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About xtrnuno41

  • Birthday 08/12/1959

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  1. Have fun with the METV has a lot of stupid questions. All questions (but one) are red marked , so you MUST fill in. Mind also just ONE file to add with a max of 3 mb. You have more in info, you have to merge it in fi irvanview to 1 file, 3 mb max. This year with pic I had problems. It came up with"skin teints (or tints) not ok." Used same pic as last year and then no problem. That pic was especially made for Thai visa with the Thai demands No clue what it is/was. Didnt work. Steam came out of my ears. There is a question about bank account and to show you didnt drop below a certain amount in 6 months prior !! Last year I managed myself to produce , but now they ask for bankpaper, so you must contact bank then for such thing and will cost you time and money, im sure. As the pic didnt work with me, I thought, fy exempt. BUT then also had to change to another airline company, as the one I was to fly with, DEMANDED a visum. Dates beyond 2 months popped up with the remark. No visum, no flight. They wouldnt then let me fly. A company I have flown many times with. Had quite a conversation about this, but they came back every time with stupid answers and other comments. Vey steamy in my room then, was about to explode. I entered Thailand, other air company, no visum, exempt and no problem at all with immigration. 2 months past and wanted to do another exempt. Other problems popped up and decided to do first an extension. 1900 baht at immigration, 30 days! You get 30 days, as it was February And that month is now gone again, so tomorrow I MUST have another exemption. So there we go tomorrow , see what happens. I asked IO at extension office, about leaving country and how many days. Amazing, couldnt (or wouldnt?) answer the question and I have to ask at the borderpost. She said. Internally I said "Wooooooshaaa" and left. It seems variable/borderpost !?? Maybe, probably you dont have that with a METV (?), however Im not sure about anything anymore. Tomorrow have to find out then if I can go out and in on a new exempt in just the time im there. Also dont have a MDAC, technically I dont go in Malaysia. I really have to see what it brings, as I have no clue at all. A DAC = digital arrival card and to be found on official sites of the countries. You are going July, notice it could be then Thailand have started with TDAC, they say May with a cost of 300 baht. If you go exempt, remind every border post has his own rules about, leaving the country. 1 -2 days. AND if you have to stay out and stay in the border country, then you need DAC's , depending which country you enter then and back to Thailand then AGAIN for Thailand. Also red in AN you could buy the entrance then and give you again approval a 2000 baht. Meaning? Yha corruption, but I take it when it comes to that tomorrow. Last year went for 5 months to Thailand on digital METV with all the hanky panky questions. First time, long time .Did easily the border run then. This year, the exempt execution. However not with the digital T(thai)DAC, which should start May this year. If an METV does need DAC's, I dont know. All is every time changing and info is very less from Thailand and surrounding countries. As with a METV you also visit the borders to get an approval. every 2 months. With making the METV , DONT use autofil in the sections. I did for adres and it also changed my name ! Didnt expect , didnt check form again and autofil put in other name in name section. The name section is filled in by the copying of your passport. it MUST be identical and autiofil can change that Costed me ! Denied and you dont get money back !! The stupid thing though popped up with "cant read middle name", but can be ignored, if you dont have of course. Validity of METV is running from approval of the METV, so not too early and otherwise calculate days. METV 6 months and ends, exempt goes on and on with the border post setting a time limit for entering Thailand again. No idea, if next year or ever again Ill do Thailand again 5 months. Too much s hits the fan. Malaysia visumfree for lot of countries and no pay MDAC.
  2. Obvious, Thailand following .
  3. ok some too much, half that that then
  4. Cmon, you saw it. Really a bunch of a**holes. Some 700 million Americans and this on the top would be the best? Incredible. But sure laughed my ass of, what a comedy. What a pathetic pair of Americans. Boohoo, you arent thankful enough. You didnt kiss my boots. Boo hooooo. Whining like little kids, huh, maybe little kids woud do better. Well noticing all "leaders"of countries of the world, would say wipe them all out. Where are the days, you just kill the king if all was <deleted>. However follow ups are the same or even worse. Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid Children roam the streets, now orphans of war Bodies hangin' in the streets to adore Royal flames will carve a path in chaos Bringing daylight to the night Death is riding into town with armor They've come to take all your rights Hail to the king Hail to the one Kneel to the crown Stand in the sun Hail to the king (Hail! Hail! Hail) The king Blood is spilt while holding keys to the throne Born again, but it’s too late to atone No mercy from the edge of the blade Dare escape, and learn the price to be paid
  5. Or cover ring is wrong (iron) quality, or something UNDER de coverring? You have them letting fitted, So maybe they had a fitting problem and they fixed it with wrong material ? It is brown water, so probably rust, oxidation of iron. The only metal giving brown oxide. Let them fix it again.
  6. Ok, next CO2 tax , as the many tourists give more CO2, by breathing. Plastic tax as the foreigners use a lot of plastic. Higher prices on petrol, as foreigners travel and more petrol is needed, so more CO2 Higher prices in water, as foreigners use a lot of water. Of course ONLY for foreigners.
