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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. Hi any body recommend good wirelessinternet connection for this area. i am using AIS 3g but best speeds i get is 10 kbps dropping to 0 most of the time. lins to this area are full so will have to be dongle style. anythig over 40kbps would be ok. Hutch say 40-120 and advised not to use it. but would be happy with that if ts correct but the guy said no good. going nuts with this ais crap

  2. Biggest drawback with AIS is them being on 900 Mhz. Indeed almost no devices work on that frequency almost forcing you to buy the AIS dongle.

    Although I'm surprised they lock it.

    NALAK, did you mean you tried with a Dtac simcard and it didn't work?

    sorry whatmeant was i went to ais and dtac shop they both said locked. i put 3 card in from uk worked ok on roaming. dtac do sell non locked dongles. all the shops have attractive staff who are clueless about what they are selling

  3. What instructions did they send ??

    all i get when i run programmeis open port failed, i do not understand why AIS i so poor shows full signal speeds 0-10 kbps. over a minute to open this thread

    Please follow the 3 steps below.

    STEP 1

    To unlock your modem please do the following.

    a) Download the modem unlock utility from the link below


    :) Run the utility and enter your unlock code. Your modem will now be unlocked.

    STEP 2

    The mobile operator branded connection software that comes with the modem will generally not work with other mobile operator SIM cards.

    Using the link below, download the generic connection manager (Mobile Partner) software and install on your PC.


    STEP 3

    Configure the connection manager software (Mobile Partner) to work with different mobile operators.

    a) Open Mobile Partner

    :D Click - Tools > Options > Profile Management > New

    c) Under ‘Profile Name’ enter a friendly name e.g. Vodafone Profile

    d) Under ‘APN’ select ‘Static’ and enter the mobile operators APN (see link lower down).

    e) Under Authentication

    Access Number: *99#

    Username: ‘Operator username’ (see link lower down)

    Password: ‘Operator password’ (see link lower down)

    f) Click – OK and confirm you want to save the changes.

    UK mobile operator APN settings & Username / Password can be found at http://www.unlocked-dongle.co.uk/Table/Settings/

  4. connection manager / dashboard software that comes with the modem is fully closed, not just minimised.

    i have downloaded a programme to unlock the AIS dongle i have i keep getting the message cannot detect port. the company sent me the above instructions anybody know what it means.


  5. Where did you go tonight?

    Robin's Nest on Soi Diana. Western buffet for 99 baht.

    *Tuesday is Thai buffet (recommended) for 99 baht.

    was in there myself at about 6 could not unerstand why so busy that exlains it

  6. You're not having any problems, you are getting the speed as available on the current 2.75 G network (GPRS/EDGE).

    There is no 3G service yet in Pattaya (on the gsm network as used by True, Dtac and AIS).

    The only thing coming close (or actually is 3G) is the EV-DO service from Hutch.

    Different dongle (uses the CDMA network instead of GSM) and yes, they have service in the area you live.

    From most reports on that one you can expect download speeds between 500 and 1500 kbps, and rather slow upload speeds of between 50 and 100 kbps.

    For more info, pop into their shop right next to the Kasikorn bank on South Pattaya road.

    just going now thanks have ev do card from cat ex samui hopeully can use this wll go and see

  7. They definitely are in Pattaya, and they seem to have wide coverage, not just some test area.

    I have seen it work both inside Pattaya and up to about 15 km inland from Pattaya (East).

    No idea what they're doing in other area's though.

    Hutch is using the Huawei ec226 modem, which is a EV-DO rev A model...

    i have cat cdma evdo used in samui moved to pattaya does anybodyknow if i can use same card for Hutch. have AIS dongle3g 10-0 kbps really bad.

  8. i live near railway darkside purchased AIS dongle 3g getting speeds of 10-0 kbs speed wrong word, callcentre and teleiz shop say same garbage no 3g no body else have a problem. is anybody else having any problems. can anybody suggest better supplier for over here?

    any sensible suggestions welcome doing my head in

  9. was in their the other night still going well, owner seems nice bloke, having run a bar i can understand why they do not want thai guys in. when thery get booze down ther neck they can be a real pain. i have thai mates but when we gofor a beer i certainly would not take him to a girliebar.humilating for them to see girls workig this way. why did you not go next door to red lion where there are no working girls

  10. i have ais dongle 3g cost 3400 baht, speed 10-0 kbps crap. compained call centre say not 3g noboy else have problem. wife asked shop why they sell 3g when they not have 3g girl said coming in 6 months!!!!!!!!!!!!! live out near siam cc

  11. i recently purchased Ais air card, was on CAT cdma in Samui but no coverage in Pattaya. the air car speeds are between 1-10 kb painfully slow, when i log on always comes up with message you are connected at 238.6 kb but meter show only 10 at best. they obviously got something in the dongle that makes it show 238.6 as its below 10% of that. show good signal strenghth anybody have same problem or any suggestions before it hits the bin.

