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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. the best ever bar in Soi reggae was eye 90, no where in Samui evercame a close second, Angie was a legend as were here staff, i live in Pattaya now but eye 90 knocks spots off anything here. think SE might agree.

    Gin Queen they seem to be talking on facebook as they are both on mine, that is Char and Pat not sure Pat is an ex.

    I agree. Angie at the Eye90 before she changed it from a bit of a dive where you had to step down, bang your head on the roof and struggle to get to the bar because it was so busy!!! Then she tried to go upmarket and enlarged it so it looked like all the other bars in Soi Reggae. Even all her ladies wearing the same outfit (nurses was my favorerite!) didn't help. I miss Angie but I think she sold the bar at exactly the right time.....

    she did not exactly sell but ran overnight, still ring her now and again she is in Phuket. poor gay lads that took it over ended up paying off a few of her debts. Da is till with her Nut is across the road owner of 69 bar, gawd knows where the rest went. SE, it was great when it was the old shack, toilet was always busy though, cant imagine why, store room seemed to get a lot of visits as did the house down the side of the bar. never did quite work out why. wish she would come to Pattaya and liven the place up. the classic time was when Johhny the DJ was there RIP, doing his freddie mecury impression. i hear gregg(dead man walking as we called him) is back from Pattalung. no suprise there.

  2. Club 44 wasn't it?......Soi Reggae 's warmest welcome.....but that was a while ago .....anywhere like that on the strip now?


    Soi Reggae's bars are expensive and unfriendly compared with Lamai and they charge B150 for fake gin and spirits which I can get for B80 in Lamai. The Paradise Bar was ok until the Israeli's and the douche with a Samoan hair bouffant began drinking there. And what a welcome you get from the first bar on the soi, the Why Not Bar. The owner is a small time yobbo Brit who told me to "watch my back" because we took his girls on a humanitarian trip to Na Muang waterfall for lunch ! Time for Screaming Eagle to vet this joint !

    I've seen the <deleted> with the Samoan hair bouffant. I think he's a shrimp short of a barbie! The Israelis tried to use my bar as as a place to hang around in before they went to the synagogue next door. Six of them with one bottle of water, playing pool and annoying me and my girls by spending hours trying to get something for free, if you know what I mean?. I've now banned them. Or at least "If you come in my bar, you all buy and drink". That has put them right off. And my girls know not to talk to the "Cheap Charlies", as they call them!!!!! :whistling:

    I''ll pop into the Why Not bar and check it out sometime this week and give a full account!!

    better to get some of your boys to have a word with them:P

  3. the best ever bar in Soi reggae was eye 90, no where in Samui evercame a close second, Angie was a legend as were here staff, i live in Pattaya now but eye 90 knocks spots off anything here. think SE might agree.

    Gin Queen they seem to be talking on facebook as they are both on mine, that is Char and Pat not sure Pat is an ex.

  4. I have heard, so many times, about this Government Vets on 3rd Road, close to the Fire station. When i have been in the area, i cannot see a Vets surgery, Does anyone know the exact location, or does anyone have the Telephone number, i would be obliged.

    I heard that REVOLUTION was for mange. It is similar to Front Line.

    they are all the same if you need some PM because the world vet service sent me about 100

  5. its not worth the risk of taking the fake items back for relatives, you could get hammred at custums, its illegal in Thailand to sell fake goods, the shops doing it are paying the police. as well and the police regularly clamp down just for the publicity. buying fake football shirts is also illegal. suprised the topic is running, its a discussion of illegal activity. as for the suits your better going to asda or tesco at home you will get better quaility cheaper. tailors are all nepalese, the material in the shop is not what you get, they are not tailors just shop fronts, the tailors are thais working in the back street sweat shops where you are better going. had to laugh on the material said made in hudderesfield. huddersfield is what it should have said and this was woven into the cloth.

    really asking about where to buy fake goods is against forum rules

    16) Not to post about gambling, betting, pornography, illegal drugs, fake goods/clothing etc and other activities that are officially illegal in Thailand.

    think the bit posting about fake goods covers it prity well.

  6. i have some of the spot on type treatment which ou put on the back of the dog, best treatment is like Jori says. if you want some of the flea control PM me as the world vet service sent me some out. but i use ivomec on mine. if its demodecdic mange its took me 4 months to cure a dog with amitraz baths and eventually steroids.

  7. i would have done the same, if Thai people could not sort it out i would have stayed well out of it. were always being told not our country not our business, i saw some shocking tv footage the other day where a woman was knocked of her bike at a busy intersection by a truck, the camera showed 15 minutes pass by whilst cars drove around her dying in the road, one car did stop in that time, after about 5 minutes after the accident, it was apolice, car put all its lights on went over inspected the body got back into the car and drove off.. geting involved in something like that could lead to you getting the blame. i have known farangs stopping to help locals injured in accidents and end up fotting the hospital bill. its a reflection on the others that drove around the body who live here not the OP, but maybe they also know getting involved only comes back to bite you.sad state of affairs but i have learnt by experience.

