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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. you will find it all over thailand they know big police, know big iimigration, genearally means they no nobody, or they are just out of the SAS is a good one. i have seen many a bar owners wife girlfirend nip off for short time when he is not around, when they do there visa runs way hay. should they go back to country for a while they can be the busiest girl in the bar. some times it rely gripes as the guy is a mate and you see his mises hoaring araound. you can take the girl out the bar but never the bar out of the girl. having said that some of the cops are ok, one i know quite well gave me his number and said any time you have problem call me. twice i did and twice there was a cop there in minutes. no tea money either. a lot of people on here will know him he plays in local pool league

    Ban Rak is better type of ex pat but you may tend to get i own this i made this much money today etc, which usually means they are on the way out, Lynx, sabai properties being to good examples.

  2. just changed from AIS, before that Cat air card. due to poor sevice i have installed 3bb which is great but i cannot log into Yahoo. i note on my internet connections i am on a LAN network, is the right way to have modem installed? either way my main problem is i need to log into mail. everything else great as in google, IE voip. only MSN and Yahoo problem.


    just read on net try another countries yahoo log in so went to Australia yohoo and straight in strange UK will not work

  3. if you google unlock dongle a few sites on there. i paid 2 and neither work. some of them offer to do it for you send it to them. its the AIS one you asked me about, also tried to unlock 3 dongle did not work. internet thailand night mare i now have 2 dongles and 3 routers all from differnt providers.

  4. This subject has been discussed many times before.

    I think Farangs or ordinary Thai drivers are not allowed to drive them, because tuk tuks are a public transport vehicle (taxi) and a special license is required.

    that makes me sad but a hotel in bkk had one to bring people to discos and to the bus about 5 years ago near nana

    you could drive one but its up to police if they want to stop you.

  5. after 10 days i get 4mb from 3bb, i started with AIS dongle which was to slow but instant, take your time or like me you will end up paying out to differnt providers who will lie through there teeth about connection times and speeds, now selling the AIS dongle which would be good in right area but not darkside.

  6. if anybody wants to buy the AIS dongle 4 weeks old hardly used still in box its for sale in Pattaya area at 2000 baht. i paid 3400 4 weeks ago but no service on darkside. now with 3bb and getting 4mb

  7. I did ask if anyone had any sleepless nights since the gecko re-opened but still you

    all talk talk talk... WELL?

    My last post on here. Yes thank you for inquiring , we have had sleepless nights, especially when they finish around 7am. Dates, from memory, the last 27/1, 2/2, 17 or 19/2 .Does that satisfy you? Now run to your master & get another pat on the head.

    lol yeah that satisfies me Oakie darling (you don't mind if i call you Oakie do you?)

    I saw one of those posters too.."all DAY long" Funny you didn't mention the noise on here at the time?

    Must have been those bloomin' long tail boats drowning their boom boom boom out...

    Or were you too busy talking.. erm, oh sorry.. writing, erm i mean posting about the "ulgyness" of the new gecko LOL

    You know the place? ugly bar just up on bophut hills about 200 meters on the right past the bophut hills golf course

    well worth going up there even if it's just to look at the view whilst taking in the uglyness of the souroundings at the same time..

    Oh while you're there.. They do fabulous coctails (flaming gecko's my favourite) and a happy hour every day where you can get 2 drinks for the price of one while you watch all the action from the 7th hole.

    Did I forget to mention the music? oh yes the music well it seems to do wonders for attracting

    the sexiest women up there or maybe they just look so good because of the 'ugly' background.. hmmm?

    Maybe i might just have to check that one out again this afternoon.. I get off work early today

    You could join me up there if you like Oakie, my girlfriend's away this weekend. I can pick you up around 4pm at Big Joes

    I'll buy you a sausage roll

    Bring your bikini X

    Love to see how you bear up against the background :D

    as a matter of interest do you get on with your parents, if so if one of them was sick and found a nice place to retire and deal with there illness and somebody opened up a night club next door and kept them awake until 7 in the morning how would you feel, illegally as well. still if it attracted the sexiest women to you might by happy. personally i would kill if somebody did that to my mum. . stop hiding behind your user name tell us ya name dont be a coward like us, now off you go for the well done boy pat on the head :):D:D as wallace would say to gromit well done lad. girl friend away this weekend you should hang out with the guy next door who has 2 screaming bar girls most nights.

    ps could not beleive my luck when i saw you had posted again so amusing, forget the sausage roll try garys mushrooms my mates rate them, not sure if they come with egg and bacon though, ask Joe. i had stopped posting until you came along.

    anyway last reply to you, to much free publicity, but please keep posting we are all in stitches. pass on my reguards to Joe

  8. i went down today and had a walk around and had a chat with some of the stall holders, they have some thing they beleive in, if i remeber rightly he was elected in by the majority, maybe he did some things we perseve as wrong but look what that shower in the UK have stolen recently, US has its share of corrupt polotitions as well. he introduced 30 baht health scheme, one tamboon one product, lent the villages a million each for development, brought the country forward in leaps and bounds, got rid of a lot of the drug scum forcing the prices through the roof. now drugs are cheap and more widly used. but he was elected democraticly, that means more people voted for his party then any other, if he came back he would win again. i did not find them un educated country bumkins,( sure Rimmer told me there was a rule against such statements reguarding Thai people) dictators dont hold elections as in North korea. either way i purchased a shirt just to show my support. just my two penny's worth i know i will be in the minority but look at all the new rules making it harder for us to stay here.

