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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Impressed by the generosity on this thread. Rock on.
  2. I actually agree with you in principle. People who took out a loan did so knowing they'd have to pay it back. Their choice. I never took out a student loan, instead, worked my butt off all the way through college (my grades probably suffered). I also know people who took out loans and paid it all back. So yes, not fair in many respects. But the Prez did make a campaign promise and he kept it. Many in his own party wanted as much as $50,000 in relief per student, so they're not happy. I suppose if both Reps and Dems are upset, then President Biden must be doing something right.
  3. I'm pretty sure there will be Republicans who benefit from this. Student loans weren't only taken out by Democrats.
  4. I'd already seen this news by the way....on CNN. But to the point, don't you see that this news FURTHER supports the notion that Musk should have done better due diligence BEFORE he signed the contract? I agree that Twitter has issues. Which is why I don't understand why Musk agreed to buy the company in the first place.
  5. 5555....a Trump library. I can see it now. "The Trump library announces the opening of a new section labelled "TS/SCI." Limited access only for premium members. And to be a premium member, you'll have to make a donation of at least $1 billion. Foreign donations welcome."
  6. A little late. The feds have been going over the documents for two weeks now, even returning some. The filing is more of a PR statement than a legal document. A rather amateurish stunt by his third-rate lawyers.
  7. I don't think the "big nose" comment in itself is racist. It's not as bad as, for example, saying someone is "ugly and smelly, so you must be from xxxx country." I don't see any attempt to denigrate another. But if it's a pattern of questionable behavior, i.e., the guy regularly using racist language and treating non-whites with disrespect, then it could be used as additional evidence to demonstrate that the dude is unfit for continued employment.
  8. 5555....I get your point. But since when does Trump ever care about truth and facts? He knew her background, yet made her Secretary of Transportation when he was POTUS. Trump is hyper sensitive about any criticism from high ranking Republicans. He knew McConnell had been ignoring him and didn't know how else to attack the guy in a way that really bites. So he goes after his wife, knowing that his hardcore followers--many of whom are inherently racist--would jump at the chance to attack any Chinese. I'll bet Mitch's wife has already gotten a few death threats over this. It's all very childish, but this is how Trump rolls.
  9. "Harold got his money's worth?" I beg to differ. I've gotten many hotter than Nong Nat and for a lot less. But I'll concede I don't remember what Harold ended up paying. I doubt even he would say it was worth it.
  10. "State terrorism"......??? How rich is that? What about invading another country you crazy woman.
  11. DeSantis is rather cunning. He knows how to reach Trump's base, which is to amplify the culture wars. He's supposedly a smarter version of Trump. But I tend to think that DeSantis is quite savvy, meaning he won't govern the way Trump did. He may just try to be a President for all Americans, not just those that support him. DeSantis has the capacity to become "Presidential," whereas with Trump, what you see is what you get. Although I'm not a big fan of DeSantis, I'd prefer him over Trump.
  12. It's pretty obvious why Trump is attacking Mitch. Mitch had just said that the GOP may not win back the senate during the mid-terms due to lack of quality candidates....read Trump's endorsed candidates are pretty lame. He didn't mention Trump but everybody knew. Trump knows that attacking McConnell is pointless because he just ignores him. So he goes after his wife. How cowardice is that? And of course, Mitch's wife served in Trump's administration. Not just any job, but a cabinet position.
