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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. I'm guessing it's the branch near Lanna Golf Course, left side if coming from Mae Rim into town. If someone knows better, please advise.
  2. Even Fox News admitted that there was never evidence of election fraud in 2020. To this day there has been no evidence, only conspiracy theories and innuendos. Yet a large swath of the Republican party still believes it. Is that the definition of ignorance or stupidity?
  3. Agree. It was horrible what happened to these women who were just doing their jobs. If there was ever a case for defamation, this is it. But Trump's army of lawyers won't give them much of a chance. If he's ultimately convicted....maybe.
  4. Even Fox News admitted that this latest hearing demonstrates clearly that there was never any evidence of election fraud. Yet, the sheep in Trumpworld continue to believe. [Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum on Tuesday said that witnesses testifying before the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol are laying out a “huge, stunning and clear moment” showing a lack of evidence to support former President Trump’s claims of an unfair election in 2020.] https://www.yahoo.com/news/fox-anchor-jan-6-witnesses-184713099.html
  5. "DeSantis + Trump's blessing"......55555555, that's a good one. You clearly don't understand khun Trump. ["Trump f---ing hates DeSantis," a Trump confidant told Vanity Fair. "He just resents his popularity."] https://news.yahoo.com/trump-reportedly-<deleted>-hates-184458023.html
  6. It's seems the Trump team has settled on its fall guy--John Eastman. The guy should have known. Loyalty only goes one way when it comes to D. Trump. It would be wise for Eastman to work out a plea deal with the DOJ. [With the Justice Department and Jan. 6 committee taking a close look at Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, he and his cronies could certainly use a fall guy, and it looks like they’ve found their patsy: right-wing lawyer John Eastman.] [Trump has confided to those close to him that he sees no reason to publicly defend Eastman...] [....the ex-president has repeated an excuse he often uses when backed into a corner, as investigators confront him with an associates’ misdeeds: He has privately insisted he “hardly” or “barely” knows Eastman...] https://www.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-trump-team-setting-eastman-000030253.html
  7. Not sure even Putin would want that dead weight hanging about. Maybe Kim Jong-un will take him. I recall Trump having a torrid love affair with the guy.....555
  8. Let's cut to the chase. It's not "kitchen table yanks" who pretend not to care about the J6 investigation/hearings. It's the hardcore Trump supporters who want/need to avoid the truth at all cost. In Trumpworld, truth is kryptonite.
  9. I heard it on late night...it's a joke. But it's true that pretty much all of the witnesses have been Republicans. So the idea that it's a Democratic witch hunt kind of falls apart when the witnesses against/incriminating Trump are from his own party.
  10. I heard McCarthy is upset that the hearings are completely partisan. "All of the witnesses are Republicans!"
  11. Yes, I get that. We all get that. Nevertheless, I look forward to seeing Trump in prison where he belongs (after he has his day in court, of course).
  12. You're asking why anyone wants Trump to go to jail. Simple reason: He committed crimes. Good enough for you?
  13. Hmmm....I've been with many Thai women and nearly all were happy to engage in passionate kissing and foreplay. Not sure what the OP is doing wrong. My advice is don't ask, just do it.
  14. It's like getting Capone for tax evasion. Trump's a slippery one. He's been getting away with so much for so long. If Georgia can do it, more power to them. Whatever works.
  15. It's funny how you guys attack polls you don't like, but can't stop bringing up Joe Biden's poll numbers. Wonder where those numbers came from?
  16. Trump is so dumb that he incriminates himself nearly every time he opens his mouth.... [Former President Donald Trump continues to very publicly admit he was involved in an “illegal” scheme to overturn the election, conservative attorney George Conway said Saturday.] [“He basically is still admitting that he put pressure on [former Vice President] Mike Pence to do something that was completely illegal.”] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-incriminated-himself-in-illegal-election-plot-yet-again-george-conway/ar-AAYCtsQ?ocid=EMMX&cvid=c0fbadff1e534ea38817ead861651523
  17. Regardless of the mid term results, the DOJ can still prosecute Trump unimpeded.
  18. Obviously, you didn't read the article. Let me summarize: It doesn't matter what Trump believed.
  19. Ah, the old "I believed my own lies defense." Not so fast. [Some have expressed the idea that such testimony might support a credible defense for Trump to any potential criminal charges — because he was deluded enough to believe his own BS. According to this misguided theory, Trump lacked the “criminal intent” necessary for conviction because he didn’t think he was doing anything wrong.] [Incorrect. The law distinguishes between refusing to accept inconvenient truth to get your way and mental disturbance sufficient to excuse illegality, between adopting strategic blindness and not knowing your facts from a hole in the ground.] [Judges commonly instruct juries that “willful blindness” to facts in front of you establishes criminal intent. A drug courier handsomely paid to carry a closed package into the United States doesn’t get off the hook by saying, “I never looked inside it.”] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/an-i-believed-my-own-lies-defense-won-t-work-for-trump/ar-AAYz5ok?ocid=wispr&cvid=419cba3e10484bfea5ddf3d33b5a7b34
  20. Ridiculous....but at least you didn't take 1,000 words to make yet another nonsensical claim. Even if Garland were to recuse himself, so what? His next-in-command could easily shepherd Trump's prosecution. The wheels of justice move slowly. But at least now they're going after that whole fake electors caper. [The Department of Justice reportedly is criminally investigating the formation of alternate slates of presidential electors for Donald Trump as part of a plan to undo President Joe Biden's 2020 election win. That probe is particularly focused on a team of attorneys who were working for Trump on that effort, The New York Times reported.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/doj-criminally-investigating-plan-for-alternate-trump-electors-with-focus-on-lawyers-report-says/ar-AAYy8Qd?ocid=wispr&cvid=5a2082419e9949c2b3b032ba1f6e4c28
  21. Agree. Arrest the lying [Trump] already so the country can move forward.
  22. Unfortunately, none of those names excite me. People may think Joe Biden is past his prime, but he's still the most trusted name in Dem circles. One name that I think could be a potential national player is John Fetterman. I realize he's currently running for a senate seat in PA. But this guy has the potential to capture a sizable portion of the US electorate.
  23. This will be hard to prove, in both civil and criminal cases. The key here is whether the sheep that were fleeced knew they were being fleeced and/or do they even care? Those in MAGA world aren't exactly the best and brightest the USA has to offer.
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