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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. Translation - 400baht (maybe more)

    Taxi to MFA (300baht)

    MFA Costs (not more than 1000baht)

    That adds up to 1700 baht without all your time as well.

    Well for 2000 baht I had it all done for me and delivered to hotel with no worries....so where's the benefit in doing it yourself then????

    HL :)

    if you had it all done from your hotel room how would you know what the procedure is. its so simple to do it yourself. i really find it hard to beleive the British Goverment would accept it done by a third party as in a thai, how would a Thai doing this get passed security at the consulate.. also again why would he need to take the document to a translator to fill out when it has to be in English before he goes to the Embassey. i really think you do not know and have given false info to the op. everybody else has it spot on. really should do things your self so as to understand the way things work. How would a third party know the names of your parents or name and address of two people in your home country who know you.


    http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/resources/e...reedom-to-marry this is the form you need to fill out nice and easy, take this to embassey yourself

    as you will see application has to signed in person at embassey.

    op this website answers all your questions

  2. remember the millions that turned up to get the Berlin wall down, the velvet revolution in Czech. all wanted democracy, no matter how you look at it the guy won 3 elections, they banned his party so they set up PPP who stormed to victory again, then sacked the PM for the henous crime of making a cookery show on TV. why is Taskin a traitor becuse he works for a neighbouring country. if you had no money for hospital treatment, then some guy bring in a scheme that says for 30 baht you get all the treatment you need, saved thousands of lives including my father in law, would you note vote for him. this goverment did not get voted in democratically. if the majority want him as prime Minister then thats it end of story its democracy, Germany took away democracy from the Polish look what happened them. we went to war to give the Iraqies democracy, only after no wmd. taskin is the rightful leader of this country, so say the MAJORITY. if Mark had the most votes i would support him, but he does not simple as. ballaot box over tanks and guns anyday. taskin most farangs had never heard of Taskin until he bought in the 2 am closing then thats it hes the devil. people have the right to protest in my country why should they be stopped of marching in support of their democracy that was taken away with the barrels of tanks.

  3. i love it over here, regularly out after 2 am no problems yet. samui phuket all have same problems as in farangs getting robbed killed etc. i have read a few articals about darkside term, most said it was because this side of sukumavit never used to have street lighting, but many differnt versions none down to it being trouble. and of course we have black pearl bar. can be a real pain if you need to travel to town every day though. i always use the bypass as quicker but the junctions are a free for all.

  4. most post office have them, some you have 24 hour access some not, worked for me for years and costs next to nothing, try the nearest one to youif the dont do it they will point you in the direction of one that does

  5. If it was illegal he would have already told them he wanted it checked because someone tried to drug him against his will. Hardly his drug. If they insisted he tell them who it did belong to he could happily point them at the girl, who deserves to spend some time in jail.

    he does not know if it was illegal or not, why would he have already told them if he did not know and had flushed it away. since he is the one in possion of it then the BIB would assume possesion is 100% of the law. so the police have a farang with an illegal substance, he says Thai girl friend give it to me, who has most money in cops eyes.

  6. can always download form from internet, fill it in your self dead easy. take it to embassey collect next day, as you come out there will be guys coming over to you asking if you want translate. about 180 baht then off to laxi i think its called couple of hours for official stamp. as always you are better going to embassy web site where all your questions will be answered accuratly rather than asking on here as things change embasey web site has all up to date info. google british embassey bangkok.

    as for has this question been asked before always best to do search on thai visa, in this case you will see its probably in the hundreds. up there with dentist and driving licience. good luck its dead easy, the hard bit is after you marry the wonderful GFs.

    dont understand the post above why would you take a British document to a translator before you go to the embassey. they need to know name and address of two people who know you mum and dads name simple stuff like that, that is unless things have changed.

  7. Hindsight is always 20/20, and the more distance I get from this situation, the clearer things become. After following a few hints from the other posters, I quickly identified the most likely candidate for the type of pill it was. I'm pretty sure it was the Thai generic form of Xanax know as Xiemed. After seeing the picture of the purple 1mg tablet, I have little doubt in my mind.


    I took one of the 5mg tabs by choice to sleep through some festival fireworks last year, and it put me out for about 10 hours.

