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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. i see yesterday mark had one of Taskins friends arrested who is a General in the army, all very publicly with loads of armed commandos around, why could they not have done it in a more discreet manner. i admit i am biased towards the PPP i personally dont like the term red shirts and yellow shirts, for me its the democrats and PPP. they are the plotitians involved. i used to be pro Marks lot but he is just a front man for a gangster from down south. a lot of the tv programmes at the moment are making jokes about him being the puppet. taskin was his own man and second to none as a business man and leader. from a personnel point of view my father in law is on a life support machine at the moment, all for 30 baht, without Taskins polocies he would be dead. try telling his family Taskin was no good.

    basically if all PPP polotitions were counted and all the Democrats were counted there would be more PPP members, in my eyes that makes them the people who should be leading the hung parliament.

    as for the issue of the Monks protesting a quick google search will show that Monks have always joined in protest, including China,India, Tibet,Burma etc etc.

    come on you REDS

    whoops just realised its Sunday, i am going to get a hammering from all the guys sat in front of PCs back at home in the cold.

  2. Hi sorry for asking a dentist quetion i did search on Thai visa first b4 asking honest, i found a good dentist on thai visa search a month ago, i went again yesterday and she says the tooth needs root canal treatment and that her practice cannot do it. She said Bangkok hopital could do it,i just wondered if anybody knows of anybody else that could do it.


  3. all those years i spent in samui and i never new they did road side spit roast in Maenam, there was me wasting my time going around chaweng buying them. i bet my friend who lives in Maenam never new about them, hes a well known Thai guy who has a Samui Business and loves them. :)

  4. Pattaya BKK 120 baht air con bus. BKK Airways are i would say 30% of the reason i left Samui, its about time the locals sorted them out, other wise, well i was going to say they will kill the islands tourism but that may be a case of closing the gate aftr the horse has bolted. i HATE them with a passion. That flight was used alot by Thais who do not have a lot of money, they have now deprived them of that service, from affordability reasons.

  5. I have a thai license for a car but need to get a bike license.

    Now I don't have such licence from EU so I need to do the test.

    How can I do that when I don't speak thai at all ?

    the video has English subtitles, the books they give you to read are in English, as long as you know how to drive in fog, what to do at railway crossing and what police hand signals mean you will be ok. all of these you will see on a daily basis on samui so no probs. My practical involed riding araound the car park once whilst the women watched me from the window.

  6. As for the OP - I assume its legal as its sold openly.

    As are various medications, pornographic movies and assorted weaponry.

    I'll take your word for it. Personally, I haven't found guns openly sold on stalls in Jung Ceylon (unlike pepper spray) or pornographic movies.

    Similarly, I've only found legal medication in the pharmacy - they may be illegal in the UK, but they're legal here.

    Tell that to the Aussie guy arrested for buying valium.

    pharmasist tells me selling valium and xanax are illegal but sells them to Farang only,

  7. Remember, folks, the vast majority of people in Thailand do not support EITHER red or yellow.

    Both should just go away forever

    That is a 'head in the sand' statement if ever I heard one. If you are living in Thailand I feel that you owe it to yourself to get a perspective of what is going on. I've heard all the excuses 'we can't vote', 'nothing we can do' etc. so why bother. What an insular attitude. The political future of this Country could very well depend on your ability to remain here.

    He's right though. Perhaps you haven't noticed but both the reds and the yellows have agenda's that are entirely self serving to their leaders and as such are dangerous.

    what are the other options are there?

  8. I recall sitting in the Dentist in the UK in the waiting room one late afternoon. The room was quite full with only a few chairs left for the patients waiting to be called. As you know these type of waiting rooms are always deathly quiet and sometimes embarrassingly quiet for some reason, that i could never understand why.

    Anyway in pops a couple, hes 40 something shes 20 something and Thai and pregnant. They both sat down waiting to be called in but had some time to wait due to the people waiting in front.

    I was also at the back of the que and could see what was going on in the waiting room quite clearly. Everyone was just staring at the couple like they were freaks, when one of the couple caught someones eye who was staring they instantly looked away, i myself was looking as it was clear something was not right with everyone in the room.

    I was waiting for the man to stand up and shout <deleted> you all staring at? but he didn't, he kept cool and had to respect him for that.

    Its how people are unfortunately, personally i would never live in the UK with a Thai lady it would eat me away every time situations like the above occurred. No matter how strong you are, how much you think you can ignore it, it will eventually get to you and probably ruin the relationship. Whatever background she was from it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference, the writing is already on the wall.

    There is a stigma attached to these relationships, like it or not, that's how it is.

    i really love it when this happens works every time, just stare them straight in the eyes back, make a joke about them in thai and laugh. they soon stop looking, lets face it anybody hates it when they ar being talked about in a difernt language and laughed at. dont be ashamed be proud of how your wife looks and how you get taken care of. if in pubs at home and mates wifes are being there usual seleves my missus goes up to the bar to get around of drinks, does there heads in, the missus just says why not.

    we have been together 9 years and it really dont think about it now as i dont see it notice it. the women staring are usualy about 5 stone over weight i just give them head to toe look slowly pull a face look at my wife headto toe and smile.

