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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. I’m glad to see sanity prevailed in Georgia. But only just…. I mean, how can 49% still vote for someone like Herschel Walker? Absolute madness.
  2. Don’t worry, I’m sure his name will start popping up in quite a few subpoenas and indictments soon enough.
  3. Refresh my memory: when was the last time Indonesia bombed any Westerners?
  4. Not to mention Georgia AG Fani Willis. I understand she wants to have everything wrapped up before the end of the year, so I expect indictments to come down soon. Lock him up!!
  5. I’m quite sure Putin isn’t losing one second of sleep over this, he couldn’t care less how many lives have to be sacrificed to achieve his goals.
  6. In Thai society there are myriads of intricate and very strict rules and regulations on how to behave and treat others. People are more or less forced/obligated to behave in a certain way and I think this causes lots of tension and frustration. All that apparently does not apply to how to behave in traffic, it’s every man/woman for themselves. I have seen a bus driver help an old lady get on the bus, and not one minute later he deliberately cut off a woman and child on a motorbike, because he didn’t feel like waiting for two seconds. People in Mercedes Benz and expensive cars like that flash their lights and expect you to get out of their way. If you don’t, they will run you over and say it’s your own fault. Besides, this guy is a police captain, he can pretty much do as he pleases. This is the country of ‘do you know who I am?’ after all. Privileged people here just expect to be able to get away with murder (quite literally).
  7. Quite right. If memory serves, it was less than one month into his presidency that he took credit for how great the economy was doing. The man can’t say ten words without tooting his own horn. Or attacking someone who he feels slighted him.
  8. My link also says this: Jennifer Griffin, a national security correspondent for Fox News, confirmed the president’s remarks Friday. “According to one former senior Trump administration official: ‘When the president spoke about the Vietnam War, he said, ‘It was a stupid war. Anyone who went was a sucker’, Griffin said.
  9. https://www.syracuse.com/us-news/2020/09/fox-news-confirms-trump-mocked-us-troops-as-suckers-biden-calls-him-a-disgrace.html
  10. I really don’t know what you’re on about. One source printed a story. Four other sources confirmed it was a true story. End of story.
  11. I really can’t follow your ‘logic’. If a person told a lie and four persons confirmed that that person told a lie, then it’s probably true that that person told a lie. Is that simple enough for you? And didn’t you get the part that even Faux News confirmed it? That to me alone is enough evidence.
  12. Trump denies a lot of things. But even Faux News confirmed it: https://vietfactcheck.org/2020/09/25/did-trump-really-call-members-of-the-military-losers/ Claim: On Sept. 3, The Atlantic published an article claiming that President Trump called members of the American military that have died, or captured, in wars, “losers” and “suckers.” Rating: This claim is MOSTLY TRUE. Although Trump has denied making those statements, a number of other news outlets, including Fox News, have confirmed The Atlantic’s reporting. In addition, there is a video of Trump calling the late Senator John McCain a “loser” for being captured during the Vietnam War.
  13. President bone spurs also called dead US soldiers ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’. He’s a real class act. It’s a mystery to me how anyone in the military could even consider to vote for Trump.
  14. That doesn’t stop some posters here from worshipping him like the second coming of Christ.
  15. That is not entirely true: everyone who agrees with him or kisses his ample behind can say whatever they want, no matter how racist, anti-semitic or homophobe it is, just as long as they don’t say anything bad about Trump.
  16. Putin to visit Donbas, not clear yet when or where. Keeping my fingers crossed for that one Ukrainian sniper who will be able to take him out.
  17. This absolutely vile p.o.s. deserves a long stint in jail and all his money and assets taken away from him.
  18. Here’s a scary prospect: ‘Putin’s private warlord is plotting power grab, Wagner defector warns.’ That guy Prigozhin really gives me the creeps. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/putin-s-private-warlord-is-plotting-power-grab-wagner-defector-warns-6v7spmtp5
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