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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. You got that right, the Trump clown show. Have you seen what he posted (in literally hundreds upon hundreds of posts) on Truth Social over the past few weeks? He just keeps going on and on and on about the election being stolen from him, the radical left destroying the country, the FBI colluding with the US government against him, he keeps insulting and/or threatening everyone who ever said something bad about him. And the MAGA crowd loves it and can’t get enough of their oracle spouting the most ridiculous nonsense and idiotic conspiracy theories. That man really needs to take a chill pill and accept that he’s a has-been, and also that he’s going to be toast soon.
  2. Police: 25 torture chambers discovered in liberated areas of Kharkiv Oblast: https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/police-25-torture-chambers-discovered-in-liberated-areas-of-kharkiv-oblast Moscow’s systematic war of terror in Ukraine. Expect many more of these torture chambers to be discovered as Ukraine liberates more of its territory. The USA and EU need to step up their military aid to Ukraine and deliver the kind of serious weaponry that will enable Ukraine to kick Russia out of their country and end this nightmare once and for all.
  3. They really don’t care, not one iota . If a Democrat did it, they’d be screaming to lock them up up, but now that their guy did it they’re totally okay with it. It’s called selective outrage. Evangelicals are very religious, or so they say, but tens of millions of them voted for Trump, probably one of the biggest sinners out there. How they justify that is a total mystery to me, but they do, and they’re proud of it. Ignorance and arrogance.
  4. A very large majority of Ukrainians (89% of Ukrainian speaking, 76% of Russian speaking) said they opposed territorial concessions to Russia.
  5. Apparently Putin hires actors for his photo ops. The same people can be seen with him in these pictures, just in different clothes/uniforms.
  6. Russian authorities have announced that soldiers and state employees deployed to fight in Ukraine will be exempt from income tax. Russian forces can also receive ‘gifts and rewards’ for their services in Ukraine, according to new decree. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/12/31/russia-grants-tax-amnesty-to-encourage-troops-fighting-in-ukraine That will surely have Russian men enlist in droves. That really outweighs the risks, not to have to pay income tax and to receive gifts and awards when you get your nuts blown off in Ukraine. Or worse. How desperate can you get?
  7. No response so far. Hopefully Xi will ‘regretfully’ decline.
  8. We can expect a lot of crazy stuff from the Republican majority in the House the next two years, since they have already announced they are launching about 50 investigations. MTG said the most important topic to her was Hunter Biden’s laptop. Think about that for a minute. Not the soaring inflation, not the fact that many people can’t pay their bills anymore, not the price of health care, the gun violence, immigration, minimum wages, the ever increasing polarization in US society, or anything else that would be important to any normal/sane person. It’s all about Hunter Biden’s laptop for the MAGA freaks, nothing else matters at all.
  9. Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov is roasted on social media for doing 40 push-ups on a Russian talk show. Whatever happened to his promise, by the way, of sending his three sons to fight in Ukraine? Just asking.
  10. The whole system is corrupt to the core, but they have to make it look like they are doing something against it. So sometimes they make token arrests, and sometimes even a big fish gets caught. My suspicion is almost always that the guy in question didn’t share enough of his wealth (i.e. bribes) with his equally corrupt colleagues.
  11. Negotiating Russian style: Russian foreign minister Lavrov said Kyiv must accept Moscow’s demands for ending the war or else suffer defeat on the battlefield. ”Accept our demands, otherwise the issue will be decided by the Russian army”. So much to being open to negotiations. https://www.reuters.com/article/ukraine-crisis-idAFKBN2TB01G
  12. Russia is ready to negotiate with all parties involved in the war in Ukraine but Kyiv and its Western backers have refused to engage in talks, President Vladimir Putin said in an interview aired on Sunday. An adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Putin needed to return to reality and acknowledge it was Russia which did not want talks. "Russia single-handedly attacked Ukraine and is killing citizens," the adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, tweeted. "Russia doesn't want negotiations, but tries to avoid responsibility." https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-says-russia-ready-negotiate-over-ukraine-2022-12-25/
  13. That SOB is a prime candidate to being fragged by one of his own troops, and I wouldn’t blame the guy who did it. What an absolute pos.
