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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. Just went to Tesco (pattaya) Thaparasit rd/Sukhamvit , and just over the road on the corner to soi khaow Noi it looks like the reds are starting to build there stage again on the big plot of land that used to be a market a few years ago.

    amazing they got persmison to do it there after the trouble they caused at the summit last year .

    saw that the other day all the red shirts for sale already, guy in market selling pepper spray etc said special shipment come in from China, last week what you want he can get. good day to go on bar crawl around the big lake out of the way.

  2. always found the poison very effective as long as other animals cannot eat it. had rat in roof a few weeks ago, put poison up there dead a few days later, i know because of the stench we had, then maggots coming out of the ceiling panels for a few days. nice

  3. Does that mean they are great in Smoke on the water and Lady in Black...or are they great in more sophisticated Rock?

    That's usually what you hear on Samui. ............

    .........................it's a pitty that the Sunday afternoons at Steve's Secret Garden are history. :D




    those were the days, far better than the crap you hear all around the island now days, although i also loved Rocky Bay what a setting for a party that was, knocks the hel_l out of the crappy lake view. always remember hundreds of bikes heading to rocky bay, park the bike up make a mental note where you left the bike only to come out and find the car park guy had moved them all.

  4. fell off the bike a few times always down to excess fluid. i should take the advice and stop posting because you are not helping the projects cause at all. i dont think it was arson at all it was just a link to a guy playing a fiddle, a fire and a palatial bulding. i am sure the thread has lead to extra busines, as they say all publicity is good publicity. the real gripe i have is the Threatening PM i got when i opened the thread. sleep tight i hope the long tail boats dont disturb your sleep. nice emotion in your reply to oak suprised what you are calling him is allowed.

  5. I was referring to you lot (got it in for gecko) with the "relative peace" poor sucker...

    Sorry, that's apart from the Karaokes, Temple concerts, Lake view, loud markets, long tail boats, racing bikes, cement trucks, building machinery, lawn mowers, private house/villa parties, guy with the drill next door, guy with the two screaming bar girls next door, firecrackers, off road bikes, loud people in general, dogs, chickens of course which we all have to put up with.. oh and the occasional gecko.

    Sleepless nights ahead? :)

    I've lived on Monkey Soi for a long time and can hear all of those annoying sounds most nights and so can all of Bophut, Chaweng, Lamai, Maenam, Nathon..

    What's New?

    i live on Soi monkey never heard on long tail boat in 9 years. you must have good hearing, lake view on most nights now is it. Nathon hear Lake view, erm dont think so

    why do you think people up there in your words have it in for the project, they dont seem to upset buy other developments going on around. Maybe because he is a farang and every thing else you mention is Thai noise pollution. you must have the patients of a saint to put up with all that night after night. lucky guy two screaming bar girls around his house most nights, off raod biking at night time ouch!!!

    like your Emotion Nero fiddles whilst Rome burnt. replace Nero and Rome

    Nero as the arsonist, so he could build a palatial complex. It is also said that Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned.

    You're upsetting a lot of people with your rumors I can tell you sir

    Are you suggesting an insurance job? with no insurance? now that would be sensible wouldn't it!

    Nobody could get near enough to set fire to their place without getting their leg bitten off and who'd be stupid enough to

    do it in the afternoon?

    Have you heard of accidents? They do happen and I happen to know that this was one.. So does the fire report if you bother to look.

    Accidents are always happening on this island..

    EG Let's say you accidentally fell off your bicycle down the monkey soi one day

    Would you go around saying you were pushed?

    You probably would wouldn't you!

  6. Sure it was just the pitch ?.....distinctly remember members of the tartan army snapping crossbars as well... :D

    We had no option. How on earth would we be able to get them on the train back north otherwise?

    what a day that was !

    ah what a day this was, scots fans best in the world, when ever they go abraod everybody loves em, trouble is they never get to go abroad :)

    Rangers fan who killed Celtic supporter hours after Old Firm game jailed

    Five years and three months in jail for man who pushed victim to the ground, kicked him and stamped on on his head.

  7. Sure it was just the pitch ?.....distinctly remember members of the tartan army snapping crossbars as well... :D

    We had no option. How on earth would we be able to get them on the train back north otherwise?

    what a day that was !

    It was indeed a great day and yes I was there, yes I was on the pitch BUT no violence just light banter :D

    After all it was the first time we had beaten the English at Wembly since we were the FIRST team to beat the 1966 World Champions and oh how often we have had to relive that day :)

    Never saw any problems at the game or in the pubs after and if the Goal posts had been made in Clydebank they would never have broken :D

    Anyway I hope the BIB can learn from the English disease of years ago and have no more trouble at games.

