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Everything posted by Dario

  1. The government has offered Pfizer shots for 12-17-year old teens and said that all of them whose parents have given their consent could all be vaccinated by the end of October. Our daughter (12y 4 months) just received a phone call (at 20:45 in the evening) from her teacher and was told that she should go and get her 1st Pfizer shot tomorrow morning at 08:30, Saturday October 16. Btw, my wife received her 2nd AZ shot today. Are there any other members of this board whose kids have already received their first shot?
  2. My wife had an appointment for her 2nd Astra Zeneca shot for Friday October 15. Two days ago someone from the local hospital called her up and said shot is postponed ran out of AZ. Today they called back and said she can go tomorrow morning, AZ has arrived. The hospital is in Rattanaburi, upper Surin province.
  3. Yes, I like Old country as well, my favorite, but now Lotus's is also selling Rexona, very popular in Europe
  4. May I ask your age and if you have any existing problems like heart, diabetes, etc? I learned somewhere that younger people suffer from side effects whereas older people have no problems.
  5. Just for your info: My son took one of our LG Plasma TVs to Bangkok and had the power supply replaced with a brand new one for 2'800 Baht in a small shop. But LG Service Center is unable to help. Shame on them! We will gladly give the facebook site of the repair shop to people interested.
  6. Received my second Pfizer mRNA vaccination shot yesterday in Khon Kaen. No side effects. 75+ years old with diabetes since more than 20 years. Received my Thailand Covid-19 Certificate in Thai and English which I believe is accepted in any country around the globe. Excellent work and environment provided by Bangkok Hospital Group. A big Thank You goes to the person who made this possible for us foreigners FREE OF CHARGE!
  7. We will never buy any LG products ever again. We had two 10-yer old 55" plasma TVs which we asked LG to repair. LG quoted us a price for the repair, the shop they had contracted in Sisaket took one of the two TVs to their shop, but brought it back two days later and said: "cannot repair, no more spare part available." The spare part in question is a power supply. In total I had bought four 55" LG plasmas, but two of them I sold together with our house i Pattaya. Plus eight LG air conditioners. Never, ever again. Customer service seems not to exist for them. What a fine company, huh?!
  8. Oh, great to know! I'm thinking of moving to Samui in the future.
  9. Well. I'm retied, so I have the time to trade. For me its' exciting, even in a down market. .
  10. That's because all the coins are down. I like your honesty. Trading is a 24 hour job, mind you.
  11. Yes, trading is the way to do it, to make money, not HODL. I'm trading xrp.
  12. I often shop at Tops supermarket in Surin, because it's the only store in our province where I can find some not every day western food. On SEP 12 I was in Khon Kaen with my wife for my first Pfizer shot. After that was done we went to the basement at Central Plaza to do some shopping at Tops supermarket. Boy. is tat thing huge! I have never seen anything comparable. Amazing! If you happen to be in Khon Kaen again, check it out, it's really worth your time! The only thing I missed was a variety of good bread. They have Spanish salami Salchichon, hard to get by in Thailand. And a variety of Emmi Swiss cheese like Gruyere, Tilsiter, and Raclette. We'll be back there again on Sunday OCT 3 for my second Pfizer shot. Really looking forward to it!
  13. Please give us the source of your claim "the Pfizer 1st dose already gives 97% protection"! Because this is not true, that's why I ask. I am sure that you misinterpret some figures you might have seen somewhere. Look at this July 2021 report from Forbes:
  14. The ministry of public health said students 12-18 year will be given 2 Pfizer shots starting October 3 or 4. So, what is this news about kids have been given Sinopharm vaccine? Does the government backtrack on their promise?
  15. I can't believe this, there are still people debating if they should get vaccinated or not. 24 pages and running. I simply can't believe this. Go and get your shots (men, they are given free of charge!) and continue social distancing wearing one, but better two facemasks whenever you are outside of your home and wash your hands all the time, all the time. Get your kids 12+ years old vaccinated as well.
  16. Charlie, it is confusing for most of us. I understand all what you say is correct. Still, we need to be all vaccinated, for the simple reason: it most possibly protect you from death. If you catch covid and have been vaccinated twice with a booster shot when it comes due, you might not end up in an ICU. What those people have to endure, I don't ever would like to be confronted with. So, at least two covid shots for any adult is a must. It can save your life something like 90.0%+ for sure. Sow, we all must do it. I don't care about certificates. If I get one after my 2nd Pfizer shot on October 3, that'll be good. I will continue to wear two face masks every time I leave my home and wash my hands about 20 times per day. This will protect me from catching covid. Luckily, the Thai Public Health ministry has decided to give two free Pfizer shots to all the kids 12 years up who need to attend on-site classes starting November 15. VERY GOOD! For once I applaud the Thai government. Because kids might don't die from covid, but once infected with covid, can pass it on within their immediate family. I'm approaching 76 and have diabetes since over 20 years. The two Pfizer shots should protect me from ending up in an ICU. And all the protection I just mentioned, might save my life. I'm not done yet, I still have much I would like to do. Bottom line, Charlie: everybody needs two shots, young and old, and continue like before social distancing, wearing face mask(s), better two than one, and washing hands all the time, all the time. In my native Switzerland, people are fed up wearing facemasks, they are like little kids who want to do what they thinik is best for them. They are organizing huge protests same like in Thailand, with the difference, that they don't want to be vaccinated. B***sh**! Good Luck, Charlie!
  17. The Swiss daily BLICK just reported in its last edition a case where a 15-year old girl entered on-site classes beginning of September. Apparently she tested negative at a covid test performed when she entered school, but just after a few days at school she felt ill and had cough, but the covid test result showed negative, so the parents thaught she had a common cold. Her father did not trust that test and arranged privately for a PCR test, which 2 days later came out positive. It was a shock for the family. Her father arranged for additional PCR tests for him, his wife and a second daughter. The result was that the father tested positive. He got high very fever and breathing problems. He lay one week in bed. "Still now I can hardly climb stairs. I have depressions and sleeping problems. If I wouldn't have been vaccinated (but I have), I might would have died." This is not an isolated case, there are more cases in Swiss schools where kids caught covid and passed it on in their family. Ciovid-19 seems to be a never-ending learning curve. Our 12-year old daughter will definitely take two Pfizer shots.
  18. Can anyone tell me where I best go to buy quality meat to make steak or filet mignon in Pattaya?
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