  14. The scary thing is that she is by far not the only nut job there: Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Louie Gohmert, Rick Scott, the list goes on and on. These people have absolutely no interest in doing things for their constituents, or doing things that are good for the country. All they care about is pushing their lunatic agenda and - perhaps even more important- sticking it to the Democrats, or anybody else who doesn’t agree with them. To think that a dumdum like Herschel Walker almost got elected gives me the chills. Scary stuff.
  15. My uncle was as fit as a fiddle until he blacked out as well while driving his car. Fortunately it was a Volvo, and both my uncle and aunt were lucky to walk away from the accident with minor injuries.
  16. Duma prepares higher taxation for Russians who left country: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/duma-prepares-higher-taxation-russians-who-left-country-speaker-2022-12-25/ The oligarchs have more than enough money to help out mother Russia in this time of need. But they won’t. So what does the Duma do? Purely out of spite, they raise taxes for those who fled the country to save their lives. How pathetic.
  17. If he seriously starts taking away money from the Russian kleptocracy, he will very probably die a mysterious death (fall down some stairs, or out the window, have a ‘heart attack’), like so many Russian oligarchs before him this year. The world would be a much better place without that scumbag, so here’s hoping he will soon be worm food.
  18. Ukraine refused to deliver dirt on Biden (Hunter and/or Joe) to Trump. I’m guessing that has a lot to do with it, seeing as how many Republicans seem to have a huge hard-on for Hunter Biden, and they desperately, and I mean obsessively, want to see him go to jail.
  19. In the meantime, while her husband (deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov) was no doubt busy plotting more evil acts against innocent Ukrainian civilians, Svetlana Ivanova spent US$85,000 in a Paris shopping spree. The word I would describe her (and her husband) with begins with a c, but unfortunately I can’t use that word on this forum. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/wife-of-vladimir-putins-deputy-defense-minister-spent-dollar85000-in-paris-shopping-spree-as-russia-devastated-ukraine-with-bomb-attacks/ar-AA15z8LJ?ocid=FeedManager
  20. Russia at it again, deliberately attacking civilian targets, this time in Cherson:
  21. If you want to discuss shameful pictures of a debased civilization, maybe you should go and take a look in Ukraine, how Russia is systematically trying to destroy the infrastructure there, and is knowingly and willingly sending millions of people into a very cold winter. Maybe you should go and take a look in Bucha, where the Russian military tortured, raped and executed hundreds of innocent civilians. Like they did as well in many other towns and villages in Ukraine. Maybe you should go and take a look in Mariupol, where the Russians are eradicating every single sign that it was ever a Ukrainian city. Including that concert hall, where hundreds of people were taking shelter, and Russia decided to drop a bomb on it. So if you want to discuss debased civilization, I think Russia should be the number one topic.
  22. Indeed, nice one, and great news for democracy. If the USA and EU hadn’t helped Ukraine, Russia would now be knocking on the doors of the Baltic states, maybe eastern Poland and Hungary. So Ukraine, with the help of the West, is keeping the fascist dictator Putin and his cronies from achieving their goal of restoring the old USSR in all its old glory. I would say that is great news for democracy.
  23. The government of the United States in 2020, wasn’t that Trump’s own government? So what he’s saying is that they cheated themselves out of winning the 2020 election? I really can not believe how someone can still believe the garbage this man keeps spouting.
  24. “Citing the Dutch right-wing populist Forum for Democracy party” I am Dutch. This Forum for Democracy party is way past ‘right-wing populist’. They have gone full-on fascist, racist and anti-semite. The leader of this party said that he is a big fan of Putin, and that the war Putin started against Ukraine (and the West) is one of the most hopeful things in the world today. Just to give you an idea of the la-la-land these lunatics from Forum for Democracy live in.
  25. A St Petersburg politician has asked prosecutors to investigate Russian President Vladimir Putin for using the word "war" to describe the conflict in Ukraine, accusing the Kremlin chief of breaking his own law. Putin has for months described his invasion as a "special military operation". He signed laws in March that prescribe steep fines and jail terms for discrediting or spreading "deliberately false information" about the armed forces, putting people at risk of prosecution if they call the war by its name. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-politician-files-legal-challenge-over-putins-reference-ukraine-war-2022-12-23/ Somehow I don’t think Putin will be charged for this ‘crime’……
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