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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. 5555....thought you would know that the Speaker does not have to be a member of Congress. That's why Trump's name has been brought up as potential Speaker. You should also know that all members will be voting for Speaker, not just the majority. So technically, a Democrat could be Speaker if the Republicans don't get their act together.
  2. Wow, a rather unflattering portrait. I honestly did not know his military record was so dismal. Calling him a "former Marine" is almost an insult to the Marine Corp. [After a court-martial conviction in January 2008 on multiple counts "related to larceny", he was sentenced to 60 days restriction, reduction to pay grade E-4, and a bad conduct discharge.[9][10] The specific charges against him included "attempted larceny, three specifications of dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, wrongfully using another’s social security number, and ten specifications of making and uttering checks without having sufficient funds in his account for payment."]
  3. You make it sound like the Republicans in the House have it all in order and they certainly do not. They're in total disarray. They don't even know who their Speaker will be. My bet is on Liz Cheney.....5555
  4. Come on, that's just right wing nonsense. The US GOV has been working feverishly to try and include Whelan in the deal. The Russians balked. It was either Griner or nothing.
  5. Doesn't matter what the GOP House does, the report is on record in its entirety. We will all see it, as well as the DOJ.
  6. I doubt very much Bout will go back in business. Fact is, I'm sure others have already stepped in to take his place. And you have zero proof that Griner was a drug addict. No more than someone regularly taking blood pressure medication. I was wrong about 10 years left for Bout--he's only got about 7 years left. So if what you say is true, he'd be in business in 2029 anyways. [Bout, 55, nicknamed the "Merchant of Death," is a former Soviet Army lieutenant colonel who, according to U.S. officials, was trying to sell weapons to be used against Americans. He was serving a 25-year sentence at a federal prison in Marion, Illinois, and was set to be released in August 2029, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/more-sports/brittney-griner-is-free-latest-updates-on-wnba-star-s-release-in-prisoner-swap-with-russia/ar-AA1539VS?ocid=wispr&cvid=a396d7f577204de79dfb396761b87d33
  7. Griner had about 9 years left on her sentence, the Lord of War dude had about 10. So in that sense, it was an equitable trade. Having said that, 9 years for simple possession of a product legal elsewhere....a bit much.
  8. Agree. Sex tourists and gay people are easy targets....and perhaps political enemies. So gay sex is effectively outlawed since they don't recognize gay marriage.
  9. The better man won in this case. It would have been a huge embarrassment for Georgia had Walker won.
  10. Great example and highlights one of Trump's most glaring MO: taking credit for things he had nothing to do with.
  11. Trump had almost nothing to do with most of these things you listed. Two of his most significant "accomplishments" were the huge corporate tax cut bill and the appointment of judges. The tax cut bill was the work of Paul Ryan and the Republicans in the Congress, while the judges was all Mitch McConnell and the Federalist Society. All Trump did was sign where he was told to sign. A trained monkey can do that. One thing Trump did do well during his time in office was emboldened the racists and bigots. He did that all on his own.
  12. It might be helpful to remind you who was in charge of the FBI during this period. You should take it up with him. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the Biden Administration.
  13. It does seem like most non-Americans who support Trump are more white nationalist than their American counterparts. So I'm sorry your President is not white nationalist enough for you. Probably a good thing.
  14. Agree. Many more examples. Trump is easily the most anti-free speech President the USA has ever had.
  15. Agree that Trump should just go hibernate somewhere so we can stop talking about him. But he never shuts up. And fact is he's the only declared candidate for POTUS in 2024 and GOP front runner. So yeah, his nutty comments are still unfortunately news.
  16. CNN is reporting what Trump posted on Truth Social. What the freak are you on about?
  17. Trump is clearly losing what's left of his mind.
  18. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody..... [When Elon Musk wanted to bring Donald Trump’s account back to Twitter, he turned to one of the platform’s most familiar features to legitimize the move—a poll.] [There’s just one problem, multiple former Twitter employees say. The social network’s polls are magnets for bots and other inauthentic accounts. They’re literally designed to be spammed and gamed.] [“Polls are more prone to manipulation than almost anything else [on Twitter]. It’s interesting, given his [Elon’s] use of polls,” he added. Several other ex-Twitter employees gave similar assessments.] [Musk’s reliance on polls, former employees say, illustrates just how little Twitter’s new owner understands about the platform and the problems he once claimed to be deeply concerned about.] https://www.yahoo.com/news/musk-beloved-twitter-polls-bot-043735366.html
  19. Appears you're equating wealth with intelligence. So if I'm 10 times wealthier than you, does that make me 10 times smarter than you? Just saying.
  20. So you think Elon Musk is smart about EVERYTHING? That's the point.
  21. It's getting more surreal with this guy. Hard to see what his endgame is. In a way, Kanye is sort of like Elon Musk. Just because you've been wildly successful making money doesn't make you smart on everything. But they both seem to think they are.
  22. I too have been surprised by the recent weakness of the USD, relative to the THB. At the beginning of Nov, the USD was around 38. The US Fed jacked up interest rates again on 2 Nov and I thought we'd be off to the races. But the USD tanked and has been going down ever since. It does appear that other currencies are going down against the THB as well. Not sure what to make of it, but hope that the USD will rebound soon.
  23. You sure quote the NY Post quite often....a well known right-wing rag.
  24. Come on, everyone supports free speech. But there has to be limits if it involves public safety. For example, would you support banning someone from Twitter for propagating hate, misinformation, and violence?
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