    Thaksin is truly a smart man. Dishonest, but who in Thai politics (heck, any countries politics) isn't.

    Thailand does not have good elections, as you know. Too much fraud. So to say he was democratically elected might be a stretch.

    He lent money to villages so he could make money. It was all about him....if I am not mistaken, he got the interest on these loans....and put the villages in debt to him. In my wife's village, they loved getting the money, but then were stuck with debt they just don't need and can't pay off.

    The drug scum were murdered. Only the players at the bottom were killed, none of the "generals" were touched. And drugs are still a problem...so nothing was really gained. And the way it was done was totally illegal. No courts involved, no justice.

    In one way, it would be good to see him back. He was a great politician...but he is just so corrupt. Not sure he really helped Thailand. The country, economically, fared better under him, but what country didn't fare better 3 years ago? You could have been a monkey and your country did well back then. Now it's a different story...you need to be really good.

    sounds a bit like the cause of world crisis now the credit crunch, people borrowing money they cannot pay back and burdening them with debt. (freddy mac fanny may) lending them the money was always going to back fire as well, they normally cannot handle it. anyway the 30 baht health scheme was a god send plus the free electric and water if under 200 baht, i know that was samak but thats why the poor love them. by the way the interest rate was set at 1% per annum payable back to the village fund.

    has anybody heard if there was trouble last night i hope not

  9. Those are the same idiots who stormed the Royal Cliff Resort ASEAN meeting. Pests.

    one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter maybe they just want their democracy back.

    Thaksin and democracy? :)

    well he got majority of votes 4 times, present prime minister was vever voted in by the people. beats Burmese democracy

  10. The following will IMHO come back to haunt him...

    -- 2003 --

    January: Thaksin launches controversial "war on drugs," which rights groups say leads to more than 2,200 extrajudicial killings.

    It has been pushed under the carpet for far to long.

    For me it sums up what this inhuman being is all about and the lengths he will go to to keep his name in the headlines.

    On this occasion it backfired on him and his reputation detroyed.

    Like so many of his past endeavours the day of reckoning will resurface big time and KARMA will duly be repaid in full.

    The figure of 2,200 is very conservative and is was much higher ( extremely so ) than this as time went by and the horrendous hidden statistics surfaced.

    Not alleged either but factual

    marshbags :)

    fit and proper ending for drug dealing scum selling yaba to kids. only people hacked off were pc correct western countries. how many people a year do the US cops shot and kill. his reputation amongst the Thai electorate rose, quote from news feed above, stormed back into victory afterwards, twice i think

  11. He was not removed by a coup. He wasn't even PM at the time of the coup.

    i always thought he was, to be exact at a world leaders meeting in New York. united nations thought he was Pime Minister

    The 2006 Thailand coup d'état took place on Tuesday 19 September 2006, when the Royal Thai Army staged a coup d'état against the elected caretaker government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. The coup d'état, which was Thailand's first non-constitutional change of government in fifteen years

    On the evening of 19 September 2006, the Thai military and police overthrew the elected government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. At the time, the premier was in New York City for a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly.

    At 01:30 (20:30 UTC) on 20 September it was announced that the Prime Minister had cancelled his speech at the United Nations.[22] The prime minister watched his downfall on television from a hotel in New York. Tom Kruesopon, an TRT member and an adviser Thaksin, said the premier "has not given up his power. He is not seeking asylum

    Some of Thaksin's critics wanted to jettison his policies promoting privatization, free trade agreements and CEO-style administration.

    this bit below i found interesting, i knew 9 was important but not that important.

    The Nation noted that the timing of the coup contains many instances of the number nine, a highly auspicious number in Thai numerology. The coup occurred at the 19th day of the 9th month of Buddhist Era 2549. Coup leader Sonthi Boonyaratglin made a major public announcement on the morning after the coup at 9.39 am.[49] The Nation earlier indicated 9:16 as the time for Sonthi's press conference

    source wikipedia

  12. They have announced a million man march for March. The verdict is tomorrow. They don't have a million men now or they would start if off now. They keep making threats and claims and then can't back it up. So, who knows. Anyway, anything is possible in the next few months, don't kid yourself.

