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Everything posted by riverhigh

  1. You gotta be putting me on ... Attempted murder, jailed long time, deported. Chances of this happening is between my two good friends "Slim" and "Nun".
  2. Cosidering the dog was in the car. What happened to the "The dog ate my passport and I am in a hurry to get to the vet". An emergency."
  3. This reminds ot the incident where two Frenchmen were in Bangkok at 2 am in the morning and spotted a Thai man pissing in the canal. One went over and gave the Thai a piece of his mind and got into a physical altercation . The other joined in and got stabbed, and ufortunately later died in hospital. Similar to the Frenchmen, the professor and chef got out of their car and confronted six drunk Thais enoying themselves in a waterfestival. Dumb as sh#t. It's immiterial if the Thais could have moved their car or not. No one wants to hear orders from a self-elected policeman, and especially from a foreigner. It appears the professor and chef thought they still in the class room and kitchen, respectively, and in a position of authority. Showed little in the way of judgenment or awareness skills.
  4. While I can see the benifits of cashless payments in terms of convenience to individuals, business and governments, I don't see the convenience outweighing the risks to the individual's freedoms. Let's say someone of importance does not like your views and reports you to the government who in turn freezes all your bank accounts. What are going to do? Where is your backup to continue living? Better still lets say you had been misidentidied as a terrorist or money launderer by some AI inteligence softare used by governments or banks. What are you going to do when your bank accounts are frozen and the responsible clerks refuse to accept that the AI sofware is wrong. I always pay with cash on principle.
  5. The Kiwi and Swiss low-life morons, and now the Russian bitch. Not good!!! All these individuals are relatively young and play the victim game to justify their actions. Similar to the Kiwis who were speeding without a motor bike license, ignored the check point and drove away, are now claiming to the NZ newspapers of being potential victims of "potential" police brutality. All of them are baby adults who throw little tantrums when they don't get their own way and get violent. Refuse to accept responsibility or consequences for their actions.
  6. From original article: "Neighbours, who asked for their identities to be withheld out of concern for their health, told Chalong police that many foreigners allegedly visited the house to buy and smoke cannabis." IMHO, no one should be concerned about their "health" due to illegal activity performed in their neighborhood. Drugs always seem to attract the criminals.
  7. From article: "In addition, the Trang Immigration has not received any report from the Trang Police that Mr. Straumann is a danger to the public." Well! We better let him free immediately. I understand there is sale on "black" socks this week at the Trang shopping mall that Mr. Straumann is interested in.
  8. From the article: "Swiss national (allegedly??) kicked a Thai doctor as she sat on the staircase of his rented villa in Phuket last week" Who the heck does he think he is??? He doesn't even own the villa!! If it was such a vioation of his space, which it wasn't as the stairway encroached on public property, he could have moved. From the photo, this nasty piece of work thinks he can do a little show acting along with a fake wai and be granted foregiveness. This guy thinks he's smart and knows the system. Now caught with the pocession of 2 firearm (most probably registered in Thai person's name and not his), just shows how much of an arrogrant dumb bully he is.
  9. I feel so old when I read the articles. I have so little interest in drugs which people significantly younger than me may have an interst in. My drug of choice is a cup of coffee at the Amazon Cafe. Sometimes I have a second cup. I live on the Edge!!!
  10. Between the beeps I heard him say "Hate flights" ... glad he mentioned that I would never figured that out by myself. At the end of video clip when seurity had their arms around him, he shouted "Can't fight". I think he should lodge a formal complaint against security for the violation of his right to fight inside a plane.
  11. As it stands right now, absolutely nothing. Same immigration BS and no benefits. Just deplorable. As previously mentioned, your money will go to feed the corrupt hi-sos who will be laughing at you.
  12. Looking at the disdain on the the face of the Tourist police officer with white shirt, it looks like another case of a modern-day "Nanny State" Brit couple. Rather than filing a police report, he wants to drag everyone into his little domestic problem and play the part of the victim. File the police report if that's what has really happened and there is no wife beating involved!! Obviously she doesn't care about your well-being.
  13. A Businessman that loves too shoot guns??? That's the best he coud come up with! With tatoos up to his neck and guns galore, I wonder who his clients are. Let me guess Ericcson Telecommunications.
  14. "Stayed in the hotel with his wife". No phone? Why not contact her through email, Facebook, Line, Whatsapp, etc. Typical modern-day nanny state Brit. Playing the victim and rushing to the state for government assistance.
  15. Korean / Japanese send in the rescue team, Russian./ Eastern European leave them on the sreet. Those minor injuries really need to be looked at by a medical consultant, Someone is looking to make a fast baht,
  16. Most probably a nice guy with a worthwhile career ahead of him. Unfortunately with youth comes the sense of invincibility and one mistake, as in this case, can be life changing. Hope he recovers and there are no long-term physical injuries.
  17. From tthe original article: "It was not immediately clear how, despite the disguise, Thai Immigration was able to identify and arrest the suspect.The name of the suspect was withheld from Thai media, however, Thai Immigration stated that the man would be deported and sent back to Algeria." What disguise?? From the photo he looks like a dude! No hips, no breasts ...... has he not learnt anything from the Thai lady boys?? Out of pure emabarassment of wearing that disguse I can understand why his name was withheld.
  18. Good News. Bring back the Chinese-only high priority airport immigrtion check lines. They deserve it, Chinese lives matter and all that.
  19. From the original article: "and allegedly used a laser to point at his eyes (of the Russian) almost every day." If true, what gives the American, or anybody for that matter of fact, the right to point a laser at somebody, Just another example of a self-entitled foreigner living in Thailand.
  20. Not surprised that they only found one overstayer. The educational visa is the best for foreigners under 50. If I was a Russian I would attend every class at the Thai language school. Would not take the risk of being deported and sent back to Russia, and then ending up as cannon fodder for the Ukraine war.
  21. From the original article: “Foreigners are real company owners with Thai people as shareholders. Buying lands via nominee companies are not real businesses because by law they have to pay for tax and other fees, about 10 percent for each time of purchase. Foreigners buy lands via changing shareholders to avoid tax and Thai law around owning land. The future problem is, lands will finally belong to foreigners, which is strictly against the law in Thailand and what sparked this raid.” Major Suriya told the Phuket Express. I have no sympathy for people, in this case foreigners, who knowingly are circumventing the laws. There are no innocents. Friends and acquatances of mine who own houses through a corporation know exactly what they are doing is illegal. Their deep down beleif is that there is safety in numbers and the Thai government will never go after them because of the damage it would cause the Thai economy.
  22. "and not paying the bills for accommodation and food totalling 66,255 baht" ... the real reson for the immigration crackdown.
  23. If the kazakhstan suspect is the shooter it won't take the Thai police long to connect the dots. Pure arrogrance and stupidity if the dots are connected. Daylight shooting, overstay visa, flight to Russia ....
  24. News I really don't want to hear or read about. Nothing positive, just more negativity regarding foreigners living in Thailand. The usual BS "we must protect the Thai boarders, ensure public safety and maintain national security" which essentially means Thailand is for Thais. The news I want, and never will hear, is permanent residency for retirees. I loathe Thai immigration and time-consuming, anti-foreigner regulations.
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