  8. its England competing in the world cup not Great Britain, in the olympics the union jack is used as it is a Great Britain team. not doubt Swensens is an american country and would not understand. i for one would not set foot in the place to so such ignorane. why dont they show even more ignorance and put all the teams from the EU under the EU flag. there reply is an insult to the people of Thailand who are showing the England flag right now not the Union Jack.

  9. nothing for me its perfect, i just spent 8 years living in Samui after that dump here is heavan, cheap booze, good roads, plenty of entertainment, good shopping,plenty of places to go, police who seem reasonably proactive (compard to Samui) and well best of all the eye candy everywhere. and no rip of bangkok airways to deal with, or crappy ferries

  10. screaming eagle at it again, if its the pirates they are not normally to bad. only joking SE

    thankfully good old patters does not tolerate such stuff, BIB would have a field day with them, still its a Samui thread so tough, you have to live with all the noise crap on Samui.

  11. There's nothing worse then some yapping on about how good walking street used to be back when...., how the bg's were more friendly back when...., how you used to get a cold towel offered in every bar back when....., don't open a business, don't invest in Thailand what you cant walk away from... these cretins bore me to tears almost to the point of mental lock down until they move away from my personal space. They are as about as interesting as watching paint dry....times change, things move on, it's called progress and if you don't like it then fine but don't ram it down everyone's throat cos i for one am sick to death of it.

    Pattaya is growing and growing fast the dimwits who cant see it are just that dimwits.

    so everybody who has an opinion differnt to you are dimwits.

  12. if your near bohput coming from maenam turn left at lights where police box is, on the left there, or straight on at lights couple of hundred yards on left, but there will be dozens of places nearer. Samui always want to put in new tube which for a thai was 120 baht.

    now live in Pattaya where its 30 baht every where and advertised at that.

  13. hi thanks for the interest here are details of how to find derek, basically its turn right at brannigans on the road around the lake coming from siam country club road, but call and he will give directions. here is his registration fowm with the World WVS CHARITY REGISTRATION FORM.docpost-53164-091781800 1276071535_thumb.jppost-53164-024762300 1276071524_thumb.jppost-53164-083582400 1276071509_thumb.jpetinary Service

    the little dog did not make it. we just got £500 worth of meds air mailed to the sanctuary, tesco give a bit and friendship donate every month some food. but average monthly spend with labour, vets and food is about 100,000 baht from house rental income but houses now standing empty. all kinds there, husky looking types, spaniells well all sorts, the place is spotless and visitors are most welcome. all dogs neutered and fully jabbed up.


    as per forum rules e mail of the charity deleted


    Charity Name:




    Address 24/1 M5

    Tambon Pong





    Telephone number:

    089 505 7021


  14. I see many tourists around WS and many cars around Sukhumvit and Pattaya Klang etc, but most of these are either Indians/Arabs/Russians in the case of WS or just Thais driving around for some reason.

    In both cases, these aren't the kinds of tourists that visit the bars and blow 5-10k a night. Maybe some naive business people think that is a sign that Pattaya is still doing well..

    Low seasons are pretty much always like that. And a large new area of restaurants & bars opened up in and around Soi Buakow, which siphoned off some of the mongers that otherwise would be on Beach Rd., Sois 6-7-8, Walking St., and 2nd Rd. I'd also note that business owners in PTY regularly poor mouth.

    Besides, it's like andyww and FarangBuddha said earlier:

    The fact is that many posters on here gauge the Thai economy by how many customers the beer bars and gogos have.

    These people really need to get out more.

    Agreed. It's amazing how many farangs think that the Thai economy = the nitelife entertainment industry...IT DOES NOT!

    Manufacturing and agriculture make a far larger percentage of the economy than tourism...sure, tourism is a large factor in the beach resort areas of Pattaya, Phuket, and Samui but even these places see lots of BAHT spending domestic tourists and the Russian, Indian, and Chinese tourists every year. And would it be a bad thing if half the "nitelife" establishments closed down and the space used for other activities...I would think not.

    (FarangBuddha makes a little more sense when he's off the topic of Songkran, but he did throw in that nonsense about "closing down" half the nightlife establishments. But he just drives by them in his SUV with the windows rolled up; in contrast, many of us do enjoy the "boites," as Trink used to call them.)

    My point is that more businesses have opened and are opening up than are closing down, the latter argument put forth in yet another gloom-and-doom thread in which everyone nodded their heads and clucked sadly and wisely.

    PTY is going to continue to grow one way or the other: there's no doubt about that. It's amusing that people refuse to believe it.

    you seem to be in a majority of one, i have been here 9 years and its the quitest ever, there will always be a numb nuts who wants to buy a bar in thailand and loose the lot. my mates who came down got the Amari for 2300 baht per night, down from 6000. must be a reason for that, pattaya needs the Euro, pound and Dollar, at present exchange rates it is not going to get it. roubles and rupees wont do it. if all high end hotels are full of russians and indians why holiday inn and amari down to these prices. anyway hope your right the more places to go the better. anyway check out those parking spots, if my big vigo gets in ya little bike should have no problem.

    p.s Pattaya getting another hammering in the press because the guy who killed 12 people in the UK last week lost all his money to a Thai hooker, and flipped out over it. also the guy who locked all his kids in a cellar for years and fathered them children was also a regular visitor. i dont agree with blaming pattaya for this but its making the front pages back in Europe.