    BT :D .

    English disease please please comment on this, you proud, source STV. Pease all jocks who say it English disease comment, we do

    not do this now days. i gan give you dozens more of such stuff just admit it your worse than us.

    Rangers fan who killed Celtic supporter hours after Old Firm game jailed

    Five years and three months in jail for man who pushed victim to the ground, kicked him and stamped on on his head.

  8. Sure it was just the pitch ?.....distinctly remember members of the tartan army snapping crossbars as well... :D

    We had no option. How on earth would we be able to get them on the train back north otherwise?

    what a day that was !

    It was indeed a great day and yes I was there, yes I was on the pitch BUT no violence just light banter :D

    After all it was the first time we had beaten the English at Wembly since we were the FIRST team to beat the 1966 World Champions and oh how often we have had to relive that day :)

    Never saw any problems at the game or in the pubs after and if the Goal posts had been made in Clydebank they would never have broken :D

    Anyway I hope the BIB can learn from the English disease of years ago and have no more trouble at games.

    BT :D .

    guess your proud of the 30 odd rangers fans who singled out a ploiceman in manchester last year and nearly kicked him to death. think he wants his life back, you never got the post out the ground so do not need them back. if its english disease then you caught it quick we how ever cured ours. bring back the good old days when the english lord got to spend scottish brides first night with him in his area. maybe that where it came from your kids got so much english in them

  9. I see the fans are following the game in the good old British tradition.


    Our friends north of the border dont have a problem tearing up stadiums, may I present the events at Wembley on the 4th of June 1977 as evidence... :)

    Just after you stole ...err won the world cup.........want the goal posts back? :D or wot

    boy i would to see you come and try it now, we learnt from you lot after that game, Euros Gazza what a goal. see you in South Africa, oops for got george to busy with the ladies to sort team out. would love rangers and dream of ENGLISH prem football because it would be championship standard at best.

  10. I see the fans are following the game in the good old British tradition.


    I second that! Its English not british

    i suppose wales doent have a history of football hooligans swansea, cardiff and wrexham!

    ok i wont bother to do it but i bet if you googled cardiff fans trouble there would be a few hunrded pages. its a world thing africa, south america, asia you obviously know nothing about football holiganism, even sam the man was caught on video encouraging violence against the English.

    there are no hooligans in wales and this thread is going to stay open

  11. I see the fans are following the game in the good old British tradition.


    I second that! Its English not british

    Over 700 years ago your lot became part of the Union and youre still bitter and resentful towards your masters (like the jocks) ... just remember youd be a 3rd world country if it wasnt for the English.

    off topic i know but worth remembering Scottish, English, Welsh and Irish lads and lasses getting blown to peices and dying side by side now, if i was in a mess could not think of anything better than being with a regiment of Jocks kilts and bagpipes and all. Stand together at this time.

  12. I see the fans are following the game in the good old British tradition.


    Celtic v Rangers how many deaths and injuries, swansea v cardiff, Rangers on tour in Manchester loads of ploice hospitalised city trashed in certain areas. wembley stadium trashed by Scottish fans goal posts smashed to peices (Long time ago never again ) British, german, czech bulgarian etc etc etc diseaset its a myth than Scottish fans are well behaived. google to find more.

    see below Source google

    Only 18 months after the Manchester riot European football is again dealing with hooliganism in Bucharest tonight when rioting Rangers Fans

    Rampaging Rangers fans are a "disgrace" who could have jeopardised England's bid to host the 2018 football World Cup, Gordon Brown warned today. he is Scottish

    souce daily mirror

    The 60 second clip shows a riot officer falling to the ground after being tripped by a fan as he and colleagues retreat from a violent gang throwing missiles of cans, bottles and rubbish at them.

    The baying mob then surround the helpless officer and reign kicks and punches down on him as he cowers on the ground in terror.

    The injured officer only manages to escape when the mob are momentarily distracted.

    In other footage a large group of rampaging yobs are seen vandalising a car.

    Fifteen officers were injured, as well as a police dog, and 42 arrests were made as hundreds of riot police and supporters fought running battles following Rangers 2-0 Uefa Cup Final defeat against Zenit St Petersburg in Manchester.

    One Russian fan was stabbed but his injuries were not life-threatening.

    Some even turned on each other.

    Myth but i do love jocks and hate the scum who wear the England shirt and dishonour my country.