  9. theres a shock the real thing for 300% more are made where? China proabably from same sweat shop factory.

    2 Matching results Ping G15 iron - accept paypal

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  10. the great thing now is when you go to renew you have to do test again every 5 ears, if you have bike and car thats twice every 5 years. brake test, colour test, perrifial eye test (think that what they call it) and watch the flipin video again. if it was the old rather large lady you were lucky not to get chucked out, although last time i went she was not there.

  11. Has to be Pattaya, stay in hotel have a look at surrounding areas, some tremendous places. i live on Darkside, and its brilliant. as for beach i have been to hundreds of beaches around the world and bang saray, nang lam are as good as i have seen, the water is crystal clear. 30 baht max on baht bus or 20-25 mins on bike (bang saray). i am out in the sticks and for 670 baht i get 4mb. as for samui if you do not mind 10-12 thousand baht plane ride just to get to bangkok and back or taking 3 hours to get to main land, as in going to ferry, waiting to get on ferry, then ferry journey, i would give samui a miss. Chaweng stinks, one cinema, average gyms over priced, as is everything else from food to beer. roads are as bad as i have seen anywhere in Thailand.

    pattaya has many malls the new central festival is as good a i have seen anywhere including Uk and states. plus BKK is only 1 1/2 hours away or 130 baht on bus. food places well friend ship, topps, carrfour, big c X 2, tesco X 2 plus many many more specialst food shops. 7/11 never much more than a mile apart even out here in the sticks. check out area around soi country club

    nice room air con fridge cable tv hot shower 3500 per month,fan room 2500. free public gym up the road, long term motor bike rental 60 baht perday, steak chips and salad 39 baht, all you can eat breakfast 99 baht. internet tricky but about 700 per month. after that is down to beer and birds, and the visa costs but thats about 2000-2500 every 3 months.

    cheap gym is Tony's but got bad reputation but people still use it. new outfit well shorts 100 baht, shirt 100-150. can be done but it will be tight. if i dont work out at least you gave it a go and not sat at home thinking i wish.

  12. my mother told be never to bring my partner to her house when i went back, i said no problem but you will have to accept seeing a lot less of me because i cannot be in 2 places at once. after a week of not seeing me she asked to see my partner, within hours she was won over, used to ring her to take her shopping took to see the queen plus many other things. my wife as she now is did not want to be going shopping with a 75 year old but did it of respect. they are best of friends now, and i get an earfull if i send photos home and my wife is not in them. in my case it was plain racism and and made it clear to mum i would not tolerate it.

    i live in small village, wife has been to England 7 times and never had a problem, apart from one when some old dear asked my wife where she was going to, my wife told her and the old dear insisted the bus coming was the one she should get on. my wife new it was wrong but out of respect got on it, it went a couple of miles away from where she wanted to go, so she rang me and i picked up. funny the old dear was trying to help her, and the missus did not want to offend her.

    for me your problem is pure racism, well it was in my case, your family are not even giving the girl a chance to prove herself, they should think if your happy they should be happy for you. just my opinion. i bet if your sister is married her hubby will understand why you married a Thai lady. :)

    p.s my father in law is so proud his daughter has married a Brit he has put a Union Jack flag sticker on the back of his pick up, bless him. so theres no problem coming from them.

  13. Personally, having been subjected to racism in the States, and having my family been subjected to SERIOUS racism for centuries (my Grandfather's Uncle was a Slave in the US), living in Thailand is great.

    Yeah yeah I know about the "Black Man" Mops and the old Herbal Tooth paste commercial and what not. But as far as how I am treated on a individual level, it's great. I love it and, in 9 years of being here, I have never been subjected to any racism here in Thailand for being black other than what has come from White tourists or expats here.

    Now that being said, I do get the same double pricking racism bit that everyone that can't pass as Thai gets when they come here. And that shit has to stop, I really wish them all the ill and malice they can receive for ripping off people based on the color of their passports.

    But that stuff I have work arounds for and I can deal with that.

    But at least I don't have to deal with the, "I wanna lynch you because your black and your sub human" type racism that was really prevalent in the States back in the day.

    i have been to southern states in a America and am amazed at how the racism still thrives, i just wonder if New Orleans had been a white suberb would it have taken so long to get basic water supplies to the victimes. also why did the police not go into the Dome and provide some law an order instead of letting the rapes etc go on.. Southern Boy president at the the time i guess. glad you get none of it here, i some times feel a victim of racism here but i think its ignorance and greed, not so much racism

  14. Sometimes, this racism is also colored by what people call Nationalism. The kind where people say, "My country is better than your country". If you count that as racism - just imagine how the locals treat their neighbors - the Burmese, Laos and Cambodians.

    We Aussies aint racist mate.

    so why all those Indian students getting beaten up in Aussie, even Aussie prime minister made a public apology. you want to hear racist comments ask an Aussie about abo's as they are called. Racism exists every where.