  7. Dont forget HCl 34 % is "smoking" , pure HCl is coming out ! Dont inhale , as your lungs can handle it and you can go down, with burned lungs. Dont put on skin or worse in eyes. Very hygroscopic leaving burn marks on skin and very possible not ever be able to see anymore if in eyes. Dont put water to the HCl, an exotherm reaction will occur and it gets real hot, to boiling, splashing the liquid around, ON YOU. Can solve calcium very good, but be aware how to handle !
  8. Well I dont know if I have seen the same, or maybe another docu. But hearing Putin on what he said, he definitely had my respect and thought him wise. So then the invasion came and I had the same feeling as you did, very disappointed. Was he then such a great liar? I cant tell Yahoo news brought in the beginning , Putin had 2 directions for war, the other one was Japan, as they have a conflict over a stupid island. No idea where Yahoo had this found. Just what I red, nothing more and amazed. Another thing was Putin hates nazi's and therefore he invaded Ukraine. He had to choose? Where he got the info about nazi's then? USA?! Is USA indeed then a firestarter? Mis info to Putin about nazi's? USA has changed a lot, not for the better (mo) and they have so many "secret" sections, on which no one knows what they are doing. So could be a possibility. Americans arent even sure, if 911 was an act of an USA section. Ha, not even sure who shot Kennedy. If you make a war, then money starts to flow and USA, as manufacturer of many war materials, is the winner. Money , world domination thats it Questionable is now Trump, he is bringing up a lot of world up stirring, I call, nonsense. So how crazy he is? USE (United States of Europe) as a minor gaming party in USA's vision. "My" country following and did a bombing for USA, costing 70 innocent people's live and many more injured in terrible way. The USE is just doomed and not of importance, a diversion act. Puppets on a string and Trump now shows it wide open. Well ok see what happens, before the asteroid is destroying over 7 years. USE will do nothing at all, as "friend" of USA. They dont even dare to speak up about Israel, as bigger (?) friend of USA. Games are played and nothing else matters.
  9. Dont forget the DACS, like Malaysia has an MDAC. You need it to enter another country around Thailand. Dont forget Thailand is starting that from May, they say, mentioned. Asked IO by doing extension, what would be the time to stay out of Thailand for an exemption, as that is a thing from Thailand. As answer I got, to ask at the specific border crossing. It seems to vary, I red Laos , bought, red Malaysia, bought and instantly return to Thailand. Read in this cases bribe. Red Malaysia 2 days out of Thailand, so everything is possible. But guy could go back after 1 day. With Malaysia the cases were also then on separate places. Pedan besar and Wan prachan. DrJack54 do you know if it is possible to make 2 MDAC's? As I first want to try Wan Prachan to do a same day return (buy) But if that is not working , I MUST do Pedan Besar, but then with another MDAC. On the MDACs you show arrival, where to enter.
  10. Today red again new info about impact asteroid The chances grow for an impact with earth in 2032, scientist are baffled and worried. They are already too late for changing coarse !1?? Imagine 7 years away! So there we go problem solved
  11. Now waiting on selfie of her "See me.... with no hands !" Sorry but how stupid can you be ! Always be aware
  12. Peace? What peace? You mean not being banged down? Or to live in freedom? What freedom? All you do is determined by others. So called leaders, criminals with their own gain. There is no leader on the world, stable, to provide peace freedom. And there has never been anyone, like that. Should I care for how much it costs for so called peace freedom? Just a fear they bring to you because you love your live so much. All so called leaders are trying to kill me with plastics, smoke, chemicals. Telling you now what you are allowed to eat, for what? Peaceful, free life? Hahahaha Bring on the confused emoticon !
  13. Yesterday with doing an extension, I asked the leaving term of Thailand for doing an exemption again. The answer was puzzling as the IO officer said it was depending on the border IO's/ She said, I had to ask when doing so. at the specific border. Amazing. THe extension costed an hour and we were the only ones there. Official site , demands were wuth TM 6 which I didnt have, but no point. Other forum I red TM30 to bring. As my wife was the TM30 maker and we didnt bring it, it was done by ID wife. IO officer helpful to check system for correctness. I wonder how a foreigner by himself has to do it, as TM 30 is Thai. The Tm 30 was NOT on demands list of Immigration (official site) . It is also not printable, as we searched for that. Worst case scenario, to fill in a TM 30 by hand and form. TM 28 then foreigner? Furthermore signing of forms about understanding of rules , like overstaying en misbehavior and so on.
  14. Well im allowed to inhale all dust particles from burnings and detuned diesels Im allowed to eat vegetables sprayed with chemicals, most forbidden in western countries Im allowed to be run down by Thai drivers Every where there are nano and micro plastics, im allowed to eat that. Or put it on my body, as it makes all so "shiny" So buzz of when I want to smoke a cigarette
  15. Time table to fill in? What it cost? Airconditioned waiting room available for charging your phone? Still also working on ETA or is this it?
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