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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. Browsing in my history, he is doing 2 covers. IF you have the time, it's a live version? he knows how to make his guitar weep.
  2. Original The Anti-Nowhere League in 1981 Metallica, 1998's album Garage, Inc.
  3. You might remember this song. The composer ended up in Thailand and with his wife they made a Thai version. He was known with his band "Sandy Coast", but also composed for others. Died in Thailand 2017, RIP. This is the Thai version, I like it better. But ok it is a different setting. Another time, another singer.
  4. I wonder if any cover with Beth could go wrong
  5. I did. Ok so they were changing every time the meter, I "wouldnt" care. I see from you a comment about your intake issues. Had not red that one before, was not in video. Im not criticizing you and you also said you would keep it first, but with the loads of accusations and trouble every time again? Then I really understand why to give back. Meetings, controlling visits, that would be a pita. You dont regret. Amazing it can be like that.
  6. Mmmm, ok. From his story, I red he was surprised. On the other hand the story is missing a time line to be sure. But as he was surprised, I assumed he is longer in Thailand and didnt had before or he didnt notice or his money grew to have past the limit in interest. Or even this was the first time ever, I excluded, maybe wrong, that option? Could be possible, as you say it is taxed all time. As long as you stay under limit, you are not taxed then according to https://www.rd.go.th/english/6045.html . section interest ?! Right?
  7. Bandersnatch, I know you have an impressive installation and you mention already 5 years experience being of grid! But meter back? Well ok you did, hope of grid will go on well and you wouldnt regret giving meter back. But ok only time can tell. Let us know when you regretted it. 😉
  8. Translated to English, a man in Thailand: "Since I'm only 52 and I don't have a pension or something like that yet. receive, I live in Thailand from my savings. Now I noticed that 15% tax was withheld from the interest I received and I started looking further. I came across some information on this site https://www.rd.go.th/english/6045.html I thought it was strange that I had 15% withholding, but that according to the tax brackets nothing had to be paid. It now appears that you can reclaim/deduct this money from your tax return. I am not an expert and went to the municipality (with my wife of course). I received very good help there, the lady behind the counter created a tax number and sent me to my bank for a statement of the interest and tax paid by me. Today she completed the tax return for me and if all goes well, I will soon receive the tax withheld by the bank back, so let's keep our fingers crossed... Perhaps interesting for those who have virtually no tax income in Thailand or have to pay less than 15% in tax." He had to find out that he was taxed. No one really telling him , you have to find out on bank info. Bank is holding tax, even he didnt had a TIN. He went for it later. So above 20000 baht interest. The story doesnt tell explicit if it was on whole year 2023, as that would be weird, as Thailand says no tax before 2024. Or he had then a very good bank account with lots of money? Just in 1 month over 20000 baht of interest? Ok maybe so. Fact is your bank is holding tax, even you dont have TIN. If you want to benefit the deductions, YOU MUST get that TIN. They force you to act, or not then you loose, but hold tax anyway. Sadly the man isnt responding further, so I dont know more details.
  9. Yes they mess up everything Not only google. Once was said windows would check your chip setting and if you didnt have the right one (guess suppliers need to pay, eventually you) it wouldnt work or half. Maybe windows, google and others can also be set with limits depending where you are or pay. Controlling functions/programs to work or not or revealing search sites. Have an old printer and due to windows updates not working anymore. Cant find drivers to make it work, not even at printer site (Epson). They force me to throw it away and buy a new one. Same with phones, at one point you must buy a new one, as android cant update anymore and they mess up your phone. Apple phones have a charger with controlling chip. No other charger will work. Noticed an increasing "half work"since 2012. The guys who invented and sold youtube got 3 billion $, cant blame them. People made youtube and now have to pay for their own work. Just pay up or "die" .
  10. Rust, corrosion is not that an issue, as Thailand uses plastic pipes. In the house there will be metal faucets, where corrosion could occur. I have no clue how sour (pH) the water is from city water. I assumed there will be no explicit non return valve, it is Thailand. As said in Thailand, you cant put a pump on watersystem, but it is a fact. Sediments is blocking, however if flow is real low from sediments, than you have no proper working city water. But maybe some one throw in a rock and is now blocking somewhere. IF you use a well, then you can have more problems with sediments. Also pH, as I know water is pH 4 at my wife's house. Well water needs to be laboratory tested first, to use. Otherwise you can have a fine and they shut you down. You need approval. So logically I would first think then main valve. It is only logical, live long and prosper ! Just thought of new logical situation, the new pump had protection material on its connections and they "forgot" to take it off or out. Maybe stabbed a hole in it and left it.
