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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. If you’d bothered to pay attention, you would have noticed that the Biden administration has been very busy over the last few years with all of those things you mention: fixing wages, unemployment, infrastructure, even borders. The only reason the border issue didn’t get resolved was because your guy Trump ordered the GOP cowards in the Senate (or was it the House?) to kill the bi-partisan border bill.
  2. This is going right over your head, isn’t it?
  3. You just made my point, Einstein.
  4. You’re a sad, petty little man, like so many MAGA posters here. And I mean little in every conceivable way.
  5. Jeez dude, get some professional help.
  6. It’s a strange world that we live in. How can Donald Trump have any fans at all?
  7. Ouch, wrong again. From Wikipedia: “Of the fans, 52% were women while 48% were men.”
  8. Your need to call Taylor Swift a bimbo, and her followers a bunch of bimbo’s, is quite telling. You wouldn’t happen to be a fan of Andrew Tate, would you? You know, that guy who teaches other guys to be ‘real men’ again. Mainly by being a misogynistic pig.
  9. I agree with Melanie for the most part, that it’s important to find out the truth about this assassination attempt on her husband. But it’s at least a little ironic that it’s her begging for the truth to be uncovered, seeing as how Trump and truth haven’t exactly been the best of friends over the years, to put it very mildly.
  10. Nearly all American media outlets, even Faux News, had Harris as the clear winner, and Trump as the clear loser of the debate. So what you’re saying is that you know better than all those media outlets?
  11. Had they been in favor of Trump you’d have quoted them as undeniable truths, wouldn’t you?
  12. Trump was lying his @ss off, as usual. “Former President Donald Trump delivered more than 30 false claims during Tuesday’s presidential debate against Vice President Kamala Harris, CNN’s preliminary count found – as he did during his June debate against President Joe Biden.” “Harris was far more accurate than Trump; CNN’s preliminary count found just one false claim from the vice president, though she also added some claims that were misleading or lacking in key context.“ https://edition.cnn.com/2024/09/10/politics/fact-check-debate-trump-harris/index.html
  13. Even Fox News admitted that Harris won. ”Fox News hosts and personalities used phrases like trainwreck, missed opportunities, took the bait to describe Trump’s debate performance.” https://www.politicususa.com/2024/09/11/even-fox-news-says-kamala-harris-won-the-debate.html
  14. There was no large scale election fraud in 2020. The (small-time) instances of voter fraud that were uncovered were almost exclusively Republican voters trying to vote twice, or voting for a dead relative or something like that. I agree these people should be prosecuted, but when this kind of voter fraud happens maybe 25-50 times on a total of over 150 million votes, it’s not going to make any difference.
  15. Wow, that’s a whole lot of crazy delusional conspiracy theory in just two paragraphs. Care to share with us some links that support the rather bold claims you make? Forum rules, you know. So the Dems have been at it for more than 60 years, right? And no one has ever found any evidence. I mean, if there was evidence, I’m sure the Republicans would have been all over it and they would have blown these cases wide open to expose the Dems for the lying cheating rat bastards that they are. Or are the Dems too smart?
  16. Ah, so I did understand you correctly. But Trump admitted that he lost. Usually that means admitting that you lost fair and square. Apparently for Trump it doesn’t work like that: to him it still means the election was rigged and that’s why he lost. So admitting that he lost was just an empty gesture, or what? Just to make it clear: there is zero evidence of fraud. Some instances were uncovered, almost all of them by Republican voters who tried to cheat by voting twice, or voting for a dead relative or something. So there really were no rat bastards who cheated in the 2020 election, at least not on the scale necessary for it to make any difference. IMO, the real rat bastards were those trying to overturn the result of the election, and those who kept/keep whining that the election was rigged. And those (i.e. Trump and co.) who are already claiming that the only way they can lose the 2024 election is if it is rigged.
  17. I’m not sure I understand what you mean by that. Care to explain?
  18. “Trump Pledges to Restore Free Speech, Labels 'Fake News' a Threat to the Nation” Translation: you can (and should) lie your @sses off and spread as many conspiracy theories as you want to further the MAGA cause. Anything that doesn’t fit that narrative will be labeled ‘fake news’ and those spreading this ‘fake news’ will be ridiculed, threatened and preferably prosecuted and muzzled.
  19. Like Will B Good already asked: please share with us what evidence exactly has come out over the years. As per this forum’s rules, you are required to back your claims up with at least one link from a credible source. My guess is that it’s going to be crickets from you, though, no links, no evidence, just false and empty claims.
  20. So the other day he admitted he lost that election. And now he wants to prosecute those he accuses of fraud, which caused him to lose that election. Hmm, why am I not surprised?
  21. I think he loves his country all right, but for different reasons than you think, and also for very different reasons than most Americans love their country. IMO, Donald Trump loves America because it has been so easy for him to create the image of a successful and powerful businessman, while at the same time it has been so easy for him to break the law, and get away with it. He’s been laughing all the way to the bank while going bankrupt five (six?) times, bilking hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, stiffing everyone he owed money to with the bill. Then he went into politics and saw a way to make even more money. He collected hundreds of millions of dollars from hard-working Americans so he could ‘stop the steal’, for instance. Most of that money went to paying his own legal fees, though. But what Trump probably loves most about America is how gullible many Americans are, and how incredible easy it has been to pull the wool over their eyes and to get them to send him money. A lot of money.
  22. Anyone want to bet he’s still going to keep pushing the lie that the election was stolen from him in his next rally or interview?
  23. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 111 seconds  
  24. Just another one in an endless stream of pathetic and hateful one line posts.
  25. If Trump had said he saw the bullet coming and managed to dodge it you’d still be parroting that BS. Just another transparent and lame-@ss attempt by Trump to pander to his christian nationalist / evangelical base. Maybe he should try walking on water….
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