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  1. The Iowa poll captured something that pollsters may have missed and may propel Harris to victory in this election. It's the women. If significantly more women than men vote in this election, Trump is toast. [This shift isn’t just evident in Selzer’s Iowa poll. Look too to Kansas, where another long-running survey recently showed Harris doing far better than Biden did in 2020.] [Both polls suggest a swing of around 10 points toward Democrats in solidly red states in America’s heartlands. And both find common cause for that swing: women.] https://www.thedailybeast.com/five-reasons-to-believe-kamala-harris-is-going-to-beat-trump/
  2. Tip of the iceberg. Putin is desperate. I'd imagine there are plenty of MAGA types getting paid by Russia....starting with Tucker Carlson.
  3. I was rather shocked about the Iowa poll, even though it's a tiny state. It could portend the momentum going into the election. States that Trump figures are a lock may not be anymore. Think Texas, Florida...etc. As for your comment that "Trump supporters won't accept it and will take to the streets in a violent uprising".....let them try. More lawless right wing nutters in prison is a good thing.
  4. Jealousy is unbecoming. There's plenty of females to go around. But the truth is charm and personality goes a long way in Thailand. Thai girls love a witty guy....in the Thai language of course. I've seen many charming Thai guys who can literally talk the panties off of the hottest girls. So this myth that Thai girls are only about money is not entirely accurate. Well, most of the Thai girls who are after farangs may be about money. But the other 90%+ of Thai girls prefer a guy with some personality (again, in the Thai language).
  5. I just received the 2nd notice dated 24 Oct. I'm going to complete and send that one in too. I assume the SSA will realize it's a duplicate if they receive both. Better safe than sorry.
  6. Get real. The ONLY people who might be offended by Biden's gaffe are Trump supporters.
  7. Wow man, do you actually believe what you're shoveling? So you're saying Biden and Harris should want Trump to be assassinated. I too believe that Trump is a fascist and should not be near the levers of power. But I don't want to kill the guy.
  8. I honestly cannot wait for this election to be over. And after Trump loses, perhaps these "decent Americans" will start coming to their senses.
  9. This post pretty much explains it. Trump supporters buy into the lies. Not just about Trump, but about his political opponents. As for the question about "decent Americans".....I suppose anyone can fall for a scam or con.
  10. These are all Republicans and former Trump supporters speaking out....in their own words. Just regular Americans. Short 1 minute clips.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg7TVCmyfuA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX27vsJkMrI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ8ManuJxJ4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiHy-ldJeHE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2VoW_21rWc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOPNzxNsEaQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6jMHNMBxV8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grRO1W4bYa0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfUQhLO2BO4 Many, many more of these clips, but you guys get the point. That's the difference between 2020 and 2024. There seems to be a lot more Republicans against Trump now than then.
  11. Same as me! I just received In Chiang Mai yesterday and mailed it off today. The form says we have 60 days to return the completed form, so I'm not sure if there will be a problem. I wrote in the remarks block that although the form was dated 6 June, I received it on 23 October. We'll see I guess.
  12. Yeah, can't argue with that. McConnell probably contributed the most to Trump's legacy. Those 3 conservative judges on the SCOTUS couldn't have happened without him. But I was struck by his comments relating to the MAGA-types, i.e., "people who haven’t been as successful as other people and providing an excuse for that..." That's pretty much what MAGA is about, victimhood.
  13. I don't agree with Mitch McConnell about much of anything. But he knows Trump better than most in MAGA world. Some excerpts from his new book.... [Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered a scathing assessment of the modern Republican Party in an upcoming biography, saying the “MAGA movement is completely wrong” and that Ronald Reagan “wouldn’t recognize” the party today.] [“Trump is appealing to people who haven’t been as successful as other people and providing an excuse for that, that these more successful people have somehow been cheated, and you don’t deserve to think of yourself as less successful because things haven’t been fair,” he said.] [The Kentucky Republican did not mince words, calling Trump a “sleazeball,” a “narcissist” and saying that the former president is “stupid as well as being ill-tempered.” He added that Trump is “not very smart, irascible, nasty, just about every quality you would not want somebody to have.”] https://www.yahoo.com/news/mcconnell-says-maga-movement-completely-225105784.html
  14. That chart of yours was obviously created by a right wing nutter. Everyone has an opinion.
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