  11. Does the pump actually kick in or you notice water isnt coming out of tap? If pump isnt kicking in, then it would be the pressure switch. You open tap, pressure drops and pump should kick in. IF pump is kicking in, but no water, then air in system could be the trouble. Too less water in feed of pump. Toilet is just a tiny valve, so seems thats is working, low flow. Tap open is already too big and pump doesnt deliver. BUT the pump should run, as of creating low pressure for the switch, which activates the pump. The intake is too low. You can try by just putting tap just very slightly open, like a toilet is working and see if water is coming then. Dont know why a (extra?) valve is a solution, ok you limit the waterflow to your house. But then pump only would give water like the toilet is using to fill up. Very low. You will be annoyed again. Possibility is, there could be a blocking in your water supply from where the feed is. IS there a valve in it and not all open? You changed the pump , so water was set off to install pump. Somewhere there is already a valve, though?! Maybe that main valve got broken and it looks wide open, but isnt. Maybe the builder is referring to that? Or did they after all put it open? Anyway you could check if main valve is all open. Maybe switch it open/close few times to see if it is working. However if you see main valve just slightly open there you have the problem. If you have opportunity to disconnect the feed to the pump somehow, you can also see if a good flow is going in. Of course you have to shut down main valve first before disconnecting. Then open it again and see if waterflow is very good. IF not, then or valve , or other blocking, or low pressure, flow from water system. Just some thoughts.
  12. IN his own country, he probably should pay about 57000 baht. Maybe even code 5, which means revoking drivers licence. Attacking an officer? Then case will go very fast with maybe more severe punishments. They made a real "no go" for that and are harsh on it. so charge him for that and keep him for a while in prison (Thailand has those punishments, money and prison). However that said, if you are for safety, you should also do to Thai.
  13. Had to find out, so I called Jeff Bezos. I asked him are you stalking me and buy the kettle? Yes he said, it was a bargain.
  14. Wow, amazing. They indeed look the same, but an😀other price. I wouldnt have any clue then I found this in a shopsite costing this much 2000 euro. I went back on site just now and checked again, it is gone ! Checked also on seller page, not there. Blow me down, as yesterday it was there and I made the pic shot ! I was already flabbergasted by it, but now it is not there anymore, more flabbergasted. Yesterday I did a wipe of cookies, so fresh start now, would that cause such crazy things?
  15. Long time ago, John was wandering through the country. It became evening and needed a place to sleep. He came upon a monastery and asked if they had a place for him They had, so he got a simple room and bed. Sleeping clothes like a white shirt and in that time a head cap. He woke up in the night and had to go to loo. So with a candle in his hands he was roaming the halls. Then he met a non and she asked" Oooooooh, are you a spirit, looking for god?" He said "No im John and looking for the pot"
  16. Today in another forum, red if you are doing a border run to Malaysia. You need to announce (MDAC), only 3 days before, you are coming. As a sort of TM 6 of Thailand. https://imigresen-online.imi.gov.my/mdac/register There were for now just 2 reactions on how it went. They made announcement and went and further had no problems. They also didnt had to stay. However with MDAC , they do ask for a place in Malaysia where you would stay. It is red starred, so you MUST fill it in. So you have to find a place where you would stay, you dont have too, to fill it in on your MDAC. One border was Sadao and the other not mentioned. Some people of AN already have the experience? Sadly there were no sources from where it came from, only experience, but somehow they knew. So now , I KNOW.
  17. Would you need big bottle? There are smaller portable ones. Only for info I send pic from lazada, as there are more. Searching on oxygen. ALWAYS be aware when you are using oxygen, the gas can get in your clothes and then a tiny spark is enough for an explosive, rapid fire ! Especially when clothes consist of, or contains plastics, pure cotton is way better to wear. It is already said be aware with grease, fat, oil as it can start a fire WITHOUT a spark ! You get an automatic exotherm reaction, with rapid fire. It is NEVER good to leave any gas filled can, container in higher temperatures.!! Even a gas lighter leaving it in higher temperatures can "explode" then. OK, you need a spark then, but housing can break open. Oxygen doesnt explode by itself, the container can break, but when it comes out, it exile rate fire to explosive burning or depending on substance gives an explosion. Be aware where you use it and what is in your surrounding. For rapid fire with oxygen to occur, you need 3 things: Oxygen, fire source (clothes), and a spark. However oxygen also has the ability to start a fire WITHOUT a spark with grease, oil, fat.
  18. Of course pale like a ghost. I love long hair with a woman and she doesnt show. Number 2 however shows her lovely long black hair, so it would be number 2 for me. Is it number 2 or the old miss Thailand ?
  19. So i thought what would they cost buying here in online shop They cost 155 euro, with rate today 155 x 38 = almost 5900 baht. Expensive as well. Same like the toaster of same series. However it is not the most expensive one. THis was the topper: A titanium bolling tank, not electric. 2000 X 38 = 76000 baht !1??!! There are electric toothbrushes costing 16270 Baht !! Really, wtf , incredible I really dont get what they try to achieve with those prices. Yha of course money, but I will not ever buy. You have to be crazy to buy, I think.
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