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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Chairman of the Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, threatens West with ‘global catastrophe’ over weapons to Ukraine. https://www.politico.eu/article/top-russia-official-vyacheslav-volodin-threatens-west-with-global-catastrophe-over-weapons-to-ukraine-war/ So let me get this straight. Russia invaded Ukraine, which is apparently perfectly okay with this clown. Russia gets weapons from Iran and North-Korea, with which it bombs civilian and infrastructure targets in Ukraine, which apparently is also perfectly okay with this clown. Not to mention all the raping, torturing and killing that the Russian army engages in. And then Ukraine doesn’t have the right to defend itself with western weapons? What planet does this guy live on?
  2. They are just raving loonies, period. Nationalism or patriotism has nothing to do with it, that’s just a vehicle they’re using to further their despicable agenda.
  3. That Russia has nukes doesn’t mean that you can stick your head in the sand and that the world just has to bend over and give in to the whims of the likes of Putin, does it?
  4. If you had bothered to click on the link that I reacted to (or even read the link, cause it’s right there): https://www.thedailybeast.com/putins-henchmen-threaten-tens-of-thousands-of-dead-us-troops?ref=scroll
  5. And how exactly are they planning to kill tens of thousands of US soldiers without the use of nuclear weapons? And even if they managed to do that, they don’t think there would be a swift and decisive reaction from the US army? These people really should learn to count to ten before they say anything.
  6. Sometimes I really wonder what Trump has to do to make his disciples (like you) realize that he’s just a two-bit grifter who’s been conning people and companies out of billions of dollars all his adult life. But maybe he was right when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and get away with it.
  7. “Police work for the public not financial gain” Yeah, right. So it’s probably out of sheer altruism then that they pay hundreds of thousands of baht to get a high rank in the RTP.
  8. Who says it was a false accusation? If it was, why not take it up with the moderators? They are the ones who can do something about it.
  9. I guess we’re going to have to agree to disagree. History has shown over and over again that negotiating with or giving in to bullies is not a good idea and usually leads to (much) more bloodshed. Even more so because Putin and his clique have been very outspoken about their eventual goal: to restore Russia to what it was in the days of the USSR. So giving them a part of Ukraine would have only reinforced them in their belief that they were on the right track to achieve that goal. The only way to stop Russia is to defeat them.
  10. Women in Thailand often work long hours, while their deatbeat husbands/boyfriends drink, gamble, and/or take drugs.
  11. How many times are Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov and all those other lunatics going to keep threatening with nuclear war?
  12. I’d suggest you PM him, or take it up with the moderators. Or maybe you should just let it go.
  13. Oh no, not another crackdown! The horror! Maybe for a day or two, maybe there will be a few token busts and arrests, and then it will be business as usual, where (lots of) money changes hands so that human trafficking and hiring illegal immigrants can continue without a hitch.
  14. You have made it abundantly clear that you don’t want any further escalation of this war, and also that ‘this is not your war’. So what do you propose we do now? Because no further escalation is a ship that sailed when Russia invaded Ukraine. It sailed even more when Russia started to indiscriminately capture, torture and execute Ukrainian citizens, and later started bombing Ukrainian infrastructure, so the people would have no water, gas, electricity and heat. Not to mention Putin’s use of the Wagner Group, Prigozhin’s private evil army of mercenaries. Giving in to Russian demands would be madness, because that would be rewarding them for invading Ukraine, and encouraging them - next year, or the year after that - to go after the rest of Ukraine, and then the Baltic states, and then Poland, and so on and so forth. You can keep repeating that you don’t want any further escalation until you’re blue in the face, but if you don’t have a realistic idea of how to end this war in another way, that doesn’t do much good, does it? So what would be your solution to end this war, without giving in to Russia? Honest question.
  15. They are. I have no idea why they haven’t been kicked out of the EU years ago. Victor Orban and his clan have a death grip on the country and it’s time they’re ousted.
  16. Even Serbia, one of Moscow’s closest allies, has had enough: Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has condemned Russian mercenary force Wagner for trying to recruit soldiers from his country after the group ran a local media advertisement for Serbs to fight in Ukraine. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/1/17/serbia-slams-russias-wagner-group-for-ukraine-recruitment-bid
  17. That’s not really the point, is it?
  18. Kremlin mouthpiece and number one liar liar pants on fire continues with his ridiculous nonsense and propaganda: the West (i.e. USA) is looking for a ‘final solution’ for Russia, similar to Hitler’s goal. You really can’t make that sh*t up, and it’s a mystery to me how anyone can believe that BS.
  19. I think the US settled on the dollar to worship first, and god only a distant second.
  20. I never said all of you, I said “many Americans”. I know there are quite a few very savvy Americans who have a good sense of humor, and they know America is not at all perfect, and certainly not ‘the best country in the world’ or ‘god’s own country’, as many Americans seem to believe.
  21. The white supremacy should already have come to and end, because everybody knows that we all hail from somewhere in Africa, a couple of thousand generations ago. So every white supremacist has black ancestors, but they just refuse to believe that and make up their own reality. They also don’t care that native Americans were/are the original inhabitants of the continent.
  22. Quite right. It’s very important to be able to laugh about yourself from time to time, not always take yourself too seriously. Many Americans to me seem irony or sarcasm impaired, as well as thin skinned when anyone dares criticize (either real or perceived) America and/or Americans
  23. You have a funny way (sarcasm alert) of interpreting my posts. From what I have seen so far from the Shin clan, they don’t give a toss about Thailand or the Thai people, they only care about money and power. So I have no reason to believe it will be different this time, if Paetongtarn were to be elected as PM. That’s why I said I KNOW that that would not be good for Thai people. Like putting your foot in a live bear trap: you just know that is not going to end well. But, like I said before, that is just my opinion.
  24. How did I denigrate anyone? You really read way too much in what I said. It’s not because I don’t like certain persons (although I really don’t like the Shin clan), but it’s because I know they’re not going to be good for Thailand and its people when elected, only good for themselves. So I think it would not be good for Thai people if they voted for Paetongtarn. That is my opinion. Is it okay with you to state my opinion here? Jeez.
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