    And the point of a million man march in a country with almost 67 million thai people ? :D

    CHANT: We have a minority, we have a minority. :)

    as did tony blair and George Bush, democrats never had majority PPP won last election as in red shirts Mr Samak

  13. i went down today and had a walk around and had a chat with some of the stall holders, they have some thing they beleive in, if i remeber rightly he was elected in by the majority, maybe he did some things we perseve as wrong but look what that shower in the UK have stolen recently, US has its share of corrupt polotitions as well. he introduced 30 baht health scheme, one tamboon one product, lent the villages a million each for development, brought the country forward in leaps and bounds, got rid of a lot of the drug scum forcing the prices through the roof. now drugs are cheap and more widly used. but he was elected democraticly, that means more people voted for his party then any other, if he came back he would win again. i did not find them un educated country bumkins,( sure Rimmer told me there was a rule against such statements reguarding Thai people) dictators dont hold elections as in North korea. either way i purchased a shirt just to show my support. just my two penny's worth i know i will be in the minority but look at all the new rules making it harder for us to stay here.

    A criminal like Thaksin is ineligible to be PM again unless his side performs a coup. Whether he could win again in a free election after all the dirty business that has gone down (Black Songkran, Cambodia) is VERY debatable. Sounds like you were sold a bill of propaganda goods.

    Another point. Some may disagree. I think it is very foolish for foreigners to be wearing red shirts, or yellow shirts, or making public political expressions of any kind in Thailand, especially these days.

    totally agree about foolish to wear shirts, but buying one and leaving it in the bag should be ok, i never said i wore it. the place was empty apart from store holders and i just wanted to hear how they thought. lived in Samui for years and again discussed it with pro Democrats. lived here for many years and think taking interest in polotics is a good thing. many Thais beleive Suthep is running the country he had to move sideways over a scandel only to be replaced by a relative, he was Marks number 2. my opinion is based on living here pre taskin during taskin and after taskin. as a matter of interest which of what i said is propaganda, its all the good he did. because the people who vote for him are poor does not mean they should be denied the right to have a democratic vote. either way who ever gets in will almost certainly be corrupt. . he was removed by a coup but i doubt there will be a coup to get him back. i was really in favour of this regime at the start, but changed now. not trying to cause an argument just saying what i think based on living here and living with my very well educated Thai country bumpkin wife who's thoughts on the matter have changed my opinion. either way cant beat a good debate.

  14. i went down today and had a walk around and had a chat with some of the stall holders, they have some thing they beleive in, if i remeber rightly he was elected in by the majority, maybe he did some things we perseve as wrong but look what that shower in the UK have stolen recently, US has its share of corrupt polotitions as well. he introduced 30 baht health scheme, one tamboon one product, lent the villages a million each for development, brought the country forward in leaps and bounds, got rid of a lot of the drug scum forcing the prices through the roof. now drugs are cheap and more widly used. but he was elected democraticly, that means more people voted for his party then any other, if he came back he would win again. i did not find them un educated country bumkins,( sure Rimmer told me there was a rule against such statements reguarding Thai people) dictators dont hold elections as in North korea. either way i purchased a shirt just to show my support. just my two penny's worth i know i will be in the minority but look at all the new rules making it harder for us to stay here.

  15. not read all posts so sorry if this has been written b4. if dog has collar on means it has owner and they should pay all costs plus some, being a farang doubt this would happen. a small cannister of pepper spray works they only need it once then next time they see you a lot of barking from a distance, or if your up wind cs gas. i have taken in 2 abandoned dogs both pit bulls thai soi dogs brick it as soon as we go out. pepper spray the little sods.

  16. if you are not bothered abouts where you are based you can get a perfectly legal work permit in Samui, as in Samui Immigration accept it. no need to employ 4 thais there either in practice anyway.. tea money ususally goes to the police and in Samui is about 7-10 thousand baht per month, however i think this only apllies if you have ladies working in the bar or stay open after 2am, either way wise insurance.. for work permit best lawyer is Samui Bussiness in Maenan (Suthep) he is a little more expensive but he will get you a no hassle work permit. you can work behind the bar yourself if you want, be sure to get all the required licience's and pay taxes.

    just one other tip only put into the bar what you can afford to loose as you will surley loose it unless you can come up with something more orginal than English food english football and a few girls

  17. my friend from samui says there is a really nice beach in the Sattahip area that is owned by the military open mon-fri. costs about 10 baht to go in has nice little bar. anybody any idea where it is and how to get there. done searches on here and google cannot find any info. if you dont want to broadcast it for obvious reason can you PM.


  18. I did ask if anyone had any sleepless nights since the gecko re-opened but still you

    all talk talk talk... WELL?

    do you have some new application on Thai Visa i dont, you sick of listening to people on here, me i can only read things on here not hear. talk talk talk well i just write write write, how does one talk on here. not heard Gecko for for a while but those flippin long tail boats in the middle of the night going up and down Soi monkey, well what can i say please please keep posting you represent your cause well. :):D:D

  19. I've just had a PM from a respected member and Pattaya poster that the The red shirts have indeed set up camp at the corner of Khao talo and sukhumvit.They have also built a huge stage there as well

    yes its true me and the wife saw it two days ago. big area had a stall selling all the red gear at the side of the road. apparantly the date advertised was 25th which is tomorrow, see what happens.

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