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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. What Christian values would that be? Hate thy neighbor just because they have a different skin color and/or opinions and beliefs? Screw over the poor? You shall covet? Thou shall bear false witness? Thou shall steal? Please enlighten me.
  2. It’s all they do, sling mud at someone and hope some of it will stick. They have all these big allegations and accusations, but very little (if any) in the way of substance and actual proof/evidence. Just look at what these doofuses Jordan and Comer have gotten themselves into with their star FBI witness, who was going to provide all that dirt on the ‘Biden crime family’, but who turns out to be a Russian spook. Who is now being interrogated as we speak, and it’s very possible there will be (very serious) consequences for both Jordan and Comer. Oh, the humanity!
  3. Wow, that’s a very sad story. Imagine having to grow up like that. Why parents would do that to a child is beyond me. My mother didn’t get physical with us, though, the abuse was much more psychological, resulting in stress, depression and even trauma. It took me a long time to discover where all that came from, and that my dad had been more or less complicit, in that he never lifted a finger to stop his wife from psychologically abusing us kids. My father was a gentle soul, a pushover, and my mother walked all over him. Also something I didn’t realize until much later.
  4. Not really, I may have been exaggerating a little. But this just p!sses me off no end. On the one hand the total inaction of the Thai authorities over (at least) the last two decades when it comes to putting a stop to this recurring smog, and on the other hand the total disregard for the population’s health by a bunch of morons who set fire to the forest so that they can make money. It’s just shocking to me that this has gone on for so long already, and probably will go on for a long time to come. So some draconian measures are desperately needed, IMO. Shooting these people is probably a bridge too far, but I would definitely be in favor of locking them up for a very long time.
  5. Short of shooting a couple of guys responsible for starting those fires, to set an example of what can happen to anyone starting such fires, I don’t think anything would deter them. And maybe you’re thinking ‘shooting people for this is way over the top’. Maybe, but maybe not. These people are responsible (in part) for the smog that covers the north of Thailand every dry season, and it seems to be getting worse every year. Thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, develop respiratory diseases because of this (I got bronchitis twice staying in CM), and it will shorten the lives of many by years and years. It does a lot of damage to the people, to the environment and to the economy. And all that just so that some selfish dumbasses can pick mushrooms and earn a lot of money? I say hunt them down and throw them in jail for at least ten years. But that would mean that the RTP would have to get off their backsides and actually do something worthwhile, and we all know that’s never going to happen.
  6. A petition to change the name of the street in The Hague that the Russian embassy is on to ‘Alexei Navalny street’ has been signed 28,000 times. So chances are excellent that soon the address of the Russian embassy in The Hague will be on Alexei Navalny street, which they are going to have to print on their letter heads, business cards and everything. Unless they move the embassy to a new location, which I wouldn’t put past them. But I’m loving this. Putin and his cronies must be fuming, the embarrassment and humiliation must be unbearable. Priceless.
  7. Bit of a misunderstanding, I guess, since I was commenting on the last sentence in your post: “I wonder if people should not have to pass a test before becoming parents !!”
  8. I got this advice from a vet many years ago, and I assumed he knew what he was talking about. i stand corrected.
  9. Couldn’t agree with you more. My mom and dad should never have gotten married, much less had children. But if they hadn’t gotten together, I would never have been born. So…..
  10. I have very mixed feelings about my dad. He certainly wasn’t a louse, far from that. But then again, he failed to protect me and my siblings from our narcissistic mother, who did quite a number on most of us and caused a lot of psychological damage. Hence the mixed feelings.
  11. I once got this advice from a vet. When a pitbull bites and gets a hold of you (like your arm or something) apparently his jaws lock and it’s impossible to get your arm out again. The only way to deal with this is to lift the dog up and violently slam its body into a wall or a tree or whatever until the dog loses consciousness (or is dead), and the jaws unlock. I kid you not.
  12. It’s a total mystery to me how the evangelicals, all those born again hypocrites, can embrace Trump, possibly the least Christian man in the world, as their messiah and savior. What Trump needs is an exorcism, not the support of the evangelicals.
  13. Such a misnomer, as it has very little to do with nationalism, and nothing at all with being a good Christian. It’s just an obvious cover for white supremacist fascism, plain and simple, aimed at DT becoming the imperial wizard of the country.
  14. She’s not wrong. Trump makes everything about himself and his obsession with the ‘radical left’ (which does not exist in the USA) who are out to get him. Can’t even do a simple condolence without his usual rhetoric. Pathetic excuse for a man. And that is what tens of millions of Americans have pinned their hopes on. Unbelievable.
  15. I would bet good money that Dolf is the avatar formerly known as Yellowtail. Haven”t seen anything from him in a while, yet the similarities in the kind of language used, the deflections, dismissiveness, smugness and all around obnoxiousness are striking.
  16. Literally everything that doesn’t fit their narrative is ‘fake news’, or ‘biased’, or ‘lefty liberal nonsense’. Admitting that you’re wrong is for wimps and bleeding heart liberals, so they have to stick to their guns, no matter how overwhelming the evidence is that they are wrong, and they twist their brain in a pretzel to convince themselves that it’s perfectly okay to just ‘not believe in it’. Just like their dear leader doesn’t believe in climate change (just a big hoax from China), didn’t believe covid was dangerous (kept calling it the China virus), doesn’t believe that he lost the 2020 election and is convinced that he has never done a thing wrong in his life and the whole world is just out to get him. So unfair! You have to be able to do some pretty impressive mental gymnastics to pull that off.
  17. Well, some of us value our history, and think we can learn from it. Others totally ignore it and make up their own as they go along. Like claiming that Trump was the greatest president ever. Or that Jan. 6 was just like any other day where tourists got a guided tour of the Capitol.
  18. No, not him. Can’t remember his name, but the one I’m thinking of had an avatar of a hissing cat or something.
  19. I was thinking exactly the same thing. The über aggressive/dismissive tone and wording definitely remind me of a certain member that I haven’t seen any posts from for a while. Coincidence?
  20. Let me ask you something: if Trump had come in first place, would you still be asking the same questions? A simple yes or no answer will suffice.
  21. They are not random people, they are historians, from across the political spectrum, Democrats as well as Republicans. Even among just the Republican respondents, Trump was scored last. Does that tell you enough about how bad a president Trump was?
  22. I very much doubt you have any idea what you’re talking about. These people are HISTORIANS. It’s their job to know history, and, using your words, “to have enough knowledge of history to determine which one was best based on the historical record. Duh!
  23. There was a lot of gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair on Faux News last night, I can tell you that much.
  24. So all academics are lefty liberals to you? What does science have to do with being a lefty liberal? You’re just parroting a popular right wing talking point. Science and facts are scary, right?
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