    I remember a few other pieces of information now as well. There was something about a friend of hers needing to stop by that night and pick up some work keys, but the details were not very clear. I now think a robbery was being plotted, but needless to say the "friend" never made it. I am inclined to think that her friends put her up to it. After the incident, she kept telling me that she does not care anymore about her friends and cares for me. This may or may not be true, but doesn't change anything in the end. She's lived in this city only a few months, and has fallen in with a shady crowd. Regardless of their character, they are her friends/family and she isn't likely to break ranks with them for the likes of me. I never claimed that she was the "sharpest tool in the shed" but had always treated me very kindly. Her actions showed me that she is gullible and irresponsible, and unfortunately made some poor choices. Obviously, her friends thought that dating me was poor judgement on her part, and who knows? It might have been. LOL

    My phone was quiet till about 2:00am this morning, and now continues to ring about 20 or 30 times through the day and night. I have quit answering it and even turned it off at times. I hope she learns something from all this and changes her course, but my experience has been that it will be downhill from here. Unfortunately, she can probably chalk it up to "work experience" and be a little more sneaky the next time. I've seen and met some really nice girls that come here from the smaller villages. They get off the bus with wide eyes and a desire to make money. Within six months I've seen the same ones turn into the "epitome of evil incarnate".

    The fish in the sea are plenty here, but so are the sharks. The trick is figuring out which one you have on the line. :)

    No matter what happens to her, I dodged a bullet on this one. My thanks again to all those who contributed.

    are you sure it was not .5 mg i reckon 5 mg would have put you for longer, 1mg is enough for me and never seen it sold above that strength. if she keeps ringing just get another thai girl to answer it and tell she is your new girlfriend and to sod off. always worked for me.

  8. Thanks for all the replies, opinions, and advice. I apologize for the late reply, but I did have to work this evening. The verdict is in, and for the most part it is unanimous. I have given careful consideration to all the posts and have made up my mind. The real issue here was the action itself and not the intent. That was the part that pushed me over the fence. I am pretty well convinced that her intentions may have been harmless and well meant, but the approach and actions she took were simply unacceptable and possibly downright dangerous. This is not the kind of person I want to be spending my time with no matter how good the "benefits" are. I am saddened a bit by the whole thing because I had put a bit of effort into it only to do a "crash and burn". In the end, it could have been much worse had I let it continue.

    I tried to identify the pill, but the little bit of "beer" damage that it received made it difficult. Down the sink it went, and out the door she will stay. I could put a great deal more effort into trying to figure out what it was, but what would really be the point? It could have been anything, but knowing what it was won't change the fact that she tried to sneak it up on me. Time to cut the cord, leave it behind, and keep moving along here. Running a partially dissolved tablet all over town trying to figure out what it is was not going to change the facts of how it got there. No matter what it was.

    Thanks to everyone for adding some reason to my slightly sleep deprived day. The phone calls have stopped, and as long as I can make it through the night without a knock on my door, I'll be just fine. The night security guard downstairs has been warned, so that shouldn't be an issue.

    Take care Everyone


    right choice 100%, if you had taken it to a lab and it was an illegal substance, well you or her would have been in deep trouble. flushing it away was the best thing to do and forget about it and her. cant beleive some advice was to take what was possibly illegal to the BIB

  9. I have a great deal of sympathy for the OP. Pretty dam_n scary event.

    But, before I go condemning Thailand for the overall situation, I have to remind people how many maulings by violent dogs there are in the U.S.

    The pepper spray comment was interesting to me, because I do a lot of walking around Bangkok and elsewhere when I travel upcountry. Is pepper spray here legal? And, if it is, where does one buy it?

    Try any camping supplies shop, mine came from one on Sukhumvit, but cannot pinpoint the exact location now.

    It was 8 years ago... I still have it, very tiny aerosol... probably doesn't work now. :)

    i get mine at local market just outside pataya, a lot of the night markets will have a stall with knives handcuffs tasers and pepper spray. i paid 250 baht for mine, i got fed up with neighbours dogs going nuts at me every time i came home. quick spray now they see me and leg it. ones a rotty one a pitbull. bad owners, i have two pittbull dogs taken off the street they hardly bat an eye lid at anything.

  10. if you want busy and songkran fun then Khao san road would be a good place. really depends what your friends want, nana, cowboy. girl friendly hotels i would google that. nana hotel, dynasty, raja ,the stable, ambassador, marroiot, landmark, amari, holiday inn, furtune hotel, etc etc some will charge you for taking a girl back i find it easier to say double room 2 people staying. my and my friends favourite by a long way is Parkway right near nana bts station. one problem if you do not take back at least one friend they might not let you back in. :)

  11. after being here nine years i would advise you to dump her, bad news, if her intentions were good why not tell you first. it could have been yaba or anything, ask yourself how did she get access to the drug and what type of friends does she have. obviously i do not know but i would bet it was a knock out drug. again only my opinion but free extra curicular activities are extremely rare over here, but then maybe i am biased as i had 30 odd of the little darlings work with me. plenty more fish in the sea why take the risk, if you are really smitten tell her to get another pill and insist she take it whilst you watch. if its just a bit of fun drug why not. taking an illegal drug to the police will probably get you a stay in the bkk hilton, DONT go near the police with it. I would be thinking worse case scenorio, in that she might be part of a group who do this sort of thing for a living. anyway doubt she will go easy they hardly ever do, the tears usually turn to anger then watch out.