  15. Dicussions on visa run companies (Julie V Herbert) have been done to death on this forum, so I aint gonna take part in this!!! :D

    you just did

    did what?

    take part, several times, your qoute below :)

    Dicussions on visa run companies (Julie V Herbert) have been done to death on this forum, so I aint gonna take part in this!!! :D

  16. i got my document same day at MFA, but i think there was a premium charge for this and we had to wait 2 hours. we only had to stay BKK

    1 night straight from MFA to airport.

    Currently there is no more same day service, you have to return another day to pick up the papers. They also might send it by mail, but I'm not sure about that.

    sorry, must have changed recently as in the last month, as my friend did it 26th of January, paid 800 baht for same day service.

  17. No he didn't. He won two. How can you get such elementary detail incorrect? Perhaps because you weren't even here?

    they banned his party so they set up PPP who stormed to victory again,

    The PPP didn't even win the election, let alone storm to victory. They garnered a fraction more of the votes than the Dems, but way off a majority, and then did a better job of offering sweeteners to some of the smaller parties so as to form a coalition.

    As for the banning, you seem to brush it off as an insignificant detail. It's not.

    then sacked the PM for the henous crime of making a cookery show on TV.

    Using state controlled TV to promote himself and pay himself a salary was wrong. He was punished for that. He could have stood again and been reinstated to his position, but Thaksin didn't want that.

    taskin is the rightful leader of this country, so say the MAJORITY.

    So why couldn't his party win a majority at the last election?

    Regarding the march, i agree with others that there should be nothing done to attempt to prevent it. The reds have every right to protest. Just as long as there is no violence, there should be no interference.


    did PPP get more votes than any other party. yes was here when he won first election in Phuket, waiting for bars to open at midnight. remember it well. does it matter if i was here or not?, i know who won last 3 elections in USA but was not there, called internet. i agree 2 election for him and one for PPP alias TRT. PPP got more votes than the democrats i beleive. like you say he bought the independant parties votes. democrats,i would love to see fresh election but Mark would never go for that.

    at least we agree on their right to have to march, and disagree with OP who is in favour of trying to stop it. after all the democrat supporters were allowed to shut down Phuket and swampy airports with now repercussions. that alone makes red shirts very angry and feel they have the right to protest as well.

  18. If it was illegal he would have already told them he wanted it checked because someone tried to drug him against his will. Hardly his drug. If they insisted he tell them who it did belong to he could happily point them at the girl, who deserves to spend some time in jail.

    he does not know if it was illegal or not, why would he have already told them if he did not know and had flushed it away. since he is the one in possion of it then the BIB would assume possesion is 100% of the law. so the police have a farang with an illegal substance, he says Thai girl friend give it to me, who has most money in cops eyes.

    Grow up. The police in this country are not all corrupt or stupid. Contrary to what many TV'ers think, bar girls do not have much clout with the police force.

    ok do not want to get into argument, just my experience of working with 30 bar girls if a customer did not pay my girls they would get the police involved and the police would get the money off the punter plus some for there trouble. as you know there proffesion was illegal but police always backed them. saw it day in day out. our security guy as many are was off duty armed police man. no need for the grow up comment sir. get into an acident with a Thai in your car and see whos side the cops take even if you are in the right. IMHO

  19. Nalak....if you had bothered to read my original post you would see that I said you have to take the form to the Embassy yourself to have signed.

    Also why do you think the translater fills the form out in Thai???? Obviously it is in English for the Embassy. IT IS afterwards that the translation is done.

    Jeez whats the matter with you guys.

    Of course the op can find out and do it all themselves if they want to travel across Bangkok and queue up here there and everywhere.

    All I am saying is that the shops offer a service, where once the form has been signed by the consulate then they will complete the whole process and deliver to the hotel for a nominal fee, which personally I think is well worth it. If you dont, then fine...you deal with it but dont shoot me down in flames.

    HL :D

    apologies, you did state that, it was this bit below i misunderstood i thought you meant you did it all by paying somebody. anyway way now he should have all the info he needs. :)

    Well for 2000 baht I had it all done for me and delivered to hotel with no worries....so where's the benefit in doing it yourself then????

    HL :D

  20. Firstly you download the form from the Embassy website.

    Fill it out (no need for any translations).

    Take to the Embassy, pay by Credit card, take decree absolute, and passport.

    Return next day to collect.

    Go to a translation service, get the document translated.

    Get a taxi, go to the MFA (Chaeng Wattana)

    Go to the 3rd floor, take a number and wait.

    Give to the Officer.

    Return next day to collect.

    Now you can go the Amphur and be married.

    Costs - Embassy 2915baht

    Translation - 400baht (maybe more)

    Taxi to MFA (300baht)

    MFA Costs (not more than 1000baht)


    i got my document same day at MFA, but i think there was a premium charge for this and we had to wait 2 hours. we only had to stay BKK

    1 night straight from MFA to airport.

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