  13. been in twice both times early so food was fresh, i thought the pasta was good and enjoyed it, the Thai food meal was probably the worst Thai food i have ever eaten, me and Thai wife could not eat it. so on balance i will go early nights for pasta and miss Thai nights. would not go late for pasta night as Pasta really does not bode well for a buffet style meal, as in pasta will proably go dry and tough. dont really mind buying drink even though i feel 30 baht is a bit steep. but the guy has to make some margin some where.

    best deal for me are the places on Darkside doing peppered steak and chips plus salad 39 baht, pepper sauce is spot on. . beef a bit tough but pork melts in the mouth, not biggest portions but if you hungry order 2. coke 14 baht

  14. as one security advisor said anything with a stomach is curroptable, also can be poisened. cctv wel as he said most thai burglars dont even know what cctv is so no deterent. 3 friends robbed in Samui in 1 week, 1 of them twice. security guards sleep all night and let anybody through including all the vendors eyeing the joint out, if the security guy hasnt already for a fee. if the really want to get in they will, having said that anything that makes think not woth the bother move on some where else easier has to be good. had a security ligh fitted a few weeks ago, they electrition had never heard of one he had a wail of a time running in front of it and waving his hand. police responce time, nce saw a guy get his brains blown out in front of hundreds, police responce time 1 1/2 hours. all nice and clean when they arrived.

  15. I was referring to you lot (got it in for gecko) with the "relative peace" poor sucker...

    Sorry, that's apart from the Karaokes, Temple concerts, Lake view, loud markets, long tail boats, racing bikes, cement trucks, building machinery, lawn mowers, private house/villa parties, guy with the drill next door, guy with the two screaming bar girls next door, firecrackers, off road bikes, loud people in general, dogs, chickens of course which we all have to put up with.. oh and the occasional gecko.

    Sleepless nights ahead? :)

    I've lived on Monkey Soi for a long time and can hear all of those annoying sounds most nights and so can all of Bophut, Chaweng, Lamai, Maenam, Nathon..

    What's New?

    i live on Soi monkey never heard on long tail boat in 9 years. you must have good hearing, lake view on most nights now is it. Nathon hear Lake view, erm dont think so

    why do you think people up there in your words have it in for the project, they dont seem to upset buy other developments going on around. Maybe because he is a farang and every thing else you mention is Thai noise pollution. you must have the patients of a saint to put up with all that night after night. lucky guy two screaming bar girls around his house most nights, off raod biking at night time ouch!!!

    like your Emotion Nero fiddles whilst Rome burnt. replace Nero and Rome

    Nero as the arsonist, so he could build a palatial complex. It is also said that Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned.

  16. unfortunately I think it's because of a 'public complaining/whinging... often totally justified by the way' trend by a minority of foreigners making it worse for everyone else.

    Well there's some crazy contradictions. A minority of foreigners "complaining" "Totally Justified" but "making it worse for everyone else"

    I suppose these Falangs who live here getting poor service and complaining justifiably should keep their mouths shut and lose out financially , or maybe we should hire a secretary to speak to the company management.

    throwing a wobbly in public and humiliating a mere clerk acheives nothing anywhere and is particularly counter prroductive here.

    As for making it worse for others, a peon who has just been ripped a new asshol_e by some indignant farang, is not going to make any attempt tto help the next one along.

    heng has merely pointed out an alternative, more effective way to deal with complaints, and all you can focus on is the fact that he has a secretary. poor you.

    have to dis-agree i did it in Tesco when new phone would not work and she would not change, the more pressure i gave her in public the more pressure she gave her boss on the phone. after i told a few farangs not to buy goods from them a new phone appeared. i did not like doing it but some times it pushes some over the edge. it saved me 6000 baht. customer service here is bad, worse i have experienced anywhere else in Thailand. waiting for girls to finish private calls, no product, doing make up instead of taking care of customers, watching TV instead of serving etc etc. now i just tell them i am off some where else because the doing their job badly, smiling of course. exception being immigration and driving licience centre. IMHO

  17. i use it for reference on a lot of things, cant say as have found a better forum. i like other have the od spat with mods but look at the crap they have to sift through hour after hour, the forum go to bits without them. thats me speaking after just getting official warning!!!

    although i am not sure about the ad bangkok massage to your room we know what you want advert

  18. Nationwide are brilliant aren't they??

    They've had a similar offer running at 2 different times over the last year (offering 50 quid to transfer you're banking over to them). I done it, and it was so easy and simple....can't say no to free money. :)

    i love em a few weeks ago they sent me somebody elses message, i got CEO e mail off google and sent him a copy, regional manager rang me out here and asked if i would accept £250 compo for my troubles. i said no trouble but yes. google ceo e mail address brilliant site works wonders, even have a moan to tescos ceo now and again, terry Bless him

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