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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. No offence but you seem pretty sensible - why would you want to iD as a marxist? Is it just an academiic thing or serious? I guess you're aware of the horseshoe theory - at least you're allowed to keep your 'stuff' under capitalism. I guess marxism would be fine if you work high up in the regime but otherwise can't see the benefit. It's also NEVER worked in practice. Sorry for asking but WTF? You misunderstand. It seems many people refuse to admit that they're a Trump supporter because it would mean, among other things, that they fell for the conman and his scam. Sort of like falling for a Nigerian scam, most are too embarrassed to admit it. In the BritMan's case, he'd rather admit that he was a Marxist than a Trump supporter. Can't say I blame him.
  2. Trump's attack on Biden is pure projection. Trump is talking about himself.
  3. If Jack Smith manages to convict Trump before the elections, he should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. I think most of the world would agree.
  4. It turns out there are some adults involved in Trump's Truth Social. It was them who reported Robertson to the FBI.... [Former President Donald Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social, was one of the entities that reported a MAGA-loving Utah man to the FBI for threats to kill, among others, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and President Joe Biden.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/truth-social-reported-trump-loving-man-killed-during-fbi-raid-report/ar-AA1f7rKQ?ocid=wispr&cvid=b85eb67034964d5b90564085ffd34eaf&ei=26
  5. Agree. Just calling someone an insurrectionist--albeit with a mountain of evidence--doesn't make said person one in the eyes of the law. But the Republican Party is within their rights to prohibit Trump from running. They won't, of course, as they're terrified of Trump's base.
  6. You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you? Which, of course, makes you a typical Trump supporter.
  7. So this is your idea of a free America, allowing all manner of wingnuts to threaten to murder the President. Not to mention Trump himself "encouraging" his unhinged followers to do harm to government officials. People have and will get killed over your idea of "free speech."
  8. He wasn't shot for "making a stupid post." Surely you would know this. The FBI was attempting to serve a warrant and the dude brandished a weapon. I'm sure more details will emerge. [Federal law enforcement sources told Fox News that Craig Robertson was killed around 6:15 a.m. Wednesday by FBI agents who were attempting to serve an arrest and search warrant at a Provo, Utah residence. A law enforcement source told Fox News Digital the individual had a weapon.] https://www.foxnews.com/politics/who-was-craig-robertson-utah-man-killed-fbi-agents-allegedly-making-threats-president-biden
  9. One less MAGA nutter.....so many more to go.
  10. Geez man, your entire defense of Trump is that lying is ok? Is that how you live your life, lying whenever it suits you? If not, why would you support a known liar? I honestly don't get you guys.
  11. Lying to the FBI/federal agent is in fact a crime.
  12. From all of your posts, you have proven beyond doubt that you are absolutely NOT an impartial bystander. At least be honest about that.
  13. This is so classic Trump. The guy really wants the US to fail when he's not in charge. So he can blame the guy in charge. Not just in sports but in everything. He would love it if the US economy went down the toilet, inflation through the roof, unemployment at 20%, stock market crash, World War III....Trump would be doing cartwheels. Because he doesn't care about America or the people suffering. It's all about him and taking credit. That's just how he rolls.
  14. Careful what you wish for. You think the Biden DOJ would indict him with zero evidence? No, only the House GOP would....except they can't indict.
  15. Agree. These special elections and the 2022 midterms--where Dems also overperformed--are much better indicators for 2024 than these polls. Because they are actual elections with actual voters. And yes, abortion is/will be a big deal, particularly with suburban women. The independents and moderates will determine the outcome. And these same voters who ditched Trump in 2020, are they going to say "well we didn't vote for Trump last time, but now that he's been criminally indicted three times this past year, we might just go back to him. Because we want a criminal in the White House!" Yeah, right.
  16. Nancy loves to get under Trump's skin. Because it's so easy. Works every time.
  17. "Incitement is the encouragement of another person to commit a crime" and is against the law. We already have enough information in the public domain--not to mention our own ears and eyes--to see that Trump is guilty of this. But proving it in a court of law, especially when freedom of speech is involved, becomes a little dicey. Jack Smith wisely decided not to pursue this charge, especially when he has others that are much easier to prove.
  18. Sometimes I think I deplore Trump's supporters more than Trump himself. At least Trump knows he's a lying conman doing what comes natural. But his supporters....I don't get how their brain works.
  19. Dershowitz lost his credibility long ago. He's known now for just being another Trump stooge.
  20. Lordy. The DOJ is not going to make accusations without facts/evidence to back them up. Especially not against an ex-Prez. You need to read the indictment.
  21. Are they his kids? If not, yea, pretty naive of the guy. There are some lonely farangs out there who are pretty gullible. Those of us who've been in-country for awhile know that we have other options.
  22. Yes, Trump has been a "useful idiot" for Putin. But once it's clear that he will never be POTUS again, Trump will no longer be useful.
  23. Yes, a HUGE improvement over the previous. God bless America!
  24. Looks like Phuket and Pattaya will be getting more Russian tourists.
  25. Trump should get used to the waiting. When he's incarcerated, he'll be waiting to be fed, waiting to go out in the yard, waiting to go shower, waiting for rollcall, waiting to use the phone...5555
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