  15. we went all around, the only place, that stood out as making us want to spend our money was whats up a go go, we stayed in there for 6 hours and spent about 8000 baht, the manager came and said hello and bought us a couple of drinks.

    Considering that Whats up is an expensive place you did not spend much during 6 hrs...

    There are many places where you can get better atmosphere without the constant begging for LD's.

    equals 21 beers each but we did start at 1pm in the amari, plus the 3-4 drinks on the house. LDs are for the tourist and not compulsary.

  16. i took 10k out of Ayutthaya oppossite tesco yesterday and no charge. need some more tomorrow will have to see, hope not.

    sure enough 150 charge, shame that, will have to bring a few hundred grand over and put in my thai bank. keep hoping exchange rate will go up but dont think so

  17. I am looking to buy a couple of puppies - preferably an English bulldog and a labrador. I have been looking at the dogs on offer at the Thepprasit market but the prices there are quite expensive. The bulldogs go from 13000 baht to 25000 baht and that is too much money for a dog.

    Is there anyone on TV that wants to sell or has any info on where I should go?

    my friend has a dog sanctuary in pattaya 100 to choose from, all vaccinated and neutered for a small donation all free.

  18. tuk com, mike mall, friendship, tesco certainly are not booming, central is busy but when i walk around poeple are just window shopping. bars are not doing well and in my opinion do not deserve to do well. i go out a lot but most bars dont have a clue how to make people feel welcome, or give a reasonable service level. the farang places are the worst where the boss sits in a corner all night drinking. i had 2 mates come to Pattaya last weekend after spending 2 months working in the dessert. we went all around, the only place, that stood out as making us want to spend our money was whats up a go go, we stayed in there for 6 hours and spent about 8000 baht, the manager came and said hello and bought us a couple of drinks. compare this with other busness where they cannot even say hello. non business men from europe who have not got a clue how to deal with a hard time. the traffic is as light as i have seen it, even lighter when you got sat nav to get you around little back streets. the business here have to face up to the fact that their customers income is down 30%, do what they are doing in the states and uk, sell cheap cheap until the recession is over.

    I've visited TukCom, Friendship, Tesco, Big C, and Carrefour recently and all were doing well. I still had to stand in line at checkout at all those big stores. At Central lots of people do window shop (typical at this kind of mall everywhere), but others buy. At Banana IT, cash in hand, I couldn't get sales assistance, they were so busy. Power Buy--plenty of customers too. And as for the restaurants at Central, I tried to get into Fuji the other weekend: they had to put me on the waiting list! I left, went to the Food Court, and--it was mobbed, almost no place to sit. (Had to park on the street, too, no room for one more motorbike in the parking lot.) How could you not see that kind of evidence? Gimme a break!

    But your other observations are spot on. Tropical Bert's--good example of how to do things right. He read the thread about yellow chicken curry, learned what people want, and now he's offering exactly that (according to one satisfied customer). And now I'm gonna visit and get some o' that pretty soon. Sweethearts Go-Go--heard good things about the rock music (true), went, found a really nice vibe, super friendly owner, and now I'm gonna go back next time I'm in Walking Street.

    friendship sponser my friends dog sanctuary, they have had to halve their donation due to lack of business, i know the store director for this region for tesco as she also helps with donations, she told me last week they are well below target. just an example from the horses mouth so to speak. tropical berts is a good example nice friendly bloke who chats to his customers. ques at check out due to only about 6 out of 40 check outs being open, tesco told me was because they cannot recruit check out staff, at 6k per month i told her i am not suprised. agree with you about sweethearts as well nice friendly Manager (not owner) who always comes and says hello, only reason i go in.

    i park the vigo behind berts, or in soi 3 or in soi 15 2nd road a few yards from walking street, or in the street near opey hotel, or in baokow market, or in front of mcdonalds second road. try the bike in any of them any night. got my new external hard drive from banana tuk com last week, only customer in there. even got 300 baht discount.

    most hotels for 40 baht as car park empty,

  19. tuk com, mike mall, friendship, tesco certainly are not booming, central is busy but when i walk around poeple are just window shopping. bars are not doing well and in my opinion do not deserve to do well. i go out a lot but most bars dont have a clue how to make people feel welcome, or give a reasonable service level. the farang places are the worst where the boss sits in a corner all night drinking. i had 2 mates come to Pattaya last weekend after spending 2 months working in the dessert. we went all around, the only place, that stood out as making us want to spend our money was whats up a go go, we stayed in there for 6 hours and spent about 8000 baht, the manager came and said hello and bought us a couple of drinks. compare this with other busness where they cannot even say hello. non business men from europe who have not got a clue how to deal with a hard time. the traffic is as light as i have seen it, even lighter when you got sat nav to get you around little back streets. the business here have to face up to the fact that their customers income is down 30%, do what they are doing in the states and uk, sell cheap cheap until the recession is over.

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