  12. two ferry ports as stated big difference in transport price, if you arriving in Nathon you should just be able to jump in back of sontow stop it at Bohput and pay 60 baht. heres the problem if you go to the songtow and say you want to go to bohput then you have hired it and well costs will be higher. either way you are probably going to get ripped off, i just took it on the chin and payed just to get to my room after the long journey. if you got ripped of in BKK then you are going to be spanked in Samui, of all the places in Thailand i have been to Samui heads the list by a long way for ripping people off. if in bkk you went to a high end restuarant you willl pay high price. if in bohput you want really good thai food cheap come out village go upto traffic lights where police box is opposite you will see car audio shop and restuarant next door. i my and many friends opinion best food on the island for the price. NEVER use a taxi meter. they are known for driving you to lonely place then demanding more money. if you have hotel booked in bohput contact them about arraning some cheap transport. if you need advice in Bohput then ask following, peter billabong, john mosquito bar jimmy irish bar, graham frog and gecko all good blokes who will go out of there way to help you

  13. I dont no Mr Gecko ( surley this cant be his real surname ! ). I have heard about his nightclub and what happened to it. I have also read the rumours on here about what happened to it.

    But i can tell him about his night club if it is a case that local thai's dont want his night club there then his night club will not be there for long no matter how many times he rebuilds it. I am not sure if this is the case or not. Is it local thai's and local expats that are not happy with his nightclub ? Or is it just the local expats. If it is just the local expats that dont want it there, then he will be ok becuase there is not much the local expats can do about it.

    It's just local expats. Thai people are very hard of hearing and don't really sleep so they aren't bothered by any of it.

    local Thais i knew were bothered about it as they are going to loose rental income, value of there land around there is going to drop. Thai guy near there has a resort he is concerned, so he says. Thais dont really sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats a new one they do very little else :) you are obviosly joking but got me for a while

  14. vets in samui only basic treatment i had similar problem with dog, vets suggested Phuket, eitherway dog was going to die i knew it ask 2 vets to put it down they refused not buddist way!!!!!!!!!! died overnight but i had arranged for it to be killed next day so saved me the heart ache. put me off ever owning dog in samui as no good vets. the three i know are the hospital near ohms motorbike shop one opposite poste office and one near big c called yang nam fixed my ex landlords dogs broken leg.

    Good Luck hope ou can sort it

  15. Why not just put them down...Pattaya minus 3 Pit-bulls (or 3 less what are basically soi dogs) would be a better place.

    well you know where they are go and do it. you use the name buddha in your user name you should know vets will not put down an animal so can you go and put them out of their misery

    anyway you served one purpose you got the topic back to the top of the list

    Sometimes ending the suffering of another being is the best thing one can do for them/it.

    There is also something to be said for preventing other beings (human and animal) from attacks from these Pit-bulls...in that the suffering of being put-down [basically nothing] is much less than the pain and suffering of a survivor of such an attack.

    not bad dogs bad owners make them bad. the farangs who take the pit bulls on are the ones who should be put down, life expectancy of dog about 14 years farangs go after 2-3 years and dump them. google jimmys fishing park pataya for location and go and end their suffering they will great you with a wagging tail as sick as they are. i suggest hammer blow top of head between the eyes.

  16. Why not just put them down...Pattaya minus 3 Pit-bulls (or 3 less what are basically soi dogs) would be a better place.

    well you know where they are go and do it. you use the name buddha in your user name you should know vets will not put down an animal so can you go and put them out of their misery

    anyway you served one purpose you got the topic back to the top of the list

  17. went to jimmys fishing park today, new to Pattaya but was in Samui long time. as many of you will know Jimmy is no longer there and Thais have taken it back on. there are 3 pit bulls all friendly that have been left behind 2 in a really bad way one is covered in some skin disease and the other has a broken front leg. is there a dog rescue centre here like they have in Samui. i would take them on myself but vets bills for the 2 will be huge. owner asked me if i wanted them. i will have to do some thing but not sure what. any suggestions welcome

  18. Dao Khanong is in Bangkok.


    great map worth saving for those going south, when i came up i used the bottom route onto 3 then 7 but top route seems clear. can see why people say din deang as thats right near south road. friends just said they had problem picking road signs for south around BKK. anyway hope never have to go back to samui myself

  19. No road signs, where? In Bangkok? There are plenty. Just follow the signs to Dao Khanong. After Surat Thani there are big road signs to Koh Samui and to the port as well. And between Bangkok and Surath Thani it's just a long straight drive, also with signs.

    Drove in both directions even much further than Patty several times. Peace of cake for sure. Moreover the OP is doing breaks.

    only passing on what several people who live in pattaya have told me. the problem seems to be around bkk, what part of samui is Doa Khanong.

  20. i just moved to Pattaya used be with CAT air card no service here yet but coming this year. i got AIS dongle its the worst intert service i have ever had hardly ever goes over 10kb bloody ueless and another rip off

  21. shame that having said that stopped going there because of stupid beer prices, now lady boys as well definatly a bad move. take care your wallets. the sooner Samui cleans the streets of the lady boys the better the place will be, put them all on a boat with taxi meter drivers and ship off the island. both groups are loosing the island business.

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