  12. simply wear shoes and the problem will be gone.

    agree with that i kept getting shock off pc, worse was when touching camera when connected, realised i had been in shower and had wet feet, put my feet up on sofa no more shocks. other half was getting shock off wash machine i told her to wear flip flops and it was ok even though it is earthed but into to sandy ground. showering does worry me though what a great earth a wet body would be.

  13. i just got 3bb installed went for the cheapest package about 700 per month including line rental. getting 3.9 mb on speedtest to New York upload 0.7mb

    girl in shop told me if i went for this package i would not be able to browse outside Thailand so i should upgrade, bless her.

    best internet i ever had in Thailand, had to push them a bit to get it connected, they had promo on this month first 350 metes of line free, we were 300 meters away from the box so saved me some money.

  14. The OP is clearly not going to be satisfied with the obvious answers which have been pointed out to him by several posters. Will someone therefore please invent an answer that satisfies his desire to confirm he was discriminated against on the basis of him not being a Thai.

    as a friend of mine said when you read some of the posts chill, remember a lot of the people on here, not here in Thailand but at home in the winter counting down the days to there next 2 weeks in Thailand. if you have never been charged more for something than a Thai purley because you a a farang well your a lucky chappie. thanks to you all now i remember why i dont start new topics, and why i think the mods are heros for having to read through all this.


    p.s if mod reading can you close thread

  15. anyway the one we ended upon was just passed u ta pao airport no development apart from food places, walk out as far as you can and still see the bottom, go through the navy check point pay 20 baht and your in. ironickly i did not see any signs in english. still bemused why they put up big roads signs in English directing people to 2 beaches then deny access. in reverse its like putting a sign in thai in England then when Thais go say sorry no foreiners. anyway after 13 years put it down to TIT. thanks for sensible replies will go back and ask is it just for a short period or permenant.

  16. "so i turned in knowing it was military area", ... no need to look for another answer.

    read the post the beach we ended up on was a miltary beach, as usual on the forum full of sarcasim b4 reading thread properly.

    The reason I asked if you are a native English speaker is because your post is unclear. If you are a native English speaker then you should make more effort to be clear, if not then you should be more patient with those who don't understand you clearly

    whats not clear about this statement????

    anyway we found one beuatiful as good i have seen any where and yes we had to go through army check point.

  17. Your post is a little hard to understand (are you a native speaker?), but maybe those Thai's in cars were military personal / staff and had access to be in a restricted area whereas you didn't.

    ok clearer the sign was in English hence one would think english people could go in why put a road sign in English to beaches if forieners cannot go. maybe they told my Thai wife she could go in with her ID card. i thought no forieners was clear enough.

  18. Sorry Dmax but have to agree with the birdman. The guy spent a month on Samui and all he has to say is the bars in Lamai all sell their beer at the same price and the bar owners wives / GF are great. A real great insight for a month on Samui! And considering where he spent his month is it any wonder he was told tales of BIG MAFIA ? No doubt he also met lots of ex SAS, Delta force, MI5 /6 CIA and professional hitmen in the very same bars ? :D Unless of course they only drink in Bangrak :D

    Another big YAWN. And if posting a big YAWN is flaming ROO take me away " Its a fair cop " :D

    Its an interesting point..i recall going to a well known Irish Bar on Samui to watch a premiership game, and getting in to a discussion with a longtime expat, who claimed he was the British soldier that raised the union jack above Port Stanley in The Falklands conflict, and had lost 2 of his brothers on the Sir Galahad after it was hit by an exocet missile...a quite remarkable claim..he gave me his business card, i of course checked the facts off the internet, and of course, none of his story held up.. I do think the 'Too much sun' diagnosis is a good shout :)

    Sir Galahad was bombed by A 4 skyhawk, not exocet Brithish army incompetence at its best leave ship full of troops in small bay in broad day light for hours on end. jerks like that really annoy me,a few weeks ago one idiot told me he was ex SAS and started to have a go, i just walked away. little did he know many eyes were upon him itching to drop a bottle over his head.

  19. i went to check out some new beaches in Sattahip today, as we got there sore a big sign in Thai and ENGLISH showing the way to 2 beaches, so i turned in knowing it was military area, but so are most of the beaches there. cars ahead were getting waved through and saluted, as i approached window down they looked in horrer to see foreiner in car. came running over waving hands no foreiner here u turn go back, erm sign down road is in English why, what can the Thais see i cannot, what can guys from Yala Pattini etc see that i cant. might i see a navy ship in the distance. so to next beach every thing same had signs pointing to a beach again no foreiner u turn. anyway we found one beuatiful as good i have seen any where and yes we had to go through army check point. but at the time i was enraged inside at what to me is blatent racism, but then after i thought TIT amongst other things

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