most of the entertainment is closed down. what a load of rubbish. not sure what good booked means but just checked last minutes deals 1 week starting tomorrow 140 hotels reduced rates for the whole week. so maybe not so good booked.

    According to Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Region 5, Phanu Woramit, both Thai and foreign tourists have been flooding into the island during this long holiday period of Asalha Puja and Buddhist Lent Days.

    About 70-80% of the rooms on the island, notably around Chaweng Beach, one of the most famous beaches on the island, have already been reserved. Most of the occupiers are found to be foreign tourists, especially Europeans.

  16. ivomec is the best treatment injection , although if dog already has heart worm can be harmfull as all worms die and clogg up heart. i have loads of Promeris dou, kills alot of external parasites and includes Amitraz. check it out on the web. Jori is your best man he been doing it for years in India and here. bu you are welcome to the spot on treatment World Vet Service sent me 100. also about 100 for puppies. SCADS dont want them, nor another care centre they all use ivermictin, which is cheap. if you want some spot on it will do a job on the external parasites but not the internal ones. check out there web site and dont get bit.

    roughly where is the temple, dogs really need neutering as well.

  17. They have alawys closed Farang bars in the past, only place to get a beer is down little side roads where bars and mom and pop stores wil be open for local Thais, all Buddist of course, one such place was next to my house in old monkey theatre road.. never understood why they drank on relious holidays but they certainly made the most of there holidays

  18. I will miss Carrefour. I am also a bit miffed - as I recently bought some electrical goods, one with a 2 year warranty - so what happens to these warranties. I had to return another electrical item to them under warranty just 3 weeks ago, so these warranties are quite useful.

    thats great i bought new phone from tesco. took it back after a week and they told me to go to Nokia repair shop, who charged me 1800 baht. shame if Carrefour go they are way ahead of the competition, tesco are the dreggs of the shopping world in Thailand.

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