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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Your saying it’s a unanimous opinion doesn’t make it true. You know that, don’t you?
  2. Not just 64 court cases, but among those were (very) conservative Trump appointed judges, and even they concluded there was no evidence of election fraud, or they refused to even consider the cases brought before them and kicked them out straight away. But you can throw as much real and verifiable evidence at hardcore MAGA Trump cult followers as you want, they will never in a million years accept it. They live in their own reality and have their own truths, completely free of facts, and there is no way in hell they are ever going to accept anything from anyone who doesn’t belong to their cult.
  3. I seem to remember him saying he kept it under his bed. But then apparently it somehow mysteriously disappeared, since he failed to produce it.
  4. If you had any credible evidence I’m sure it would be allowed here.
  5. More posters in this thread have already cried ‘election fraud!!’ But when asked to deliver even the tiniest bit of evidence for their claim, it always remains strangely quiet. I wonder why that is?
  6. Ukrainian intelligence have been listening in on phone calls Russian soldiers make to their loved ones back home. Here’s one such conversation you won’t forget in a hurry.
  7. New York Post taunts Trump’s presidential bid with ‘Florida man makes announcement’ teaser at very bottom of front page. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/new-york-post-taunts-trumps-presidential-bid-with-florida-man-makes-announcement-teaser-at-the-very-bottom-of-the-front-page-11668615237 They buried the story on page 26: ‘With just 720 days to go before the next election a Florida retiree made the surprise announcement he was running for President….he has stated his qualifications include being a very stable genius’.
  8. I’m talking about the contents of Trump’s noggin, which I am quite sure is much more disturbing than the contents of that laptop.
  9. While the former creep said you should just grab women by the you know what. You really want to discuss what kind of scumbag Trump is?
  10. Mr. Trump can say a lot of things, and he usually does, but unfortunately so little of it is actually true. They asked him numerous times. He never handed anything over. That’s pretty much the gist of it. And that’s why they decided to go and get the documents themselves.
  11. He beat Trump by a pretty significant margin (7 million votes), didn’t he?
  12. Please provide one single shred of evidence that the tampering of the votes keeps happening. So far, almost all of the voter fraud in the 2020 election was done by Republicans.
  13. The only one acting outside the law was Trump, by taking (highly) classified documents to Mar-a-Lago and hiding them from the authorities.
  14. If you think losing by 7 million votes is a close election….
  15. A missile intended to shoot down a Russian missile. If the Russians hadn’t fired that missile at Ukraine, there would have been no need for Ukraine to fire their anti-missile missile.
  16. Can add that to the more than 30,000 lies Trump told during his four years as president. And the countless more lies he told after getting slaughtered in the election by Joe Biden. And you would have to be a very, very bad presidential candidate indeed to get slaughtered by 7 million votes by someone like Joe Biden.
  17. I don’t watch CNN. I have seen what Trump has done, and what he says, the way he speaks. Trump is a 100% narcissist.
  18. Truly selfless leader? You mean the biggest narcissist that ever lived, who only cares about two things: his ego and his bank account.
  19. I really hope Trump becomes the Republican nominee. The man is rubbing more and more people the wrong way, even quite a few Republicans are getting sick and tired of him repeating the same old drivel and election lies over and over again. Must be a walk in the park for whatever Democrat is going against The Donald in 2024.
  20. Two Russian missiles hit NATO member Poland, killing at least two people. The sh*t may have just hit the fan…..
  21. After arriving in Indonesia for G20, Russian foreign minister Lavrov was taken to the hospital. Of course Lavrov dismissed this as fake news. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-14/ap-newsalert-indonesian-officials-russian-foreign-minister-sergey-lavrov-taken-to-hospital-after-arriving-for-g-20-summit-in ****Disallowed link removed****
  22. How come Putin never bothered to visit the ‘liberated’ areas that were annexed by Russia? Maybe because he’s too much of a coward, unlike Zelensky.
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