  13. Most of you Americans may have noticed the USD, relative to the THB, has been in somewhat of a slumber. For awhile there, I thought the USD was heading to 37. But then it started to slide....which I take as the USD taking a breather. Well according to some economists, it's ready to start heading north again. One can only hope....555 [The U.S. dollar is back on the upswing and headed toward the year-to-date highs seen in mid-July following a period of relative dormancy over the past month as investors pulled back on expectations of an imminent U.S. recession.] [“In the ugly contest, the U.S. is the least ugly,” considering signs that the world’s largest economy can keep expanding in the third quarter, Chandler said via phone. “The fundamental reason for the dollar’s uptrend resuming is that our rivals and competitors are hurting more than we are.”] [A strong dollar tends to accompany tighter financial conditions in the U.S., while easing financial conditions typically sap the greenback’s strength.] https://www.marketwatch.com/story/u-s-dollar-is-on-fire-and-slicing-through-key-technical-levels-like-a-hot-knife-in-butter-11660927489?siteid=yhoof2
  14. Just a cursory glance at all the other comments and it doesn't appear anyone is afraid of dying....or afraid of death in general. I'm in that same camp. If anything, I sort of look forward to death as I believe that's when all of our questions will be answered....5555 The first being what happens when you die. What I am afraid of is the declining health thing. I'm late 50's and still very active. I've slowed down certainly, but still pretty solid. But I've seen old folks with health issues such as lack of mobility, poor eyesight, breathing problems, poor dental (unable to enjoy a meal), memory loss, migraines, arthritis, etc. Maybe it'll happen gradually and I'll be able to adapt. But at some point, it's going to get bad. As someone else said, it's a shame euthanasia isn't fully embraced worldwide. Could solve a lot of problems with people dying unexpectedly and without prior planning, not to mention needless suffering.
  15. 55555.....another right wing nutter. When Trump is indicted, I hope you will take it upon yourself to visit a FBI field office. Make sure to bring an AR-15 and a nail gun. I promise you will get their attention.
  16. Hmmm....it seems Alex Jones has turned on Trump. I for one can't stand Alex Jones and couldn't give a hoot what he thinks about anything. But many in Trump and MAGAworld listens to this guy. [Far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has thrown his backing behind Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, withdrawing his support for former President Donald Trump.] ["We have someone who is better than Trump. Way better than Trump," Jones said, describing DeSantis as the person Trump "should be like."] https://www.yahoo.com/news/alex-jones-turns-donald-trump-040546216.html
  17. You really think Wyoming sets the trend for the entire USA? Seriously? There's more people in DC than the entire state of Wyoming.
  18. Man, that is just total bull. If someone from any country wanted to buy one of his properties in the USA, he would gladly sell to them. Which he has, on many occasions. He would even employ illegals....which he has. On many occasions.
  19. Firstly, you mention a lot of "they" "they" "they." These people ("they") must be absolute geniuses to pull off this massive voter fraud and leave not a shred of evidence for Trump's army to find. "They" deserve some kind of prize for this tremendous (impossible) effort. Secondly, I'm financially secure and don't require much from our government. I just want an honest, decent, humble President who'll actually work for the American people. We have that now. What I don't want is a lying, racist, ignorant, incompetent, corrupt conman who wants to divide our country. We don't want that guy coming back.
  20. Maybe President Biden can offer her a job in the current administration. Perhaps....in the DOJ? [(Bloomberg) -- President Joe Biden called Liz Cheney on Wednesday after the Wyoming congresswoman and vocal critic of former President Donald Trump was defeated in her state’s Republican primary.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-called-cheney-after-her-loss-to-trump-backed-challenger/ar-AA10MgAi?ocid=wispr&cvid=284d3fc0f5734f1f849c72852987f2f3
  21. It seems you've filled your head with so much crazy conspiracy theories that you're almost beyond hope. But do you even understand how US elections work? It's run by the states. An organized scheme would have to reach all 50 states. States like Georgia and Arizona are run by Republicans, both at the governor and legislature. So why are you blaming Democrats? So many others have tried to explain to you, but it appears you've lost your ability to think rationally. That's ok. Maybe it's better that you don't vote ever again.
  22. Now that she'll no longer be running for reelection, Liz Cheney will be free to give her unfiltered commentary on Trump non-stop. She's going to be his worst nightmare. And as a diehard conservative, many in the Republican party will be listening. Should be interesting.
  23. Used to think that. But after the search warrant, not so sure anymore. Trump isn't running in 2022, so AG Garland may have some wiggle room. Because of his meticulous nature, he's going to make sure that every detail is covered. Which means if Trump is indicted, the evidence will be irrefutable.
  24. No, you are not. As clearly demonstrated by your endless stream of bias comments and predictable "likes." I do wish Trump cult members would be more honest. This is a freakin anonymous forum, for Christ's sake. Just admit you don't care about truth, facts, or reality. You worship Trump....end of story. If Trump receives a fair hearing and is convicted, you will cry bloody murder. You know this to be true.
  25. I have it on good authority that Kim Jong's last words to Donald was...."It's not you, it's me."
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