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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Maybe Biden should have called Rudy "Putin's useful idiot." Better?
  2. Yeah, I stand corrected. I honestly believed that McCarthy would have a bag of tricks up his sleeve as Speaker to fend off Gaetz. But he didn't. And I also thought he would run again but he won't. Which makes it a total mess for the GOP House conference. At least the government isn't shutdown. But the Congress is.
  3. 5555...good one. The Donald would have bullet holes like Swiss cheese.
  4. It's really amazing to watch. It's a bench trial--agreed to by both sides--which means this case will be decided by a judge. The same judge that Trump just attacked and will be attacking probably daily. I mean....how stupid is that?
  5. Because Gaetz doesn't have an alternative who can garner the necessary support. Heck, it took McCarthy 15 tries to get the speakership in the first place. Even if he gets ousted, he could put his name back in the hat. Who else can get more votes?
  6. The sooner Ukraine wins the war the better but what makes you think that the war will end within 13 months? He's probably thinking that by Nov 2024, Trump would have lost the US general election. This would end Putin's dream of fractured NATO support. So yeah, if this war is still ongoing into late next year, it would most likely end as Putin won't have Trump as POTUS working on his behalf.
  7. McCarthy is actually trying to govern, but the right wing nutters won't let him. Just think about it, Gaetz wants McCarthy out because he engineered a bi-partisan deal which prevented a government shutdown. That's what a Speaker is supposed to do. Doesn't matter, Gaetz will fail in his quest. Why? Because nobody who's anybody wants that job.
  8. Do you even know this guy's history? Why make excuses for his behavior? Let's just say he's evil. Pure evil.
  9. This dude is one sick puppy....in a manner of speaking.
  10. Sure you can. If you can prove that she raped you.....????
  11. Your boy Trump says he supports unions. How do you feel about that?
  12. What's amazing is that this is a summary judgement by the court. The judge deemed the evidence to be so overwhelming--and the defense claims so weak and irrelevant--that there's no need for a trial. Trump is unquestionably guilty of fraud as charged. The trial will only deal with the penalties. There will be appeals, of course, but even that doesn't look promising. Trump is toast.
  13. Unfortunately for you, he's absolutely right.
  14. I've heard this as well and it seems there is an explanation. Firstly, most Thai women would prefer a Thai man due to simple cultural compatibility, language, and basic normalcy. But if they were to venture out to date foreigners, a lot of it would have to do with what media they're consuming. I understand that Korean soaps and movies are hugely popular right now. That being the case, some Thai women may prefer Korean men because of what they see in media. And yeah, Chinese and Japanese men have always been popular due to their light skin. But fret not, there are always going to be Thai women who think all farangs are rich and can save them from their lot in life.....555
  15. Agree. I doubt these people using the word "woke" even know what it means. It's kind of idiotic to throw around words and phrases that they don't even understand. But I get it, it's a MAGA thing.
  16. No it can't. Some people say this all the time in defense of high profile men who've been accused. Why do you guys do this? Do you worry it might happen to you? If you haven't done anything wrong, you need not worry. I don't worry even a little bit. And I've been with many, many women in my lifetime. But the likes of Brand, Andrew Tate, et al, yeah, they should worry.
  17. Sounds like you're conceding that Brand is guilty as alleged. You're probably right.
  18. Republicans don't know how to govern anymore. Grievance politics and culture wars, that's all they do.
  19. More like gay porn. I wonder how the membership drive is going....555
  20. Why don't you respond to my main point which is that most of these allegations turn out to be true.
  21. I don't know about the MeToo thing, but this former actor just got 30 years for a rape that occurred between 2001 and 2003. Maybe you can send him some money for cigs and Mama noodles. https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/live-updates/danny-masterson-sentencing/?id=102933801
  22. It seems many like you want to attack the victim right off the bat....in every case. This is a pretty consistent theme among right wingers who are more likely to be misogynist. But if you look back at the various allegations against powerful people (all of whom denied the charges), e.g., Bill Cosby, Jefferey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Roger Ailes, Danny Masterson, R. Kelly....just off the top of my head, all were guilty and most were convicted. I don't know much about this case, but if past history is any indication, Brand is most likely guilty as alleged.
  23. I doubt you're serious. Countries don't just assassinate other countries' leaders. Surely you understand that whoever replaces them could be worse. And it would be open season on every country's leaders. I doubt China would stand idly by. Fact is, if the US wanted to take out Putin or Kim Jong Un, they'd be dead already. They wouldn't have to wait for the two to be together.
  24. That's funny. Russia hasn't had a free and fair election in decades. Even if Putin was eliminated (by external forces, i.e., US), those in power will want to stay in power. Now if Putin was taken out by internal forces (i.e., Russians), whole different ballgame.
  25. Hmmm.....people who can't make it in Thailand do the same thing. They blame Thailand and everything else for their misfortunes.
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