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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. It seems you don't understand how the world works. Sometimes the price for peace IS war. I'm sure you'd prefer Ukraine just roll over and give up their country to the Russians. As I'm sure you'd prefer Taiwan just roll over and give up their country to the Chinese. The likelihood of the latter would have grown exponentially if NATO hadn't intervened and Putin was successful.
  2. If Trump had won in 2020, he wouldn't lift a finger to help Zelensky. "You didn't investigate the Biden's like I asked, so you can go pack sand!" In other words, Ukraine would have been a part of Russia already. And Putin would have been anointed Russian Czar. The world would be a different place.
  3. Pardon me for asking, but who exactly is banning these words?
  4. I wondered about that as well. The whole bots saga was supposedly a deal-killer....until it wasn't. Just wondering if Musk is trying to play the courts, which was supposed to see this case 17 Oct. Musk apparently wants this case to go away. Twitter may not go along. We'll see how this thing plays out.
  5. Republicans may be overplaying this. The only people who get excited about his gaffes--or think it's a huge detriment--are people who are already against him. Most Dems know that Biden's mental faculties and judgement are still intact. He may not be as articulate as Obama or Clinton when speaking publicly, but he's still trusted. Besides, I don't think he'll run in 2024. Even he knows he's getting too old.
  6. Sounds like you desperately want Joe Biden to step down, thereby making Kamala Harris the POTUS. I wonder who the new Vice President will be?
  7. The right-wingers in Florida have seen the light. All of a sudden, socialism ain't so bad anymore. [But we here in Florida are temporarily suspending all criticisms of federal handouts and any other form of socialism. And as for those “Don’t Tread on Florida” T-shirts, ball caps and flags, we’re not in a go-it-alone mood anymore.] [So, what we really need right now is to rejoin the United States of America so we can rely on the all-for-one ethos of this country, an ethos we’ve suddenly become fond of.] [Or to put it another way: We’re too “soak” to keep flogging “woke.” So, please, come tread on us with your federal aid, with your utility trucks from distant states, and your emotional support.] https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/columns/2022/09/29/ian-desantis-seeks-help-biden-no-more-dont-tread-florida/10458601002/
  8. I wonder. Article just out.... [Hurricane Ian could cripple Florida's already-fragile homeowners insurance market. Experts say a major storm like Ian could push some of those insurance companies into insolvency, making it harder for people to collect on claims.] [Industry analysts say years of rampant and frivolous litigation and scams have brought Florida's home-insurance market to its knees, with many large insurers like Allstate and State Farm, reducing their exposure to the state in the past decade.] [Florida is already home to the highest insurance premiums in the U.S., something Charlie Crist, the former Florida governor running against incumbent Gov. Ron DeSantis, blames on his opponent.] https://www.yahoo.com/gma/hurricane-ian-could-cripple-floridas-164500343.html
  9. This storm appears to have devastated big chunks of Florida. I read a few months back that home insurance in Florida is a disaster, very few insurers left with premiums through the roof. And this was before Ian. Just curious what will happen to all those home owners if their insurance fails to make them whole and whether there will be much of a property insurance industry left in Florida.
  10. Joe Biden is doing just fine. In fact, I'm 100% certain that when he finishes his term, historians will rank him well ahead of the guy he replaced. These verbal gaffes? Seriously, who cares. Is he too old and pass his prime? Probably. The only reason he entered the race in 2020 was because he felt a solemn duty to get Trump out of office. And he was exactly what the Dems needed. A known quantity who was squeaky clean. The right wing media machine had nothing on the guy. That's why they kept after Hunter. It's all they had. For all his faults, I still wake up every day and thank God Joe Biden is the President and Trump is not. That's really all that matters.
  11. People will often ask what if so and so had been aborted? We would never have benefited from his/her contributions/goodness, etc. etc. I would retort by saying what if Hitler had been aborted? Or Ted Bundy? Or Jeffery Dahmer? Or Pol Pot? Stalin? Millions would still be alive, no? As for me, if I had been aborted, I wouldn't be here. It's as simple as that.
  12. I'm sure she feels the same about you. Can you converse intelligently in the Thai language?
  13. I sent over a decent chunk a month ago at 36.2 and thought I did great. Now it's over 38! I'll have to bring some more over soon.....which means it'll go to 40 shortly thereafter.
  14. Not all currencies are falling. The USD is doing rather well against nearly all other currencies.
  15. If Russia attacks Ukraine with nukes, NATO will be forced to do "something." What that something is I don't know. I'm sure the US DOD already has multiple scenarios gamed out, along with likely targets for military retaliation. But everything will be done with the goal of preventing all-out nuclear war. Because a nuclear war won't be good for anybody.
  16. Strange that you would link that article (from 2016) that doesn't help your case at all. It suggested that Trump's threat to go after Clinton if he wins was a rather dictatorial move. Nothing to do with J6.
  17. Good job Thailand. Leave the choice to the women and their families. And a good lesson for my home country the USA....don't let your country be run by religious nutters.
  18. Congratulations Edward, on your citizenship. Now go to Ukraine and die for your country like a good Russian!
  19. Geez man, you're exaggerating to the extreme. It's pointless debating with you if you're just going to be spouting nonsense. Joe Biden is doing just fine. I'm sorry if that disappoints you.
  20. Ronald Reagan was "diminished" in his last years in office. So what?
  21. Everyone suffers both a mental and physical decline as they age. Joe Biden is no different. A diminished President Biden can still do his job and is a HUGE improvement over the previous POTUS. So what else do you want to talk about?
  22. I take it you're part of the Trump cult. Nearly all of your comments are complete bs. But that's ok, you can visit your hero in the federal pen soon.
  23. Because crazy sht sells. And no one has done more crazy sht than Trump. Surely you can see how that dynamic works in the book selling business.
  24. Don't look now, but khun Trump has some choice words for his former buddy DeSantis. We can expect more nastiness from Trump if DeSantis continues to gain in popularity.... [The 45th president called the Florida governor “fat,” “phony,” and “whiny" when Haberman asked about him during a meeting late this summer at the Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey. It is not clear if Trump offers additional disparaging remarks about DeSantis that are documented in the book and not the Atlantic article.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-rips-fat-phony-whiny-desantis-as-he-aims-to-clear-2024-gop-field/ar-AA12eq1w?ocid=wispr&cvid=db3209fdc2f847a880b676c0b2f61b22
  25. I'm thinking the long range missiles would be more of a deterrent. If Putin thinks he can incinerate Kyiv with impunity, he will.
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