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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. From Trump's own former Chief of Staff.... [Mick Mulvaney, former acting White House chief of staff, criticised Donald Trump's decision to run for the presidency in 2024, saying that he is the "only Republican who can lose" the race.] https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumps-one-time-white-house-121406881.html
  2. President Biden has already said that he's open to working with the Republican majority on a wide range of issues. But he also said that he will not allow the GOP to put federal restrictions on abortion, nor will he allow them to cut social security/medicare. Thank you Mr. President.
  3. News Flash: In his announcement to run for POTUS in 2024, Trump is already claiming that the 2024 election was stolen from him.
  4. The only good thing about Trump's presidency is that it was one term.
  5. Can't argue with that one....except Trump did win an election once. Lake?
  6. 5555....I doubt it. Trump needs a counterbalance as running mate, not a clone mini-Trump. Someone like a Tim Scott or Larry Hogan. Besides, having two losers on the ticket doesn't look good.
  7. Yeah, she can certainly get a job peddling right wing conspiracies. But then, nobody likes a loser.
  8. I've been waiting on this one. Not that it impacts my life at all, but because I can't stand that woman. A total nutbag who lies constantly. Kari Lake's 15 minutes of fame is over....thank God.
  9. It seems DeSantis became the darling of the right by taking on these silly culture wars. The right wingers love that stuff. Being a winner also helps, especially winning as big as he did. He seems bullet-proof for the moment, but Florida has its own set of problems. And if he ever announces that he'll run in 2024.....he's going to get it bigly from a certain former President. If he can survive the primary--what's left of him--we'll see if his schtick plays nationally.
  10. I don't know if your numbers are correct, but that's not even the point. The point in this mid term is that everyone expected a complete blow-out, with the GOP taking both the House and Senate in dominate fashion. Ditto the state legislatures and governor races. That didn't happen. I haven't seen or read any media that is talking about the popular vote. Simple reason is it doesn't matter one iota.
  11. A Trump indictment/conviction may be better for the Reps than the Dems. 1. It will get Trump out of their lives. 2. They can blame the Dems for "political persecution," a signal to the Trump base that they still support him....even though they don't.
  12. You're probably right about the SCOTUS, but keeping the Senate allows the Dems and President Biden to keep putting judges on the federal bench at a record pace.
  13. If the GOP manages to lose the Senate and Trump still decides to announce that he's running in 2024....I wonder how the Republican establishment will respond? There are many Dems who can't stand Trump, but there are Republicans who hate Trump more than the Dems. McConnell, Liz, Adam K., the Bush family, etc. Pretty soon, can probably add DeSantis. It will be entertaining to watch.
  14. It's just the nature of elections, 50 states, hundreds of districts, millions of voters, different laws, etc. But it's the closeness of the races that leads to delays. There's still counting going on all over the US, but if a winner has already been declared, nobody will care what the final numbers are. These two races in NV and AZ are close, so every last vote matters. If the Rep wins Nevada, we'll have to wait at least a month for the runoff in GA to find out who controls the Senate.
  15. You are correct. But if the Dems manage to win in AZ and NV, game over. GA won't matter. So it could be over in a day or two.
  16. Not sure how legit this is, but the Cook Political Report just called the AZ senate race for Kelley (D). So now it's 49 to 49. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/breaking-democrat-mark-kelly-defeats-blake-masters-in-key-senate-race-per-cook-political-report/ar-AA13Z52n?ocid=wispr&cvid=47b9e76346f24ffab4bb041281e9e550
  17. I'd rather pay money for a young hottie than get a freebie from an older lady. I don't think I can even get it up for an older lady.
  18. I think PTSD is real....but some people are more susceptible. Sort of like alcoholism. I knew guys who fought in Vietnam--in combat--and came back quite normal, little to no damage to their mental health. Yet, some people can get (allegedly) PTSD from an auto accident. But I'd imagine there are some fakers out there who simply have mental problems (or are just weak) but claim to have PTSD.
  19. If you say so. But a slim majority has its problems. I'm sure you're familiar with the "Manchin and Sinema" problem the Dems have in the senate. It will be several multiples worse in the House with all those MAGA morons trying to push their agenda. The Speaker will have his hands full.
  20. If anyone thinks that Trump will let DeSantis be crowned the GOP Presidential nominee for 2024 without a fight, they're in for a rude awakening. Trump will be going after DeSantis non-stop. He just released a lengthy statement, basically taking all the credit for DeSantis becoming Florida governor in the first place. [The ex-president took countless shots at—“Ron DeSanctimonious”— who he called “an average REPUBLICAN Governor” that has “the advantage of SUNSHINE, where people from badly run States up North would go no matter who the Governor was, just like I did!”] [Elsewhere, the ex-president accused DeSantis of “playing games” over not addressing if he intends to run for president in 2024. “Well, in terms of loyalty and class, that’s really not the right answer,” Trump added, while mocking DeSantis’ continual dodging of the question.] [“Trump’s going to end up doing to DeSantis and his wife what he did to Cruz and his wife,” an adviser told The Daily Beast.] https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-tears-into-ron-desantis-and-accuses-him-of-playing-games-over-2024?ref=wrap
  21. A lot of people on both sides criticized the Dems for helping extreme right wing candidates win their primaries. But it turned out to be a savvy move. Distasteful, but effective. I for one thought it was risky, but it turns out American voters ended up making the right decisions. In these races anyway.
  22. I actually agree with you for the most part. But DeSantis needs Trump's base. If Trump were to gracefully bow out, anoint DeSantis as his legitimate successor, and give him his full blessing....whole new ballgame. DeSantis would be formidable. But what are the odds of that happening? Maybe in a parallel universe.
  23. 5555.....before DeSantis could get to the General, he'd have to get through the Primary. Which means he'd probably be gutted like a fish by a certain former Prez.
  24. Come on. Trump did try to cheat but it failed because those running the states wouldn't go along. If he was successful at installing his goons in key places, e.g., governor of Pennsylvania, he'd have a better shot. That would have been the only way he could have won because the vast majority of Americans hate his guts.
  25. It appears you haven't been following the midterms at all and the forecast that predicted a Republican blow-out. That clearly didn't happen. The GOP will have a slim majority in the House and the Dems will probably retain the Senate. Not only that, the Dems won nearly all the Governor races in battleground states. This has huge implications for the 2024 Presidential election. I'm talking Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and possibly Arizona. Dems also took over the state legislature in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Kemp won in Georgia, but he's already demonstrated that he will not cheat for Trump. So the fear that MAGA types would somehow help Trump in 2024 ain't going to happen. That's a rather significant win for democracy. Trump may even reconsider whether to run in 2024 if he knows he can't cheat.
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